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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay
"No. I think just bringing you like this will be fine. We'll trade you for one of the others, and you'll lull Mike into a sense of false security. Once you do, you'll take him by surprise and restrain him somehow. Then you can free the others, and the fairy can return you to normal. Maybe even kill Mike..." Hunter said. "If we're lucky, all will go according to plan," he whispered to himself. The door soon opened, and Alex looked at the two.


Hunter looked at Alexander, awaiting for a nod or something to show he was. Once Alexander did, Hunter would nod. "We'll go to Mike, and tell him we found Anna here, and that she is an old Saxon slave. We'll tell him we're willing to trade her for one of the girls," he explained. "Alexander will wait, and soon restrain Mike and knock him out, letting us grab the others. Once done, and the girls are safe, we may even be able to kill him..."

Alex nodded, but sighed. "Even the best laid out plans can go awry...Let's go." Soon the three walked off, on the way to Mike's room.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Alexander hated it, but knew it had to be done, and followed the two others out the door. As she did,s he practiced her slave posture and speech in her head. She needed to give off the feeling of a broken, obedient slave. This was not going to be easy. Soon the three of them arrived at Mike's room and could hear the soft whimpers of the frightened, abused girls behind the door. If one of them knocked they would hear the crack of a whip, a scream and then Mike would open the door.

"Well well, if it isnt tweedle D and tweedle wolf. What do you want? I do believe you all still have your women correct?" His eyes drifted over to "Anna" Who would not look up, choosing instead to watch her own feet, making no eye contact like a good slave. "Or have a present for me?" He said with a smirk. Behind him they could see his three unfortunate captives.

Ren was hanging upside down, suspended by her feet, her hands tied behind her and a dildo in her mouth which she was sucking vigorously. Two others were jammed into her ass and another into her pussy and her nipples had clipped weights that swung painfully from side to side.

Flare was tied to the bed, spread eagle, and was whimpering as a machine slowly pushed a large black dildo into her ass, which seemed very painful to her.She was gagged with a ball gag and wore a tight corset which seemed to be keeping her breaths short as the thing drove into her.

And lastly, Angy, who had been caught at one point or another, was hog tied and hanging by her arms and legs from the roof, every movement making the robes around her body to rub her privates. She was blindfolded and also gagged, but with a ring in place of a ball or dildo.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"We're here to trade. We'll give you this slave, for-"

"Flare," Alex said.

"...For Flare."

Alex looked at the girls, and knew Alexander was worth only one. While Angy did save his life, Flare was the most innocent. He had damned her to this life, and it was his fault she was here. It would be his action that freed her.

"What do you say, Mike? One slave, for another," Hunter said. "Flare for Anna."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Mike lifted an eyebrow at this and looked over "Anna" Thoroughly. "Hmm, I dont know. I rather like the red one. Are you sure you dont want to trade for..I dont know, maybe the yellow one?" By now Ren had noticed the distraction and was looking pleadingly at them, particularly Hunter. There was no rage or anger in her eyes, just desperation, she was broken, and soon her mind would be completely beyond repair...but poor Flare was even worse off than she was. The poor pokemon whimpered and cried softly to herself, unable to stop her flowing drool as her ass was fucked. "And tell me more about this Anna...why do you want to condemn her to this?"
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

"Flare, or no deal!" Alex growled.

Hunter glared at Alex, before looking at Mike. "It seems he is going to hold his ground. Flare, for Anna. A slave, for a slave. Deal or no deal, Mike."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Mike raised his eyebrow at this and decided to be difficult. "Well, you still havent told me anything about this lovely creature." He said looking at Anna. "And why do you want to condemn her to this?" He asked again, turning around and whipping Ren's thigh with his whip, making her scream and cry out, almost dropping the dildo, but she managed to keep sucking on it. "And besides, like I said, Im rather happy with the red one, you can take any of the other two, but not her. Otherwise, no deal, Im happy with what I got."
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Flare is the most innocent of them. She is like a child," Alex said. "She does not deserve to be here."

"Anna here has some elven blood in her. That's quite rare. Also, she is not as frail as others of her species. I'm sure a man such as yourself would love watching her crumble under your watch. Come now, Mike, Anna is a fantastic slave. She is not physically frail, so you have the opportunity to use some of your best torture techniques on her," Hunter said, mentally stabbing himself for saying it. He wanted to just take Ren, but if he did Alex might get mad and blow their cover. Stay strong, Brother, he though, looking at his old friend.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Anna winced a little as Hunter spoke, and whether it was a genuine one or just the result of good acting was unknown. "But," Mike said, walking over to where Flare was tied down. "Thats why I like her so much. Look at those adorable tears!" He mocked cruelly as he grabbed her face, which she had turned away from him, and forced her to look up at him as she cried. "Now what can beat that? Your elf girl? And besides, you still havent told me why you want your cute little slave to suffer. Has she wronged you? Is she blind? Is that why she is still standing here instead of trying to run away?" Flare whimpered softly, getting a smack across the face for the effort, and continued to cry softly.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Her? Back in the Saxon Kingdom, her mother tried to escape with her. We caught them, and in the struggle, Anna's mother was killed. As an example, the King of the Saxon ordered her to be punished for her mother's crimes. I'm sure you can punish her better than any, and you get to keep her. And she is not running away, because I threaten to slice off her legs if she even attempts to. I promise you, she will cry, especially if you simply mention her mother. She seems like the perfect slave for you, Mike," Hunter lied. "Anything you could ever want, is in this girl."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Anna" had to stop herself from glaring at Hunter, not exactly liking how he was building her up to be. Though she knew that it was all for the sake of the plan...she was not such a good actor as she was a warrior, and could hardly remember the last time she had even shed a single tear, much less cried. But in order to keep up this charade, she took one of her fingers behind her back, thankful that her hands were already back there, and dislocated it. Then, dropping all mental defense, she allowed the pain to fully enter her mind and managed to create a stream of tears from her eyes, though sobbing would be an entirely different matter.

Mike watched her closely as tears began to go down her face at the mention of her mother and scratched his chin. "What is the red one to you?" He asked Hunter. It was blatantly obvious that he was trying hard to get Anna sold off, which either meant he wanted Anna gone, or wanted flare back. Thinking it absurd to want such a beautiful slave gone, he wanted to know why they wanted Flare back so badly.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)