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The Spire.
"You have my faith." Nera bowed her head at Julian.

"Aw don't worry lil' guy!" Lacia patted his head cheerfully. "I'll salvage your ship for you!" She added, pretending to push up imaginary sleeves as she drew the wrecked ship up unto shore. She noticed the bag and with a twirl of a finger, a small cyclone of wind lifted it up and dropped it gently in front of them. "Look! I even got your stuff!"

Nera looked at the bag suspiciously. "What's inside? Open it."

"Aw but Nera! Its their stuff! That would be-" Lacia reasoned, but Nero pushed past her.

"I'll do it." He grunted, opening the bag to view its contents. "Well... damn." He stepped back so the others could see what was inside. There were a great variety of weapons inside, from swords and spears, to maces and warhammers, even bows, arrows and various firearms. Nero playfully produced an nunchuck and played with it a little. "Lookie what they were hoarding!"

"-The confiscated weaponry, of course." Nera sighed, shooting the little dragons a look that said both 'I will punish you' and 'Very good, I'm pleased'. She dipped a claw into the bag and produced a sizable steel and stone warhammer with a length of chain at the end that looked too big for her, though she handled it like it were a stick, propping it on her shoulder. "Consider me armed. I will be borrowing this hammer from its generous owner. As for protection... I have with me the most trustworthy of camaraderies." She gestured at the group. "I assure you, they're no children in the face of battle." She turned to face them. "Please help yourself to this little find, though try not to lose what ever you borrow as the owners MAY want their weapons back."

"Don't mind if I do!" Nero cackled, producing a polearm and a claymore from the bag. "That thing sure holds more than it looks like it can... what about you, Lacia?" He waved the nunchucks at the leopard girl before tossing them back into the bag.

"I got these!" Lacia reached behind her into her satin pouch and produced a crystal ball only a little larger than a baseball in one paw, and five smaller crystal balls about the size of golfballs in her her other paw. "They're not weapons, but they're what I'm good with!" She giggled.

"Balls?" Nero grinned at her, amusing himself with his comment.
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
"Yay weapons!" Shadow shouted as he pounced on the bag, throwing a few axes, hammers, and handguns in random directions before pulling out a pair of katanas, "I feel better now." he smiled.

"So much for mr. kung foo," Katt laughed, she grabbed two of the pistols that flew at her out of the air, spinning them around on her fingers like a professional, "Hmm," She grinned a bit, turning one hand and gun sideways and resting the other onto of it before firing, quickly moving and firing again, her shots sounding like they were coming from a machine gun instead of a pair of handguns. As the smoke from them vanished a number of bulletholes lay in the sand, spelling out 'Katt was here' "Hehe, think I found a weapon I like." she smiled as she picked a pair of holsters out from the bag and strapped it on, spinning the two guns before sticking them into the holsters, "Sure the owner won't mind if I borrow them."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"We're ready, then!" Mar nodded to the others, "Okay, Shadow, Ereth..." he then turned to the elder dragoness, "Nera, let's go in there!" he said, nodding to the three as he sped off into The Spire.

"Waiiiit! Don't leave us hereee!" Lina cried, struggling in Lizzy's arms, although Lino was too busy shriveling after F'Nerah's piercing gaze to complain at all.

"You'll be punished accordingly for the offenses you have repeatedly commited," Julian told the little dragoness, making a gesture to Lizzy, "Elizabeth, let's go back to the elders, we'll put them in a holding cell for now."

That's when Lino's eyes widened and he thought: "Nooo! Prison is ugly! I don't ever want to be near one again! It's over!" he then shut his eyes tightly, trying to accomodate himself to cough up a little ball out of his maw, which burst in front of Lizzy and revealed a spider-like creature which softly fell on Lizzy's snout.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!" Lizzy cried, suddenly stumbling back and dropping to her back, "I hate bugs! Take it off, take it off!" she said, flailing around as she stood back up and started running in circles.

"Hey! Calm down, Elizab, UGH!" Julian tried, grunting as he was knocked down when Lizzy crashed on him.

"Now, sister, run!" Lino said, running as fast as his little legs carried him, picking something from the weapon bag with his sister closely following him behind. The two infants then went past Mar, running past his feet.

"Oi!" The dragon called, but the siblings were now running so fast they couldn't stop, "Hey! Come back here!" Mar tried, speeding into the spire as fast as he could, and grunted as Lino and Lina disappeared from his sight, and instead he came to an abrupt half as several dark monsters with bloody red eyes tried to ambush him, "Crap, this party's already started!" he said, getting his swallow ready to fight.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Right behind ya Mar," Shadow shouted as he readied his swords, charging forward at the dark monsters, "Shadow vs dark monsters, round one, FIGHT!" he shouted as he plunged his swords into the nearest one.

"Kitt, go back, NOW!" Katt roared as she moved forward towards the monsters.

Kitt nodded, turning and walking slowly back to the safety of the pavilion, nearly getting trampled by Lizzy, "Ah, Ms. Lizzy, h-hold still," she said trying to get at the bug on her snout, jumping up and reaching for it, eventually knocking it away with her tail, "A-alright, it's gone Lizzy, are you okay?" she asked.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"This should help!" Ereth grinned, summoning another flame sphere in his right claw, and tossing it at Mar, the sphere hitting the other dragon's weapon, causing the blade part to become engulfed in permanent flames. "Now, for my next trick..." he added with a soft chuckle, closing his eyes and focusing, muttering an incantation under his breath.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
The spider-like thing popped into some little bubbles which burst in the air as it was knocked off. Lizzy stood up slightly angered, "Ooooh! That's it! He doesn't get huggies from me anymore! Hmph!" she grumbled, looking down at Julian, who had a bump on his head from having knocked his head on a fragment of a large boulder and was knocked out, "Eeep! Jully! We've to help him!" she exclaimed.

(The Spire)

Mar looked at Mastermune, which had been coated in Ereth's mystical fire, "Let's do it!" he said, slashing through one of the dark creatures and lifting its damaged form in air, finishing it off with a rapid succession of stabs, "This helps! And it's letting me see in here!" he told the others, raising the swallow in his claw to light the way towards the stairs, before another demon jumped his way, followed by other three who ganged on the large dragon to knock him down, "Fuck! There's too many!" he growled, more dark figures starting to mass around, hungry, crimson-bloody eyes accompaining them.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Since when have insurmountable odds stopped us?" Shadow grinned as he walked up next to Mar.

"We aren't leaving till we've rescued Dot, she's the only one in this group that doesn't drive me to the brink of insanity." Katt growled a bit pointing her guns forward at the army of shadows.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: Uhm, not to be picky, but remember there REALLY are uncountable amount of enemies in here, which means we don't really have a lot relax time. Hectic situation for the win!

By the way, Ray and AWL, I'm waiting for you guys D:
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Too many is never enough!" Ereth smirked, letting his claws out in front of him, a powerful blast of icy wind and ice shards freezing everything for a good distance in front of him. "We gotta push 'em back if we want to get upstairs!"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"That's right!" Mar roared out loud, crashing upwards to get rid of all the demons who had ganged up on him, "Book it, guys! Don't want to keep Dot waiting!" he said, swinging the swallow horizontally with all his strength to blow every enemy in front of him away with a powerful gust, "Okay! Path is a'go!" he said, kicking the ground to start running upstairs, conserving energy by batting the oncoming demons away with non-lethal blows instead of engaging them in direct fights.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad