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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay
((Come on Silver, what are the chances of Alex NOT helping Serenity? Rolleyes ))

Alex smiled and held serenity tightly. "Serenity, as long as you are mine, and as long as you are good, I will love you, protect you, and show you that you are far more valuable than you think," he promised, and kissed her cheek. "And if you want....we could start now? Enjoying ourselves...And letting me show you a glimpse of your new, wonderful life," he grinned, kissing the fairy girl's neck.


Hunter followed the scent through the torn kitchen, already his gut was telling him something was wrong. He opened the door to the hot springs, he gasped as he saw the floating, possibly dead body of his friend. "Alexander!" he yelled, and quickly ran into hot spring, and helped the warrior out.

He laid his friend on the ground, and began to tear his clothing, using the pieces to help bandage his wounds. As a warrior, he was no true doctor, but as a War Leader, he as proficient enough to help Alexander, surprisingly well. Still, it may have become painfully obvious Alexander would not make it.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
(Come on Zero, what are the chances of Alexander ACTUALLY dying?)

Alexander coughed stiffly and weakly opened his eyes. His wounds were mostly blunt trauma, but the main was cut by a sword, a sword familiar to Hunter. It was a sword he had seen cut down entire ranks of foes, and struck fear into all that stood against it. The wound was made with Alexander's own blade! "Hunter..." the champion gasped. His armor, what was left of it, was restricting his breathing. After Hunter was able to remove it, he would find Alexander wearing only a skin tight tunic and pants, both dark black. "Be wary my liege....Cassandra..." The champion gasped, wasting more and more energy.


Serenity moaned softly and wrapped her arms around Alex's neck and head as he kissed her soft skin. "But master...I have never been treated well before...what are the rules?" She asked, referring to the rules she should follow. Before it had almost always been the same. Dont look up unless told to or talked to, never waste time, never disobey orders, never displease your master, and that kind of stuff. It was a long list of oppressive dogmas she was forced to follow, and being free of them would help her healing allot...but what were the rules Alex wanted to Keep? IF any, since Serenity was not the kind to start trouble or abandon her master.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Well you did kill Grace))

"I know, I detected her scent. Rest now, Champion, you are injured," the War Leader said, and continued to do his best to help Alexander heal, taking off his armor and bandaging up his wounds.


"Rules? Behave. Follow Master's orders. Love Master. Be kind to your fellow slaves. Try to keep me happy. Tell Master whenever you are hungry or thirsty. That sort of thing," the boy smiled. "Understand, my dear?" he asked, and kissed her neck. "If you need help, ask Silvia. She's the perfect example of a love slave."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
(So? That was at the end, after she said it would happen. Also, come on, Alexander?)

Alexander did as commanded and rested. "We are exposed." He groaned after a few moments. "You must...take me to a safe place...If Casandra finds us...I wont be able to fight her...She sword." Alexander coughed hard but slowly rose to his feet. The champion, wounded as he was, was strong of body and will, he could walk with Hunter's help to a safe place.


Silvia blushed and mentally thanked him as Serenity considered his words. "I...I understand those are the basic rules but...what about my etiquette? Im a generally...what should I do and not do? I have been using mostly normal slave etiquette so far...would you like me to continue?" She asked, closing her eyes as she felt the kisses continue.

Master...normal slave etiquette for Serenity is terrible! She cant talk to other slaves unless its for a job or task, she cant sleep more than six hours, can not eat anything that isnt fed to her, cant look up unless it is needed for a job or task, cant stare anyone, even other slaves, directly in the eyes unless commanded to by her master, cant run or fly fast unless commanded to, cant drink anything other than water, cant speak unless spoken to, cant have free time, as in she has to find something to do or simply stand await orders, and she cant cry, laugh, frown or smile without direct permission!

Its horrible, and thats only a few master! She has been breaking them recently and feels so terrible about it that if part of the etiquette didnt say, Cant kill yourself without permission, she would have done it already just because of the few rules she has broken! Oh master, her poor head is a mess, and there are so many repressed memories in here...I dont think I have ever met someone that has endured as much as she has master. Make sure you tell her one of your rules is that you can not kill yourself or maim yourself, because as it is, once these mental shackles of etiquette come off, she might try killing herself...or at least slashing herself...her mind so damaged...what a poor creature.

Silvia's mental words were all true. Poor Serenity had been deprived all pleasure, fun, love, and good memories so much that every couple of years she simply repressed most of her memories so that she wouldnt kill herself, but she lived in a near constant state of depression. She was so damaged that even Silvia wasnt sure if she could ever be fixed.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex laced both hands on Serenity's shoulders and kissed her lips. "My poor Serenity...You have been so mistreated by your old Masters..." he sighed. "Now...the etiquette. You can talk to your fellow slaves, whenever you want, unless ordered to do otherwise, you can sleep as much as you want, or until I awake you. Now these rules are for your own safety. Do not eat or drink anything unless I say it's okay. And don't talk to anyone, without my permission, unless it is of the utmost importance. Now then, you may look me, and your fellow sluts in the eye, you may run and fly when you want to, and you may have free time to do what you want, unless I order you not to do something," he explained. "Now...probably, one of the most IMPORTANT rule...DO NOT hurt, maim, or kill yourself. Understood?"


Hunter nodded, and helped his warrior walk. "I know somewhere safe," he said, and began to help his friend walk to Grace's room.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Serenity looked puzzled as Alex spoke and laid her head against his chest. "But...what if I try to escape with Silvia? And what if I try to run away from you? And...Im...not worth enough to look anyone in the eyes master...Im a fairy." She said softly. If Alex actually thought about it, he had never actually seen her brilliant green eyes directly, they were always averted in someway. And serenity had probably never seen other eyes before at all. "And what about me speaking? and crying and laughing? Do these stay the same?" She asked, not realizing he was giving her freedoms. "And what about punishment...I cried in front of you master...allot...and screamed and showed allot of other things that you didnt command...I am such a disgrace as a slave...Im so sorry master." She said softly.

Master, she is drowning in self pity and hate...she thinks she has offended you, even if you wont admit it. She is so sad...I cant even find any dreams. She has no aspirations or wants...she just has things that she doesnt want to happen. She doesnt want to get hit, to be left alone, to have her children taken from her, to upset her master, and to be unhealthy...she has almost nothing for herself...she is so alone, so cold and abused inside...she doesnt even want freedom or love...or anything...she has been trained out of things like dreams and wants.

If Silvia couldnt find any, then even Alex wouldlnt be able to get one out of her. Serenity was a desolate and tamed creature. Alex would probably be doing more good by giving her a mercy killing rather than allowing her to continue to live as she was. Serenity was seriously that messed up. To heal her, he would have to work hard, and almost all the time, and that probably was not something Alex would want to do. Such a wretched creature like Serenity could hardly be healed by even heavens light...she was so thuroughly broken in her own head, it was more than obedience, it was her life.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Why would you try to escape?" Alex replied. "You're safe here, protected, fed, and pleasured. And Silvia would not leave me, that I know."

"And listen closely to me. you are worthy to look me, and others in the eyes. You're more than a fairy. You're my lover. As for your crying, and laughing, do so as you see fit. And for speaking, do so when asked to when we're out in public, but when we are love making or relaxing, feel free to speak. And there will be no punishment for you, Serenity. You did nothing wrong. I do not care what you're old Masters told you, here, you will be loved, respected, and given freedom, as long as you are a good girl," he promised.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Serenity held him a little tighter and her heart began to race in her little chest. "" she said softly, her breath a nearly voiceless shudder of sound as her body shook a little. She began to breath a little to quickly and hugged Alex tightly.

Something his happening...she is trying to take it all in at once, her repressed memories are popping like bubbles, they are flooding her mind!...but there are dreams there! Deep, deep down, she has some dreams, little tiny ones, but things to work towards! Oh master, be gentle with her, her mind is shaking.
Silvia informed, seeing clearly into Silvia's mind.

Serenity was shaking worse now, and one of her eyes began to tear up while the other stayed the same. Her mouth watered and suddenly became dry and her wings shuddered lightly as the internal transformation took a place. Never before now had she been assaulted with so many painful memories, so many that they nearly broke her spirit completely. But that was OK, because out of this Serenity would come out with more than she had ever had in her life, achievable aspirations.

The horrible memories rolled by and for five full minutes she shook like this, remembering it all, living it all again. And then suddenly she was limp. "" She groaned softly after a minute or so. Her mind is settling...three goals are rising out of it... Silvia said as Serenity hugged Alex tightly and looked up at him, directly in the eyes, giving him a prefect few of the endless green pools that made up her shining emerald eyes. "Can...Can I have dreams master?" She asked.

I see them now...her dreams. She has three dreams is to go back to a forest for a day and touch a flower with her hand...another is to eat a piece of chocolate...and her last dream is to hug her child....So little... So little, and yet so much. To Serenity, these were three things she could never have before, and they were meager things indeed. But to her, they were the world, her highest hopes and dreams.


As Alexander and Hunter came in, Grace gave a little yelp. She was in a small towel, sitting on the bed. She was cleaned and fed, and was looking for clothes when they came in. Alexander groaned in response to her reaction and, if allowed to, collapsed on the bed. "My liege...I fear I am doomed from this world...I'm seeing princess Grace though she were here with us." Grace came up next to Hunter and hugged his arm gently.

"Whats happening? Who is this?" She asked him silently. Grace had actually seen Alexander before, standing behind Hunter when they met four council with the other kings and queens. But he had always been clad in his black armor. Outside of it he looked nothing like she would have thought. He was elven after all.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex smiled at Serenity, and gently pet her waists, his hands moving around her body lovingly, but gently, almost gliding over her. He saw a chance of redemption, of hope, of penance. He was staring into the eyes of his hope. His hope, that he will make up for the horrible act he committed.

He became worried when all she seemed to do was shake in fear, and he was about to ask her if she was okay, before she finally groaned out his title. "What is it, my love...?" he asked. She hugged him tight, and he hugged her back, though not as hard so he didn't hurt her.

"Of course...Of course you can have dreams," he smiled. He then heard Silvia explain her dreams and he nodded. We can make atleast two of those dreams come true. The forest may not be easy, considering where we are, but chocolate and a child will be simple enough


As Hunter collapsed on the bed, he chuckled lightly. "No, Alexander, you are not leaving this world. Grace is right here, right now," he said, and looked at his lover as she held his arm. "This is Alexander, the Champion of the Saxon Kingdom, and one of my closest friends. I found him injured," he explained, before whispering into Grace's ear, so only she heard it.

"I hope this action does not upset you, my Queen."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Th-Tank you master! Oh thank you my master!" Serenity cried into his chest, holding him tightly as she held herself against him. She was far from fixed, but it was a start. Silvia merely smiled and watched, happy for Serenity and her master.


Grace shook her head and said, "No...of course not." She looked at Alexander nervously and then down at herself. "Is there anything I can wear?" She asked softly. Alexander was confounded. "Hunter...why is princess Grace here in this place? I...delayed the invasion in order to fight off the britts...but I thought she was the reason..." He coughed hard again and his breathing worsened. "I fear that she nicked my lungs Hunter, there isnt much anyone can do at this point."
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)