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The Affairs (Blankmind & Tank Cop)
Lopmon cries as the girls start to tickle her trying hard not to laugh thinking of anything from TC on his knees infront of Tigress offering his love to her, to her kids being taken from her forever to keep her pissing that diaper in shame.


Blake and Chris hold down BM tightly as Tim opens BM's ass checks wide apart then slowly shoves his cock head into Tim's anus. "Mmmmm So tight. I love taking anal virgins! I am so happy to be the one to pop your brown cherry BM." Tim said nearly browling with joy.


TC cries for Tigress shame as well as the Dona sticks back down and looks sick looking at that nasty baby bottle. "Momma....I don't think I am very thirsty."
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
"C'mon Lopsy!" Onyx says as she tickles Lopmons underarms. "This'll go a lot faster if you just let go and laugh." Natasha nodded in agreement as she used the paintbrush on Lopmon's bellybutton.

Lori giggles and moves her feather all over the bunny's foot and between her toes. "Trust us. You'll feel alot better about TC if you just relax for us."


"Nngghh..." BM screams through his clenched teeth as Tim's cock enters his virgin hole. Once it's all the way in the small raccoon is left panting and bawling at the incredible pain.

"Hey I think he likes it!" Chris says with a chuckle as he points at BM's own stiff cock. "Better find out for sure. Give him all you got Timmy!"


"You should still try to drink some baby bunny. We can't have you getting dehydrated now can we?" Dona chides TC as she picks up his bottle and hold it up to him. "Come on now little one, be a good boy and drink some nummy milk."

Tigress meanwhile was still sobbing quietly in her high chair. Dona didn't bother putting the tray back into place but Tigress was in no shape to try and escape. There was something about the hug Dona gave her that sapped her will to run away, at least for now.
Lopmon starts to tear up as she beings to giggle then after a few more minutes laughts hard. "Haaaahhhaaaa ha ha ha! No HA HA HA! Stop I can't HA HA HA! I will pee HA HA HA!"


"Hmmmmm so warm and tight in here. Ok here we go!" Tim takes hold of BM's his and starts to thrust in and out of BM's anus moving his cock out to the just where the head is in you then shoves hard back in all the way to the bace of his shaft.


TC cries hard as he opens his mouth as Dona shoves hard the bottle into his mouth and he gag's as he tries to swallow fast the vomit making milk mix. Crying
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
Natasha giggles and starts tormenting Lopmon's chest and breasts with her free hand. "Go ahead and let it flow, maybe you'll feel better."

"That's what the diaper's for after all." Onyx added matter-of-factly, giving Lopmon a little peck on the cheek.


"AAHH!!" BM cries out at the first thrust and bites down on his lip to try and take it in stride. Tears stream down his face but he doesn't say anything out of fear. He was miserable enough and in for more as it is without ticking the thress larger mammals off.


"There we go!" Dona says happily, pinching TC's cheek lightly. "This is Momma Dona's super special formula mix. Just what a growing baby needs." She tilt the bottle up a little to let the mix flow a little more.
Lopmon can't hold it back anymore and lets out a loud cry as the pee flows out and soaks her diaper pretty good. After she's done she has a good long cry not caring if the girls get a good full view of her shame anymore.


Blake can't wait for his turn anymore and looks over at Chris how nods and holds both of BM's arm's himself. The Wolverine comes over to BM's face and places his cock right infront of his mouth. "You know what I want and unless you want Chris to tug on both your arms and make a wish you better open wide and do your best!" Blake said with a big grin as Tim keep ramming his cock deep into your asshole.


TC moans as he too now pees and fills his diaper with his nastyness. He was very scared of this cause when Trigress was getting changed he got very horny and hard when he saw her private parts all exposed and being rubbed and cleaned by Dona made her want her badly even after he mess himself he was still ragging hard and didn't want Dona to change him from fear of what she and Tigress would think and do when they saw him like that.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
"There we go!" Lori exclaims as she watches the wet spot on Lopmon's diaper get bigger. "Alright girls, keep it up!" She says with a twisted grin as she starts licking and sucking on Lopmon's toes.

"Oh, lets' try this!" Natasha giggles and gives Lopmon's tummy a loud rasberry.


BM whimpers and looks up at Chris, not doubting that he would do it. Still groaning in pain she slowly opens his mouth wide for Blake's cock, clenching his eyes shut as he does.


Dona pauses for a second and sniffs the air. "Uh-oh, looks like we've got another stinky baby!" Dona squeals, poking TC on the nose. She unstraps him from highchair and carries him to the changing table. Ignoring the bunny's bright red face she removes his diaper and laughs. "Oh-ho, my. Someone's pee-pee came up to say high." She says waving at TC erection.

Tigress looks up and glances at TC's surprisingly large hard-on before looking away with a tiny smile on her face.
Lopmon giggles and laughts like her own kids when she or TC tickled them like that and pees more and more not caring anymore just happy to be laughing again. "HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!"


"Good boy." Blake says as he slides his cock into BM's mouth his cock was wide and made BM's jaw stretch as he gets it all inside him. "OOOOOOHHHH thats nice. Now suck like Ginger the Graffi sucks cock." Blake said rubbing BM's checks were his cock was rubbing aganst inside.


TC's hard cock wiggles back and forth as its let free to the air as if it was waving back at Dona or doing a happy dance of its own. TC turns his face away and he blushes and cries in shame. "Momma wease.....I embarrassed!" T_T
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
"Yay! I think she's finally enjoying it!" Natasha says happily as she goes back to the paintbrush.

"Of course she is." Onyx adds, giving Lopmon's pits a little break to rub her fingers. "Everyone enjoys a good tickle once they get used to it."


"Mmmmgh..." BM mumbles, unable to make a clear sound due to Blakes manhood filling his mouth.

Chris chuckles as he watches the smaller fur squirm under his grip. "Hope yer used to it buddy. Cause I'm taking over for whoever finishes first."


Dona giggles a little more as she cleans TC's nethers with a few wipes. "Now, now I'm almost done." She rolls up and tosses away his messy diaper then pulls out a fresh one and changes him into it. "All done sweetie. Now do you want some more milk or are you ready for your nap?"
Lopmon keeps laughing until she passes out from the joy and lies her head right on Onyx's breasts. Just as she passes out Zig Zag comes in. "So how was she girls? Do you want to play with your new friends some more? I can arrange another room be opned for you if you want to try something new with her?"


Tim says between moans. "Might be me then Chris...I am close.....NNnnrrrrr so close!" Blake takes hold of BM's head and thurst his cock in and out as he mouth rapes BM's throat. "Don't cum to fast this little cock lover needs to enjoy himself too! Hey Chris time for the reach around!" Chris then holds both BM's wrists to BM's back as he raches one hand around and starts to stroke on BM's very hard and throbbing cock.


"Nppy please momma...I just want to go to beddy bye." TC said just wanting all this to end and get even alittle peace. He knows Tigress must have seen his cock and he was so ashamed of what she would think of him now.

Dona places TC into the crib then comes over to Tigress and placing her tray infront of her so she can't leave her highchair then takes her bottle into her hand. "Time for your bottle sweet baby Kitty."
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
"She was fun." Lori answers with a smirks as she untied Lopmon's legs. "I just hope we didn't break her." Natasha giggles and frees ehr arms as well.

"Aww she's so cute." Onyx coos as she cradles Lopmon in her arms. She then looks up at Zig-Zag. "What do you have in mind boss? I think she could use a little more attention."


BM feels a huge wave of pleasure wash over him despite how much he didn't want to. He moans and whimpers into Blake's cock as he tries to fight against his own body. 'No! No, I'm can't...I'm not going to' "MMMMRHHHHH!!!" He screams as loud as he can manage before cumming hard on the floor.

Chris laughs at him and ruffles his hair. "Alright guys he's spent. Time to finish our little cock-whore up."


Tigress sighs and starts drinking from the bottle without a fuss. She cringes at the disgusting taste just as TC did but was totally drained and needed something, anything, liquid in her system.

Dona hums sweetly as Tigress drains the bottle. Once it's empty she takes Tigress back out of her chair and sets her down in the crib next to TC. "You two have a nice nap now. We can play some more after you're all rested up."