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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay
"You can look at my closet. You can find something there," Hunter said. When Grace did look into the closet, she found clothes Hunter must have planned for Grace to wear.

"I do not know, why Grace is here," Hunter explained. Truthfully, I don't know why anyone is here," he added. "We'll heal you, Alexander. Then, I will explain much to you...." he then looked at Grace, then back at his friend. "There are things we must discuss."


Alex hugged Serenity back, and mentally ordered Silvia to join in. "Now then...How about we enjoy ourselves for now?" he suggested, kissing Serenity's neck. "Or would you girls prefer eating before we play around?"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Grace blushed as she looked at her meager dress selection but sighed and chose the first one. It fit her new role well enough anyway. She quickly put the revealing clothing on and walked back to Hunter, blushing heavily as she leaned on his right and looked timidly at Alexander. The champion looked back in shock and cringed. "I...Im not sure Im....Hunter, what is Grace doing here? In this room? In those clothes?" Alexander said, picking himself up a little.

Some blood spilled out of his nose and mouth as he coughed again and he put his hand up to cover it. It would almost be comedic considering the situation of it wasnt for the fact that it was all caused by the wound in his lung. Grace watched him with worried eyes. "Master...Will you allow me to heal him? I am schooled in light magic due to my Angelo heritage...may I heal him?" She blushed as she spoke, self conscious of her clothes and waited for Hunter to answer.

If he allowed her to then she would blushed and crawl upon onto the bed, on top of Alexander, making even him blush a bit, and the kiss him right on the lips deeply. Suddenly however, the magic would reveal itself as a pair of angelic wings made entirely of light sprang from Grace's back. The light then glossed her skin and slowly transferred to Alexander. When it was all done, Grace would pull back, blushing like mad as the light dimmed and went out, as Alexander lay in the bed, almost completely healed.


Serenity blushed as her neck was kissed again and leaned into Alex. "Anything you want, I want master." Silvia agreed and if Alex wanted to, they would eat. If he didnt, they were both ready to receive his affection, and give their own.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"In due time, Alexander," Hunter replied. He then looked at Grace when she told him she could heal him, and he smiled and nodded. This smile was quickly torn off his lips and replaced with a look of horror and rage.

Grace...HIS Grace kissing someone else! It was wrong! Sick! DISGUSTING! IT COULDN'T BE HAPPENING!

When Grace pulled back, and stood next to him, the wolf man looked like he was struggling to be breath. "You...didn't would do that..." he whispered, spitting out each word with much effort. If Grace looked down, she would see Hunter was digging his own claws into his hands, making his own blood drip down on to the ground.

Seeing Mike touch his lover was one thing, but Alexander was a close friend, so jealousy became mangled with betrayal, making him feel worst than dirt.


"Go eat something, quick," Alex smiled, motioning to the bag of mushrooms and fruits. "Eat up, both of you. I want you both in good health, before we fuck," he said.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Grace shuddered and looked down in utter shame. "Im sorry...The angels kiss is the strongest healing technique I know...and it needs a kiss to work...I...I thought you would understand." Grace looked straight down at the floor and stood behind Hunter, not uttering a single word more.

But as much as Grace was shamed, she couldnt come close to Alexander, who knew full well that Hunter loved her, and was willing to do anything to possess her, which it seemed he finally did. He wiped his lips and stared down at his wound. It was raw and sore, but he could easily move and fight now, at full strength in fact.

He began to stand and dropped to one knee before Hunter. "My lord...I am at fault. I was tricked by Cassandra and allowed her to best me in combat. Had I been more mindful, I would have not come to be in this state and this would have never happened. If punishment is to be given, give to me and spare the...innocent." He could smell Hunter's blood boiling, and braced for an attack, probably a claw to face swipe. It was alright, he had no slaves at the moment, and he could hide his scars beneath his helm.


Serenity nodded and, with permission, shrank down to her normal size and enjoyed a mushroom or two. Silvia ate as well, until she was full enough at least, and then came back. "What would you like us to do master?" She asked him as Serenity floated next to her.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hunter looked at Alexander as he bowed down to him, and held up his bloody claws. "So long have I obsessed with her. Her beauty and perfect has captured my mind. And just now, I was forced to watch my obsession, kiss one of my closest friends..." he whispered.

He raised a bloody claw into the air, and brought it down. Alexander may have braced for the attack, but it never came. When he looked up, he saw Hunter had moved his attacked to the right, where six claw marks were seen on the wall. "You are not at fault, Alexander....You are forgiven. Both of you," he said, before sitting down on a chair. The room quickly produced another one, beside his own and he motioned Grace to sit beside him. "Grace, my hands...Would you be kind as to perform this Angel's Kiss on me?" he asked.

Once or if Grace did so, he would wrap his arms around his blond lover's neck, and push his tongue into her mouth, passionately kissing her, and staying like that beyond the spell. Once that was done, he would lick his lips, and keep an arm around Grace.

"Now Alexander...What would you like me to answer first?"


"Well first off, Serenity, turn back into your larger form. Then, I want you two to kiss one another, passionately, as though you were kissing me. Use your hands to tease and touch each other sexually," he ordered. "Make sure to rub yourself against one another as well, and wrestle tongues," he added, smiling lustfully.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Grace shook her head timidly and said "I...I can only do it once a day." But before Hunter could protest her body would begin to glow and she would embrace him and kiss his lips. Again the wings came out of her back, but this time wrapped around Hunter as they faded. The angels embrace, a weaker healing technique that Grace knew. She kissed him for as long as Hunter held her, even after his hands were healed.

When the kiss ended Grace would blush but stay on Hunter's lap as he wrapped his arm around her waist. Hunter was much bigger than Grace, meaning she could comfortably sit on his lap as he kept an arm around her, leaning into him with her head resting on his chest as she sat.

Alexander was not exactly in shock, but he was surprised. He smiled and shook his head. "Princess Grace is clearly yours now, nothing else matters aside from getting out of this place now." Grace stiffened a little and looked down at the floor. "Y-Yes... suppose he is right." She said, looking to the side in shame, knowing that she would probably have the abandon those poor girls to their fate. She wouldnt push Hunter into it anymore, it was her sin, her fault...she would bear it.


Serenity nodded and grew into her five foot tall form again and smiled timidly at her master. Suddenly the smaller girl was wrapped in Silvia's arms and kissed full on the lips. She was surprised at first, but soon fell into it and kissed Silvia back as their bodies pressed against one another. Silvia was taller and larger then Serenity, which made the hugging and groping kind of awkward, but they managed, their hands coming up and roaming each others bodies as they kissed and pleasured each other.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"A regular tale of Beauty and the Beast," Hunter chuckled before he whispered into Grace's ear, hoping that his friend did not hear. "If you want, I could try and see if Alexander will help me about the girls, Grace. But I want you to know...that if I have to choose between Alexander, my fellow Saxon, and Ren and...Flare, I believe her name was, I will choose Alexander...Unless you order me otherwise..." his voice said. "What would you have me do?"


Alex grinned at their actions, and said, "Very good. Now, on your knees," he commanded. He allowed his penis freedom, and the shaft stuck out between the girls, erect, though still not at it's max. "Silvia, I want you to be Serenity's coach. Show her just where to kiss and lick my cock, show her the spots I love when you lick and kiss them, and show her just how to moan," he smiled.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Grace tensed a little in his arms and did not answer right away. "Do...what you think you can do...I they are innocents in this...they shouldnt have to be subjected to all these horrible treatments." Alexander looked up and grinned a bit. "So, do either of you have any idea how to get out of this place?" He asked as he stood up. "We all need to get back to our world. The power vacuum left by me and Hunter wont go unfilled for very long."


Serenity blushed and Silvia nodded and began to teach her, demonstrating first, then explaining, and then allowing Serenity to try. Serenity's mouth was softer than Silvia's, but smaller, making it more difficult for her to properly please Alex. Still, the whole lesson was all pleasure to their master, and soon Serenity began to catch on, at least to a degree. But Silvia had perfected her skill with years of practice as Alex's slave, that could not be replicated in just a few lessons.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I have talked to Mickal, a powerful wizard, he mentioned he is working on a way out of this place. But, Alexander, before we leave this place, there is something I might want to do. There is a man, named Mike, who has two innocent woman as his slaves. Now normally, I would not focus too much on this, but the girls are...acquaintances who I take pity on. It is not of importance, but if you would, I would like assists on saving them. It is not our main priority, but it should be on our minds."


"Silvia, for the next few weeks, I want you to help Serenity become a dirty whore, just like you," the man said, before moaning as Serenity licked and took his large cock in her small mouth. After a few minutes, his white seed shot out and covered the two girls' faces, and went into their mouths. "Kiss and lick my cum off of each other. Share it between kisses. Then look at me and beg for more, my loves," the man smiled.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"As you command Hunter. Lead me to him and I shall undo him." He said simply as he stood up. Grace smiled timidly at him and blushed, noting again how little she was wearing and wished Hunter would hug her a little more, if nothing else then to hide her nudity a little more. He seemed to protective of her...and yet he allowed her to dress this way in front of his handsome champion. Perhaps he trusted Alexander more than most...or perhaps he just enjoyed showing her off like a trophy.


Silvia again took Serenity slightly bu surprise as she pulled the smaller girl unto her lap and kissed her lips and began to suck the cum off her. Serenity followed suit and soon they were both gently licked each other, trying to get all the cum off. When at last they had, they both looked up at Alex cutely and said "Can we please have more master?"
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)