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Susie's New Babies (Blankmind & TankCop)
about 5 minutes after some occwarness Tina was eating on some Yummy fries with extra katchup and eating Tigress's buger and drinking her shake. "MmmmmmMMMMmmm So you two are old friend or something?" So says between bits not knowing the 2's history and wonders how Toma must feel talkig to this tall tiger girl with a thick and visable baby diaper, and babydoll dress on looking like a sissy baby girl like she does.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
"Um, well actually..." Toma pauses and rubs the back of his head, not really sure how Tina will take this. "Tigress is-was...well still is I guess..."

Tigress rolls her eyes at Toma's stuttering and turns to Tina with a friendly smile. " I was Toma's girfriend a few years ago when he was visiting China." She then holds her paw out to Tina. "I'm Master Tigress of the Jade Palace nice to meet you."
Tina hears that as she was muching on a frie then starts to chock as she then hacks it out. "What! Toma you never told me you had another lover! I....I think we should go. Yes it was nice to met you but I think we have other rides to go onto before momma comes back to the daycare to see us." Tina said tugging on Toma's arm to get us going
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
"Tina-Tina calm down!" Toma nearly shouts as he stops Tina and pulls her back. "Listen Tigress and I were together a long time ago, I promise we're just friends now." Tigress lowers her eyes a little at this as she still had strong feelings for her first love. "and the reason I never told you was, well..." He looks down at his diaper. "I-I've kinda had other things on my mind lately."

"Speaking of which..." Tigress interjects. "Why are you two dressed like that? Hee-hee not that you don't look adorable."

Toma blushes and sits down on a nearby bench. "It's a long story..."
Tina listens and cries a times and blushes at others as Toma tells the tale of hardship and horror but in the end its all for love of a little human girls happyness and then Tina's love for enduring all that with him.

"Toma.....I really want to go now. All this talk is making me feel uneasy and I think I might need a new diapy?" Tina said her legs wiggling.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
"Shh...It's okay Tina." Toma whispers as he holds Tina in his arms and rocks her gently. He checks her diaper and finds that it is indeed pretty wet. He looks around and spots a diaper changing room next to the batrooms. "Come on lets go and get you changes sweetie." He says tenderly as he leads he over to it.

"Ok while you two do that I'm going to go and use the batroom." Tigress says, as she gets up and catches up with them. "Um, when you're finished I'd like to catch up with you...if you have the time of course."

Toma smiles and nods to her. "Sure I'd like that." He tells Tigress before entering the chaging room with Tina. She smiles back and enters the woman's room next door.
In the changing station As Toma changing his lover she looks away from him the whole time looking moody and fussy. >_>


As Tigress goes potty she hears the enterance door close then get locked. (Dum Dum DUMMMMM)
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
"Tina what's wrong?" Toma asks in a worried tone as he powders her. "are you still mad at me? I told you Tigress and i are just friends now."


Tigress perks up her ears and hears someone in the room with her. "Hello? Who's out there?" She calls out.
"Oh is that so then can you explain the buldge in your diaper? Those might be super thick but they can't hide the fact you got hard for that pussy!" Tina sneeze at the powder cutly. "So how did you met Tigress and why did you leave her?"


Tigress heres some giggling then the stall door comes open and you see Sora and Ray grinning at you. "Wow we got lucky brother its a hot and sexy one. Nice view you got there too!" Sora say pointing between Tigress legs.

"K here's the deal girl you be good and don't fight to much and will won't make this hurt to me. Now turn around and lean over the stall!" Ray says with a giggle and his cock got harder.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
Toma blushes a little, not really able to deny that little fact. "Okay i'll admit I'm still attracted to her but it's not the same kind of feeling I have for you I swear. As for how we met, well a few years ago I decided to travel the world and I met Tigress at the Jade Palace when I was in China. She and I became fast friends and before either of us knew it we were in bed together." He pauses for a second at the glare Tina was giving him. "Well, soon after that Tigress got hurt in a battle trying to protect me. That's when I realized that I was just in her way and decided to break it off. She took it well and the two of us decided to stay friends even after I left. You understand now? What Tigress and I had was history," He pauses and smiles as he holds Tina's hand. "You the only girl for me now."


Tigress sighs at the twins and calmly stands, pulling up her pants as she does. "OK then I'll give you twits two choices. If you walk away now I'll be nice and forget about this. If you don't..." She cracks her knuckes to make her point. "you crawl away."