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Xeno panic!
Agatha gasped a little and blushed even harder. "Ya but...its...a real public..." She stuttered as Alex continued to walk along. Silvia would have to stumble over to a bench and sit down once Amy was in her arms, nowhere near as strong as Alex, and had to start scratching under her chin to keep her calm. The seemingly lesbian twin scene began to draw attention and Silvia could only blush as her partially naked sister purred in her lap.

Agatha paled a bit once she saw Alex's look and shook her head no, taking his hand. "W-Wait, it wont look natural, at least hide somewhere and transform into something...bigger before you rip that poor mans arm off." She whispered urgently, Rhona and Angela nodding as well, though Angel could hardly see the man at all.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Come on..." Alex whispered, obviously attracted by the challenge. "I won't rip his arms off, just break it a bit...He'll live. Come on, baby," he whispered, moving a hand down to squeeze her cute ass. The earpiece didn't say anything, so he doubted that anyone from the lab would be too upset at Alex beating this bitch. "The lizard's asking for it. He needs to be knocked off his high horse."

As the crowd continued to watch, a young male human tried against the lizardman. Faster than you could say, Welcome to Xeno Planet, was the man holding his injured arm. the Lizard had brought it back down easy, and he was now posing for the crowd, showing his muscular body. "Who wants to fight the champ!?" he roared.
Agatha blushed and said nothing. "Its your choice..." Angela whispered softly, answering for Angela. "But we are already attracting allot of attention." Agatha added, pointing to Silvia and Amy. Already almost every male eye was being drawn to them. Hot, sexy twins, holding each other, one nearly nude, the other in a sexy outfit. Amy was even purring, the scene was say the least.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex looked behind him and at the two and smiled, walking over. "I'll take care of it." Once he was near them, he placed a hand under Silvia's chin and kissed her, while his other hand snaked over to her ass, and squeezed it. He pulled the kiss away, not making anything to passionate of it, if Silvia did not want it to be. "Mine," he announced to the crowd of men.

He then did the same to Amy, coaxing her into it by scratching her chin and giving her left breast a pleasurable rub. "Also mine."

The 'human' then walked over to Agatha and grinned. "That should make sure no one touches them at least...Perhaps you're right though. Maybe we should leave before we gather an audience..." As he spoke to Agatha, he looked at the crowd, wondering what they reacted to his little show. He also looked at his girls, to make sure they were okay.
Silvia blushed hard as she suddenly found herself kissing her master and feeling his hand on her ass. She blushed even harder when he declared "Mine." To all the men around her, drawing even more attention from those who had yet to notice her. Amy purred and enjoyed the kiss and breast rub, knowing nothing else and feeling no shame in it.

Agatha blushed, as did Angela as they watched the scene unfold. Agatha nodded quickly when he mentioned leaving and took her place at his side. Poor Silvia was flustered and didnt know what to do. She wasnt strong enough to carry Amy around with her! And Kat merely stared blankly at the gathering, ignoring a make who had been make advances towards her. The man was lucky enough to walk away from the unresponsive woman before he attracted Alex's attention.

If they began to leave, Kat would follow, albeit a bit slowly, with some slightly clumsy steps and empty, glassed over eyes. Agatha would not look back at her even once, though if this was good or bad was unsure.

If Alex did take them somewhere else, he would find three paths to take.

One led out to the lake.

Another led deeper into the forest.

And the last led into a field.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex noticed Silvia's strain, and said, "I can hold her for you, love." If she would allow it, he would take young Amy into his arms and kiss her once more as they walked. When they came to the three different paths, he asked his girls if they had any prefrences. If none of them did, he would suggest the lake, and would hoep that by now, no one was following or watching them.
The lake proved to be an excellent idea, and Amy enjoyed the ride in her masters arms. The lake itself was in a remote part of the park, and it was getting kinda late, so few people were out and about. The Lake was deserted. Kat leaned against a tree in silence while Agatha sat down on a log to watch the sun as it set. Amy and Silvia went to play by the water while Rhona and Angela picked flowers peacefully. It was a perfect scene...but they were not so alone, and if Alex payed attention, he may have noticed the ripples in the water, small and innocent, as they moved towards the shore where Silvia and Amy played.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex smiled at the peace and happiyl stretched as he laid on the ground. The sun was setting, his girls weren't trying to kill one another. Life was, as it seemed, peaceful. He felt a weird tingle on his spine though, and rose up and looked around. He didn't see anything, at least nothing worthy of concern. That was when he noticed the ripples in the water. He was about to shrug it off, when he realized the ripples were moving. Moving to his girls!

"Silvia! Amy! Out of the water!" he ordered, running over as fast as his seemingly human legs could take him.
Silvia looked up with concern while Amy just kept playing. The ripples halted about ten feet from the shore and disappeared. Suddenly something broke the surface of the water and all the girls turned to look at it. It was another woman, a Wagri, an amphibious Anthro which was part eel. They were either very ugly, or stunningly beautiful, with soft, slick, ocean blue skin and radiant green hair. This was the latter, and she was not only beautiful, she was naked.

She hummed softly to herself, her eyes closed, as she slowly neared the shore, waiting until the water was under her belly button before opening her eyes. She looked at them, seeming confused for a moment before she realized what was happening. Suddenly the skin on her face became to turn purple as she blushed hard raised her arms to cover herself as she cried out and dived back into the water, trapped in the small lake.

She looked horribly confused and very very embarrassed as she tried to hide under some seaweed like plant that was near the bottom in the center of the lake.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
It was fortune the girl did not quickly oepn her eyes, as Alex's hand had turned into five blades. He quickly returned them to normal and hid his hand as he smiled at the woman. He walked over to the lake and smiled at the woman, and bowed. "Hello there, miss. Sorry if we scared you," he said, not stopping himself from looking at her body. "You can come out. None of us bite..."

I wonder if she even understands me...