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Susie's New Babies (Blankmind & TankCop)
As Tina finishes the fries she looks over at the worried Toma and says. "Look sweety I am sure she just had to go and do something else. I am sorry I keep you away so long." Tina said really happy inside that Tigress was gone.


Impmon didn't like to give Yuki her powers back worried she would want more control and power again. "Well its very impressive. Now I know what to do with her from here. Boys take this little pussy and shove her outside the bathroom door then lets get away before Toma and Tina find us."

Sora and Ray take baby Tigress by the legs and arms and then toss her out of the door and into a ice cold fountain near by with a large splash.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!

"AHHH!" Tigress screams herself awake as soon as she hits the cold water. She quickly swims over and climbs out of it. An instant later she realizes that she's totally naked. "Wha-what's going on!?" She asks herself as she wraps her arms around her chest for warmth.

"Tigress!?" The tiger master turns at the shout as sees Toma and Tina running up to her. To add one more shock she suddenly realizes how small she is now, indeed she was now an inch or so shorter that Toma.

"T-Toma? What...what happened to me?" She asked, starting to feel more and more frightened.
Tina come up behind Toma and can't help feel worried about this new scared kitten. "Awww what happen did you fall into the fountain? Where's your momma?" Tina says petting the smaller furry's head.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
Tigress growls and slaps Tina's paw away. "That's not funny! It's me!"

"Um, Tina." Toma begins slowly. "I-uh think this is Tigress." He says calmly Tina pointing at the now tiny tiger.
Tina starts to giggle at that idea. "Now way that girl was shapy and sexy this girls kind of puggy and has a flat face! Infact it makes me laught to look at her! HA HA HA HA HA!"


Meanwhile at one of Candy Island's locked bathrooms Sora and Ray watch the door from the outside as Impmon has words with Yuki inside. "What did I tell you about using your magic leaves ever again? Didn't I tell you that you don't need them cause you only need me in your life?" Impmon said glaring at her.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
Tigress blushes and glares at Tina but for reasons unknown to her can't help but sniffle as a couple of tears well up in her eyes.

"Tina, stop that." Toma scolds gently. "Look at her it's really her. She just...well she's been turned into a baby."

"I"M NOT A BABY!!" Tigress quickly snaps at Toma who backs up a few steps.


Yuki pouts and looks down at the floor in shame. "I-I'm sorry Impy. I know you can use magic too but I wanted to be the one to do it. I was just so mad I wanted to get back at her for hurting you. Please don't be mad Impy, I-I did ask for permission after all."
Tina didn't like her takling to her lover like that she goes over and swats Tigress hard on her bare and wet checks one. *SWAT* "You watch your tone around us brat! Now I don't know how this happened but if you really are Tigress then you better behave."


Impmon nods in agreement of what Yuki said. "I know that dear and thats why I am only going to spank you 10 times with a flexable cane. Now bed over the tolet seat, legs apart and ass pushed out." Impmon then creates a very nasty looking cane using one of the leaves. It makes a horrable sound as it cuts into the air.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
"Dah!" Tigress squeals at the smack and snarles at Tina. She snaps out her claws and takes a step toward Tina only for Toma to step between them to keep them apart.

"Both of you calm down!" She raises his voice to both of them. "Now, then before you two tear each other apart I think we should find Tigress some clothes before she catches pnemonia." Tigress snaps back to reality and covers her nakedness, nodding in agreement with the plan and blushing like crazy.


"Y-Yes Impy." Yuki says with a moan. Whimpering a little she does as she's told and bends over the toilet seat.
Tina walks behind Toma that has his arm over Tigress as she snuggles aganst him and Tigress is wearing one of her own diapers. Tina was fuming as they walked. "So what do we do when we arrive at the daycare? Won't they get upset that we were outside and punish us and what about her what do we tell Susie?" Tina said asking some good questions.


Impmon rubs Yuki's checks before he pull his arm back then bring the cane down so hard that even Sora and Ray hear the impact from outside. *SWISH...CCCRRRAAACCCKKK!!!*
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
"We'll just have to sneak back in then." Toma replies, as he turns toward the door they used to escape. "As for Momma...well we just have to get in and out of there she gets back.

"Mmmm..." Tigress moans and hidesher face with her paws. Naturally she feels incredible embarassed to be wearing a diaper in public like this. "Wh-What if we can't find the ones that did this? What if I'm stuck like this forever?"

"Don't worry," Toma says as he gently pets Tigress' head. "We'll find you some clothes, find my sister and make her change you back before my Momma finds us."


"AAHHHH!" Yuki screams in pain as she feels a bright red welt form across her bottom.