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Xeno panic!
They all went with what their master wanted, but Agatha cautioned him. "Maybe we should go a little deeper into the park, to a nice quiet camping sight. That way Amy wont cause a scene. I will get the hotdogs for you when we find the spot and come right back." She told him. She did have a point, Silvia and Rhona would not be able to maintain control of Amy for to much longer, the young minded kitten wanted to jump around and sniff things and rub up against people. At least in a nice quite field they could give her some roaming space. The choice was up to Alex though, since he was the master. If he didnt think that it was worth the wait, or if he simply thought Agatha might try to escape then he could deny the idea. But would she really do something that stupid? She had worked for these people, she knew she would be shot on sight if she left the designated zone.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex looked at Agatha, before nodding his head. "Alright. Don't try anything though. For your sake, don't try anything," he said. "The last thing I want it to find one of you hurt...or worst," he shuddered, before walking off to find a spot, along with his girls.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Soon Alex would find a nice, mostly secluded opening for the girls and himself. Silvia and Rhona let Amy run around a little. Her dress was soon even dirtier and torn due to her running around on all fours, as she ran form a tree, to a patch of flowers, to some grass, to a pound full of ducks, sniffing and inspecting everything as she did. Rhona and Silvia kept a close eye on her, but decided to let their sister run free for a little while, they all needed it. The two girls themselves sat down near some flowers, and while Rhona just looked up at the artificial sky, Silvia picked some flowers and sniffed them, smiling as they tickled her nose. Angela was next to wherever Alex was, still mostly blind and helpless as she clung to his arm. Kat leaned against a tree and looked forward with empty eyes, saying and doing nothing as usual. Not to long afterward, Agatha returned with their food, handing some out to everyone. the smell brought Amy running back, smiling dumbly and yet adorably as she jumped into Silvia's lap to be fed.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex gently petted Angela's head, and kissed her cheek, trying to help her enjoy this venture, despite being mostly blind. Once the food arrived he would happily eat his hotdog, and would also assist Angela in eating her food. If she did not mind, he would feed her through kisses, but if she seemed unhappy about it, he would feed her in a more normal way.

Once they were done eating, he would look at the girls and say, "What would you like to do now, girls?" As his hand moved to grope Angela's left breast a bit.
Angela smiled and stayed close to her master, loving the feeling of the air blowing on her ears and face, and at least knowing that she was outside for once. She blushed when he began to feed her with kisses and would prefer the normal way if he would allow it, just this once. They all ate happily save for Kat, who didnt get a hotdog and didnt seem to care at all. She stayed where she was, silent and distant. Silvia giggled as she fed Amy, rubbing her tummy as she lay on her back across her lap, eating her tasty food as she purred from the belly rub. Rhona smiled timidly to herself as she held a flower in her hand and simply stared at it, overjoyed to be outside, to be somewhat free.

Agatha watched Kat silently but enjoyed her food as she sat on a bench. She blushed a little, her dress was so sexy and not made for the park at all, and she was drawing eyes. At this rate it wouldnt be long before someone tried to make a move on her, and she made sure to not draw attention to Amy and Silvia, particularly Amy, who was acting so strangely and dressed in a torn dirty dress.

Angela jumped a little as she felt a hand come over her breast and blushed hard, she was in public, and she had never ever been exposed to public humiliation before. Silvia shrugged. at his question. "We could relax, fly a kite, walk around, look at clouds." She said softly as she held her purring sister in her arms as Amy took a little cat nap.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"A walk around sounds nice. We could take in the sights around here," Alex said. He stood up, helping Angela up with him. He noticed the stares that Agatha was getting, and ordered her over to his other side. Once she was there, he kept one arm around Angela, and used the other to grab Agatha by her hip.

He showed the people watching her who she was with, when he pulled her into a passionate kiss, forcing his tongue into her mouth, being both forceful, and trying to be gentle with her. He had to keep those vultures away from her somehow.

For thirty seconds they kissed, before the alien released her, keeping one hand on her waist. "Let's get going now," he said, and looked at Amy, Silvia, Rhona, and especially Kat. "Ladies. Come on," he said, and once they were all ready, they would begin walking in a random direction.
Agatha was obedient and walked over when commanded to, but blushed hard as she was pulled into Alex by her hip. She laid her head down on his shoulder, clearly showing that they were a couple, but suddenly found herself trapped in a fierce kiss. She blushed hotly, so much so that Alex would feel it, and kissed back only a little. When finally she was released she looked away in shame and was silent. The girls were obviously not used to public humiliation at all.

Silvia sighed as she was ordered up and shook Amy awake, who didnt like being awakened and rolled over, being a bad kitty. Silvia looked up helplessly at Alex, they couldnt just leave Amy on the ground by herself. Rhona stood and walked up next to Alex while Kat didnt move, but she wasnt so far away anyway and would go with them once they started walking.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
As Alex pulled back, he licked his lips and noticed the shame that came from Agatha. "What's wrong?" he asked, not seeing why she seemed so ashamed. It was just a kiss. A hot, passionate kiss, but a kiss nonetheless. When she finally answered, or just ignored him, he looked over at Amy, and moved away from his girls, and picked the little girl up, bridal style. "Let's go," he said, grinning as he began walking, expecting the girls to follow.
Agatha blushed and said "Its...its nothing...just...Im not used to being in public know...doing those things." Amy curled up to Alex's chest and fell asleep cutely as they walked, all the girls following closely, Angela still holding his arm so she wouldnt get lost.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"It's just a kiss. I'm not going to rape you....Unless you want me to?" he chuckled, joking, but in a way not joking at the same time.

The group walked around a bit more, passing people and interesting things. Really though, fro the Xeno boy, things were rather...average. Sure, he had fun, but with no sex, or anything similar, it was rather unenterprising.

There was a medium sized crowd of people in the middle of the park, all attracted by the same thing. Alex motioned the girls to follow, giving Silvia to Silvia, hoping she could carry her, and walked over to the crowd.

There they saw a lizardman and human man, and the man was shouting to the crowd. "Come one, come all! Arm wrestle the champ! Give twenty dollars, get all the money!" the human yelled, holding a basket filled with money. "Many have gone against him, but they lost! Money, pride, and the match! Come on! Who wants to arm wrestle? Twenty dollars for a chance to go arm to arm with the Champ and leave a winner! Come one, come all!" he yelled.

Looking around, the group could see some guys and girls were holding their arm in pain, obviously showing this lizard had beaten a few people already. Alex grinned, welcoming the challenge and fun. He looked at Agatha, his grin saying how he wanted to show this lizard who was king. He also wondered if he would get a call over the earpiece about whether he could join in or not.