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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
"Hmmmm...? Ahhh. I see," the clone grinned, seeing her hand stroke his crotch. "You want my cock, do you?" he smiled, and his hand moved to take her hand own, and pulling it back. "You want my cock? The Great Sand Ninja, wants my cock? What would your brother say...? Or do you even remember who that is?" he asked.

"You want my cock? Then you have to do as I say, or what the original says," he explained. "Got it?" Once Temari acknowledge, and accepted this, he would kiss her lips, his mouth skillfully giving her pleasure as his tongue wrestled with the ninja's.


Sakura moaned loudly as she felt her slug baby push out of her. She opened her mouth as ordered, and her moan was muffled by the sweet roll. She loved how the slug clung to her clit, and was saddened when it eventually came off. "Master? What happens to my babies?" she asked, before moaning again as she felt another slug on it's way out.


Alex saw her break down inside and gently pet her cheek. He listened to her beg to be alone, and he suddenly pulled her into his arms, hugging her tightly. He allowed her the chance to cry into his arms as he held her there, and he said, "I know I am not a perfect Master, but I try to be a decent one..." he whispered into her ear.

It was a blessing Orihime was not Mike's slave. If she was, the things that mad man he called his best friend would break her innocent soul. He waited for her to cry, and if she did not, he would release her and allow her her moment alone. "Take your time. We have no rush....Rangiku is not going anywhere...."
"Hmmmm...? Ahhh. I see," the clone grinned, seeing her hand stroke his crotch. "You want my cock, do you?" he smiled, and his hand moved to take her hand own, and pulling it back. "You want my cock? The Great Sand Ninja, wants my cock? What would your brother say...? Or do you even remember who that is?" he asked.

"You want my cock? Then you have to do as I say, or what the original says," he explained. "Got it?" Once Temari acknowledge, and accepted this, he would kiss her lips, his mouth skillfully giving her pleasure as his tongue wrestled with the ninja's.


Sakura moaned loudly as she felt her slug baby push out of her. She opened her mouth as ordered, and her moan was muffled by the sweet roll. She loved how the slug clung to her clit, and was saddened when it eventually came off. "Master? What happens to my babies?" she asked, before moaning again as she felt another slug on it's way out.


Alex saw her break down inside and gently pet her cheek. He listened to her beg to be alone, and he suddenly pulled her into his arms, hugging her tightly. He allowed her the chance to cry into his arms as he held her there, and he said, "I know I am not a perfect Master, but I try to be a decent one..." he whispered into her ear.

It was a blessing Orihime was not Mike's slave. If she was, the things that mad man he called his best friend would break her innocent soul. He waited for her to cry, and if she did not, he would release her and allow her her moment alone. "Take your time. We have no rush....Rangiku is not going anywhere...."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Temari blushed as the clone put it so bluntly, but she nodded. As he mentioned her brother, and sand ninjas she got a mental glimpse of her two brothers, but didnt dwell on them. It wasnt that she couldnt remember, the memories were right there, waiting to be picked up from the floor of her mind. It was just that...well...she didnt all. All she really wanted was what her body so craved. She wanted to be pleased, and to please, to love and be loved and always be warm and held.

"I will, I promise." She said softly, having already submitted even before that. She opened her mouth to ask if she could be fed now, but soon found it occupied by his lips and tongue. "Mmmm..." She moaned softly as he licked her mouth and played with her tongue, which began to kiss back vigorously. This was what she wanted, this was it!, she wanted more, she realized, and moaned helplessly as her hand returned to his clothes crotch and began to rub him again.


Mike smiled and laughed as he watched her moan and give birth to the slug. "They are harvested so that they can grow to be big slugs like sluggo. Im keeping them safe in no space for a rainy day." He said truthfully as he tore off another piece of sweet roll to feed to Sakura. Her next slug was slower then the last, and a bit bigger. It moved along, wiggling and squirming, but not making much headway. Sakura would have to help it by pushing it out, but that would also increases her pleasure as her walls tightened around the wriggling slug.


( Mike: Damn straight! A good slave is a broken one, I mean thoroughly broken! Look at Sakura, perfect example. Orihime would be so convinced she was useless after a minute with me that-

*Shuts off speakers*

Does he ever stop talking?)

Orihime gasped as she found herself in her master's arms and listened as he spoke into her ears. She began to shake softly in his arms, trying to contain her sobs. "P-Please master...I dont...I dont want you to think b-bad of me...everyone else is so ha-happy...and Im..." her words were choked as she stifled another sob. If he kept her in his arms, her trembling form would eventually break down completely and her whole body would rock with sobs as she began to cry hard into his chest, smothering her wails of sadness in Alex's chest, hoping Rangiku wouldnt hear.

Her legs would shake after a moment and she would fall to her knees unless he held her up, and she would cry hard and long into his chest, shuddering and weeping until finally she was exhausted and reduced to mild. If Alex held her she would calm down faster and snuggle onto his arms, feeling horrible for being so weak, and yet finding comfort in his strength and tolerance. If he let her cry on the floor or by herself, then she would take much longer, and when at last she could cry no more she would feel desolate and very very alone.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((I know what you mean! You should see Hunter when he can't find his Grace plushie!

*Hunter runs past me*


Alex held Orihime for as long as she cried, supporting her weight as she sobbed and broke down. He hoped Rangiku could hear, and doubted it. The walls were thick, and with any luck she didn't hear a peep. "You are much too hard on yourself, Orihime...."

As she found comfort in his arms, he would kiss her forehead and say, "You have been a very good girl, Orihime, and for that, you may cry as much as you like. You will always find a safe place in my arms. For I am not just your Master, my dear. I am your lover." He then kissed her lips, holding her in his arms. He kissed her passionately, yet lovingly as his tongue played in her mouth.

When he finally did pull back, he would rub their noses together and say, "Now are you ready to go in? I'll let you choose, if you are. You can either talk to her your way, and try to ease her into this, or we go my way, and you can tell her you are both sluts, to me...."


The clone suddenly pushed Temari onto the bed, and he pulled down his pants, revealing his might, erect cock. He was on his knees and, Temari was on her back, head on her pillow. "Is this what you want...? No...You want more, don't you slut?" he asked as tentacles came out of his back, three of them. One of them shot two each of her huge breasts, and began to play and massage them. He moved his own cock to her pussy, and rubbed it against her slit before beginning to push it in. The last tentacle moved to her mouth, and the clone ordered her to lick, suck, and kiss the tentacle.


"Will I ever see them again? I want to give each of my children a kiss to show them I love them. almost as much as I love you," she said, before moaning, feeling an even larger slug move within her. She allowed the slug to reside within her for a bit, before she began to squeeze it, feeling like she would cum. "'s soooo good," she moaned as the slug was pushed out of her pussy.

((Sorry if I don't post much. I have some work to do...))
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Orihime stayed in Alex's arms for as long as she could before being pulled back. She would look up sadly at Alex abut nod. "I...I want to ease her into this...may I wash my face master?" Orihime's face was red from crying and tear streaked, she didnt want to meet Rangiku like that. If allowed to, Orihime would take a seven minute break and wash her face, calm down and then return. She would then nod to her master and ask, "Before I go in, what should I do master? I..I mean, what do you want me to say?" She had no clue how to ease anyone into a life of slavery and sex, and the mere thought of it made her spirits drop. "Poor Rangiku..."


Temari blushed and cried out as she was pushed back and looked desperately up at the now nude Alex clone. She whimpered with need, wanting him so badly, and then suddenly felt tentacles wrap around her large, hardly covered breasts, nearly snapping the bikini as they began to play with her covered nipples. She then moaned loudly as the clone began to push against her clothes pussy, sinking his dick into her and bringing the little bikini with him.

She didnt even need to be ordered to do anything when she felt the tentacles at her lips, since she eagerly began to lick and suck it, moaning all the while. Please...I need seed...I need pleasure...Im so hungry...


Mike smiled and began to rub her breast with his free hand, playing with her nipple as he fed her another piece of sweet roll. "Maybe one day you will see them." He said with a smile as another slug came out of her. Then the next one was a longer slug, covered from head to tail in hard bumps. It would slowly start wriggling out of her, but when Sakura tried to push it out, it would hold still until she unclenched and then continue it slow and torturous way out of her, wrapping around her clit when it exited and even hanging on it for thirty seconds before it fell as well.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Try to ease her into her this life. Tell her the finer points. I give you free food, love and pleasure, shelter, protection...Honestly, Orihime, you know her more than I do. Try to convince her, as life as my lover, is not so bad." This was a lot easier with Ino and Sakura he thought, mentally sighing. "Tell her, you like being with me. More than you like being back home. And Orihime? No matter what she says....Just know that I love you...And in my eyes, you are perfect."


"AHHH!" Sakura moaned as the next of her slug babies moved within her. This one would send her over the edge, but she bit her lips, trying to hold her orgasm as the slug slowly, painfully slowly, moved out of her. "M-Master! May slut cum?! May I cum?!" she begged, moaning as her wet pussy was pleasured by her baby. "Please...Master...!"


The clone had the tentacles tear away the two piece bikini before he resumed fucking her. He looked at her naked body, and watched with glee and she sucked and licked a tentacle. The tentacles were very sensitive, and within minutes, the cock Temari sucking shot it's white cum onto Temari's face, and into her mouth. It began to wipe itself on her hair, as the clone grinned, fucking the sand ninja even harder now. "Swallow it, slut!" he ordered as he rammed his shaft into her tight wet walls.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Orihime nodded silently and stiffed a bit, straightening up. " I go..." She said softly as she opened the door and walked in. Rangiku was sitting on the bed in her wedding dress looking around the room when Orihime entered, and before the orange haired girl could even speak she was being hugged tightly into Rangiku's breasts. "Orihime! I was so worried about you!" She said as she tightly clung to her, nearly suffocating poor little hime before she let go. Orihime smiled shyly and nervously began to try to think about how she could even start the conversation.

"How have you been? Has he hurt you?!" Rangiku asked urgently, shaking her a little. " Alex hasnt-" "Master Alex?! Why do you call him that? Does he force everyone to cal him that?" She asked, clearly angry at the fact. "Well, yes, I mean...He isnt mean just-" "Has he hurt you at all? Touched you in places he shouldnt?" Orihime blushed bright red. "I...I..." She stuttered helplessly, looking at the ground in shame.


"Not yet, hold it in for now." Mike said, holding another piece of her breakfast to her lips. "Here, eat, but dont you cum yet!" The slug was still slowly making its way out, only now pocking its head out of her slit and wrapping around her clit very slowly as it began to pulled the rest of its lumpy body out of her.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
I am here for you, Orihime...I am here. Alex's voice echoed through the girl's mind, and, if she allowed, would hear his voice trying to give her advice. Ask her to calm down. Tell her, first off, I have not hurt you. Tell her, that I do not always force my lovers into calling me Master. Only when I see it is fit to address me as so. Tell her, when I allow it, you may simply call me Alex, but only when I allow it. Tell her, that I have not touched you, against your will... he advised. I am here for you, Orihime. You are never alone, and I will try to help you, he promised.


"B-but Master!" Sakura moaned, but obeyed her lord. She squeezed her her hands into fists and continued to eat. At times, she bit her lip, trying not to lose her mind, or worst...Disobey her Master. "M-Master..." she whimpered, but continued to eat, even when she felt her slug child poke it's head out.
Temari didnt need any orders as she sucked and swallowed all the cum she could, leaving hardly anything for the tentacle to wipe in her hair. She moaned loudly, as she was fucked even harder and cried out as her breasts were roughly handled, making her arch her back with pleasure and moan more. "Oh...inside me...please cum inside me...feed me..." She begged, hungry for his seed and pleasure, wanting it, needing it. "Dont stop...never stop..."


"H-He hasnt hurt me..." Orihime said softly as Rengiku shook her. "Really? Not at all?" The large breasted goddess asked. Orihime shook her head. "And he doesnt make...make us call him master all the time...just sometimes...he lets us call him Alex to." Rangiku was unconvinced. "Did he tell you what to say? Are you following orders from him right now?" Orihime began to shake a little. "I...I'm not...I mean...he told me to come...see you...and..." Rangiku was always good at seeing through Orihime and hugged her tightly.

"Dont worry, Im here now, and we will get out of here somehow." She said softly into the timid girl's ear. "Every thing is going to be alright." Orihime's mind was being shaken apart again. A part of her wanted to believe Rangiku, to know that she would one day return to her friends, and help them again. But a larger part of her knew that Alex would never let her go, never let any of them go, and that Rangiku was just as doomed as she was.


Mike smiled and continued to feed Sakura and fondle her breast, letting the pleasure within her build up until the slug was just clinging to her clit. Slowly it slit off and fell into the bucket and when it did he said. "Cum Sakura, cum for master." And when he said this he squeezed her left breast hard and placed his mouth over her right breast, suckling on her nipple.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
As soon as the words left Sakura's mouth, she let out a passionate scream, as her body shook fro the once controlled orgasm. Mike would taste her delicious milk, which may have reminded him of strawberries. Nonetheless, the pink haired girl felt her body shake as she rode out the waves of her orgasm. "Thank you Master!" she moaned after a couple of minutes, her orgasm finally dying down.


Sigh, this isn't working. I never should have let her in there. I should have known she was too sensitive for the job. I'll just have to do this the old fashion way he thought, before opening the door and stepping in, and saw the girls hugging. "Trying to turn my lover against me, Rangiku?" he asked.

He moved his hand, and Rangiku would feel her body being lifted up. Two metal poles shot out of the ground, and two chains shot out of each poles. At the end of the chains were cuffs, which grabbed her arms and legs, and brought her down, a few inches above the ground in an X position.

He walked over to Orihime, and placed a hand on her shoulder. I'm sorry if what she said confused you, or hurt you. You do not have to stay here for this, if you do not want to. I am going to break her, Orihime. Make her into my lover, like you. You may go now, if you want. I will not punish you, he said over their link, and he kissed Orihime's lips, though allowing her control over how passionate it was.


And inside it went. Temari would feel a flood of the clone's seed fill her body, shooting into her pussy. The other tentacles, the one above her head, and the ones groping her breasts, shook with pleasure as they two shot their seed. The white cum fell onto Temari's breasts, her face, arms, and the rest of her body. "Clean yourself up. Are you ready for more pleasure, or do you want to rest?"
As soon as the words left Sakura's mouth, she let out a passionate scream, as her body shook fro the once controlled orgasm. Mike would taste her delicious milk, which may have reminded him of strawberries. Nonetheless, the pink haired girl felt her body shake as she rode out the waves of her orgasm. "Thank you Master!" she moaned after a couple of minutes, her orgasm finally dying down.


Sigh, this isn't working. I never should have let her in there. I should have known she was too sensitive for the job. I'll just have to do this the old fashion way he thought, before opening the door and stepping in, and saw the girls hugging. "Trying to turn my lover against me, Rangiku?" he asked.

He moved his hand, and Rangiku would feel her body being lifted up. Two metal poles shot out of the ground, and two chains shot out of each poles. At the end of the chains were cuffs, which grabbed her arms and legs, and brought her down, a few inches above the ground in an X position.

He walked over to Orihime, and placed a hand on her shoulder. I'm sorry if what she said confused you, or hurt you. You do not have to stay here for this, if you do not want to. I am going to break her, Orihime. Make her into my lover, like you. You may go now, if you want. I will not punish you, he said over their link, and he kissed Orihime's lips, though allowing her control over how passionate it was.


And inside it went. Temari would feel a flood of the clone's seed fill her body, shooting into her pussy. The other tentacles, the one above her head, and the ones groping her breasts, shook with pleasure as they two shot their seed. The white cum fell onto Temari's breasts, her face, arms, and the rest of her body. "Clean yourself up. Are you ready for more pleasure, or do you want to rest?"
Mike smiled and drank from her breast happily, licking and sucking up her milk as she came. "How do you feel slut?" He asked her as her orgasm ended. He stroked her body as he spoke, massaging her breasts and stomach with his skilled hands.


Rangiku cried out and struggled against the chains as they bound her. "Let me go!" She yelled as she tried to fight against the metal that bound her, but got nowhere. Orihime had fallen away from Rangiku and landed on her rear. She shivered as she heard Alex's words in her mind and kissed back only slightly when he kissed her. "No...please master." She said with tears in her eyes. "Please dont...I will do better, dont hurt my friend." She was begging him on her knees, rubbing her face against his feet. "Please master, please do anything you want to me...but dont hurt Rangiku." She cried, kissing his feet as she nuzzled against him. "Orihime get up! You arnt this mans slave! Your-"

"Shut up!" Orihime screamed, surprising even herself. "Rangiku...." She said with tears in her eyes, looking up at her bound friend. "I am his slave...I've already been branded, been taken, just like you...please...I dont want you to suffer..." Like I did.... Rangiku didnt agree with it, but was to stunned to respond as Orihime went back to begging. "Please master, just take my body, and be gentle with Rangiku...I'm already used to it, so please punish my body instead."
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)