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The Affairs (Blankmind & Tank Cop)
Zig Zag was about to speak her idea when her new Boyfriend comes inside. He was a tall purple Imp Digimon, he was wearing black leather and was smocking a Cig. "I will tell them babe. I Know the things that will make this bunny babe crie and squeal with joy more then ever her lover would. Lets make a deal. Let the girls rest for a while, you 3 give my a nice 4-some of my dreams and then I will teach you ways to make her more happy and sad then ever before in her life."


Tim moan's as He shots his hot sticky cum into BM's anus its so much it ozzes out of the sides. Tim bends over and kisses the back of BM's neck. "That was great but don't expect this to be my only time. I want to try out your mouth too and then fuck you again, again, and again!"


TC weakly comes over to Tigress looking very sad. "Oh Tigress I am sorry for all this. I didn't mean for you or anyone to suffer something like this and about my....cock.....I am sorry I just....things got crazy and I reacted badly seeing you getting changed. I am so sorry I am a dirty pervert." TC said crying and wiggling in his jacket.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
The 3 skunk sisters give each other and then back at Impmon, each one with a wicked looking grin. "Okay Imps. You're on." Onyx replies as she gets of the bed. Natasha joins her after tucking Lopmon in.

Lori goes over to Impmon and chuckles. "I just hope you can handle us. After all," She suddenly reaches around Impmon and firmly grabs his ass. "We're not the types you're used too."


BM shivers as Tim strokes him and holds back the urge to cry.

Blake meanwhile was nearly done as well. "Here it comes...hope you're hungry!! ARGH!" He cums hard into poor BM's mouth and quickly pinches his nose forcing him to swallow down all of his cum.

"I guess he was." Chris says with a laugh. "Ready to switch Tim? I want to give his little asshole a real workout."


"No, it's alright." Tigress tells him weakly as she cuddles up close to him. "I...I know you couldn't help it and honestly I'm a little flattered. And as for our situation...well, it's not as horrible as I imagined. Don't get me wrong I still want to get out of here but I think we can endure until BM and Lopmon cool down enough to listen to us."


"I wouldn't count on it, runt." A cold voice says as a tall, shadowy figure watches all the action from ZZ's control room. He reaches up and taps the screen displaying Tigress and TC. "I think you and I are overdue for some, 'quality time." The figure lets out a low snarl as he exits the room and steathily makes his way throught the halls.
Impmon laughts. "You girls don't know me at all. I used Renamon as a sex toy in my teen years. You 3 won't even work me up into a sweat!" Impmon SLAPS Zig Zag's ass then makes her leave squeeling as Impmon takes off his clothes and lies on the bed. "Ready when you 3 are."


Both Tim and Blake pull out of BM and hold down one of BM's arms and legs as Chris gets behind BM and pats his asschecks and says. "Better take a deep breath buddy cause after I am done with you will need to wear diapers for a week!" Chris said strocking his big hard cock.


TC comes over to Tigress and shuggles next to her. "I am sorry for all of this. I....I hate to say this but all we have is each other. If you want......I mean if your willing.....I could keep you happy here." TC then leans foreward and kisses Tigress hard on the lips.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
"Oooh, you hear the girls? We've got ourselves a tough guy." Lori says wickedly as she and her sisters surround the bed. "Let's put him to the test girls."

"Oh, Oh!! I want to see how far his arm goes up my ass!" Natasha yells excitedly as she jumps up and down.

"Hey Imps, you ever have a foot job?" Onyx asks as she sits on the bed and lifts up her clawed feet.


BM whimers like a frightened kitten and starts panting, trying to get a good breath. His body start to wiggle and shake out of reflex but Tim and Blake hold him so still it's barely noticeable. The abused raccoon can only wait for Chris to shove his enourmous member into his already tender backside.


This surprises Tigress but she relaxes into the kiss and smiles at TC once they separate. "Th-That sounds very nice but..." She pulls at her jacket to make her point. "How can we?"
Impmon feels he might have said the wrong things and he backs up into the headboard of the bed a bit nervous. "Ummmm You know girls maybe we should start out slow with a groul cock licking a blow job work? We don't have to go to far today!"


Chris takes his huge cock head and like a railroad spike to a small keyhole shoves hard and stretches your asshole WIDE apart to the nearly ripping the skin! "Oooo fuck your sooooo tight! Your ass will never be the same after this buddy!"


TC was confused. "How can we what? Be together? For all we know BM and Lopmon won't come back for us. Its nearly night already and its been over 4 hours we have been here. If they were going to come back they would have by now. They don't love us anymore." TC said starting to cry again.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
Lori pulls Impmon back to the middle of the bed and its' on him, her pussy going right into his mouth. "Shut up and start licking. If you good we'll even let you fuck one of us later."

Natasha chuckles and lifts up both of Impmon's legs with one hand. "Tee-hee, incoming!" She cries as she presses her fingers against his asshole.

Onyx laughs along grips Impmon's cock between her feet, massaging it gently.


"AAAHHHHH!!" BM screames in agony and starts thrashing around with renewed vigor. Blake and Tim still keep him still but it takes a lot more effort. "OOHH! GOD IT HURTS!! LET ME GO PLEASE!!"


Tigress growls and shoves TC away with her foot. "Don't say that!" She yells not caring if Dona hears her. "Of course they still love us!! They're just incredibly hurt and honestly we shouldn't be surprised! How would you feel is we saw them like that!?"

"Baby kitty!?" Dona shouts, making Tigress jump and realize her mistake. "What did I say about talking like a big girl?! You're getting another soapy mouth and then I'm spanking your little-"


"Huh?" Dona wonders who could be at the door. "I'll be right back to punish you, you naughty baby!" She scolds one last time before heading towards the door.

Tigress tears up again and curls up in the corner of the crib. She looks over at TC and moans. "S-sorry for yelling at you." She says with a whimper, hoping her only friend isn't mad at her.
Impmon is quickly overpowered and he licks Lori's pussy out of fear of her making a stink if he didn't and he licks very hard and cries moaning as his anus is penatrated, then at the end jerks as his cock get messed with.


Tim can't take BM's winning takes out a ballgag and fitting it tight into his mouth and ties it tightly over his head. "You hush you got a lot more coming buddy!" Tim said as Chris shoves more and more of his cock into sore and screaming anus.


TC cries on the other side of the crib scared to death of Tigress and he looks over at her and says. "I was just trying to make you feel better. But now I hope you suffer some then after you hit your lowest I will be there to show you the love you need. I do love you Tigress. Please don't hate me for that but all we do have is each other from now on."
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
"Oh, yeah! Keep working it Imps." Lori moans as she gently pets Impmon's head. "Don't worry as long as you behave we'll be nice. 'Kay sweetie?"

"Wow he's tighter that he looks." Natasha muses as she manages to push her whole hand in. Onyx giggles and starts fingering herself as Impmon fidgets.


"MMMMGH! MMRH!" BM continues to scream through the gag the entire time until finally he sucumbs to exhaustion and lays still, trying to catch his breath.

Blake chuckles as the smaller mammal drops. "See I told you guys he'd stop fighting eventually. I bet he's starting to enjoy it."


Tigress gasps and looks at TC pleadingly just as Dona opens the door. "TC please don't be mad. I'm really sorry I'm just really scared and-"


Tigress is silenced at the sudden noise and looks up, shocked to see Dona out cold on the floor and a hulking figure standing in the doorway.

"Well, well, well. How the mighty have fallen." A familiar voice says as he steps into the light revealing it to be a large and incredibly well built snow leopard. "Hello Tigress. Did you miss me?"

Tigress' eyes go wide with shock as the leopard approaches the crib. "T-Tai....Tai Lung."
Impmon screams out with mouth open on Lori's pussy as the hand goes in and Impmon starts to lurch and wiggle all around. "AAAA STOP THAT YOU CRAZY BITCHES LET ME GO!" Impmon's hands and body start to get HOT with his power as he gets angery.


Chris gets all of his cock deep into BM's anus and rubbing his back says. "See was that so hard. Now we can have fun with this too." Chris takes hold of BM's hips and thrusts his cock in and out hard into his tight anus feeling like a billion bucks as he rapes BM's poor fannyhole.


TC looks over at this scary looking white tiger and gasps as he see's Dona the stongest girl he's even know fall like a broken tree and passed out before him. "Hey who are you and what did you do to Dona? Did you kill her?"
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
All there sisters stop at once and stare at Impmon. Lori reaches down and grabs Impmon's face, forcing him to look her in the eye. "Imps let me fill you in on something. The last guy to call us 'bitches' wound up in the hospital getting his 'special bits' reattached. Now if you want us to ease up you just have to say please." She looks back at eyes Natasha and Onyx who nod. "So you want to play nice or do we have to start trying some rough sex?"


BM moans and wails as Chris violates his rump. His fanny hole is stretched to it's limits and the pain is almost unbearable. Worst of all...he feels his own dick start to get hard again.


Tai Lung chuckles and nudges Dona's body with his foot. "Oh, don't worry about her. She's just unconscious. As for me my name is-"

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE!?!" Tigress snarles, interupting the leopard. "YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD!!"

"Ahem, as I was saying. I am Tai Lung, Tigress and I are..." He leers at Tigress, how growls at him. "Very old friends."