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(A Silver and Zero production) Fallen
The instant D went in, he was given the stair by almost every girl in the store. At least he was with a girl though, which was the only reason they didnt jump on him like cats tearing apart a mouse. "Wow what do they sell here?" Aurora asked, looking around at all the pictures of beautiful women displaying underwear, swim suits and other such things. All the bright colors, and all the pink made the place seem so wondrous to Aurora.



Silvia blushed and rubbed her arm. Today in class she had felt someone pinch her butt, but she didnt know who and all the other people sitting around her were girls, so she had no clue who could have done it. Normally she wouldnt Tell Alex, but since she had no clue who it could be, and since it was in sex ed with no boys she went ahead and told him as she waited for the noodles.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Yeah, yeah, blah blah spelling mistake Rolleyes))

Alex turned red and tried to hide his face from all the stares. He gulped as his face was burning like the sun and stuttered an answer. "T-they sell underwear, and s-s-swimsuits, and clothes for women." A slight bump was also seen on his pants, as he saw all the underwear and imagined the women would wear it. Specifically, Aurora.


Alex frowned, and sighed quietly. "Your teacher perhaps? If not, do you know if any of the girls would do that to you?" he asked. Judging by the look in his eyes, it looked like he was planning on 'interrogating' some of Silvia's classmates.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Aurora was intrigued by this and began to look around. A lady came up to help them a second later and began to help Aurora pick out new clothes just for her. Luckily, the lady had much more in the taste department then Aurora did. D would find himself sitting outside a dressing room as Aurora came out to show him what she was wearing and then went back in to change to repeat it again, ultimatly leaving the choices of what to buy up to D. She wore several out fits, from the cutest to sluttiest clothes in the store, spanning the whole array for D.


Just outside, a dark presence arrived at the the same time as a light presence. Both were looking for the same thing, and both were closing in on their target.


"Well...I dont know. My teacher Mai was nearby but I didnt actually see it happen. Lets just leave it be and enjoy our time togther." Silvia said with a nervous smile as she timidly took Alex's hand in her own.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
D turned red and did his best to cover his erection as he saw his sweet, pure angel where such slutty and cute clothes. "T-they're all good!" he stuttered. "Umm....A-Aurora, is there anywhere else you want to go?" he asked, hoping his nose wasn't bleeding as Aurora just looked so sexy.


"As you wish," Alex nodded, before Mr. Blank walked over. "Here you both go! Careful, it's hot!" he added, and placed two larges bowls on noodle soup for them, with cups of ice cold water on the side. "On the house, for you two only though," he smiled, before walking off.

"Eat up, Silvia," the boy said, before beginning to eat his soup.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Aurora came out again and smiled as she wore the most revealing outfit yet. "So I can get them all?!" She said happily. "Is this one good to wear?" She asked curiously, her huge bust staring against the bar less shirt, just about to defeat that last button.


Silvia smiled and ate her soup happily, and when it was over rubbed her warm, full tummy. "Thank you Mr. Blank." She said sincerely. She was so cute as she blushed and happily thanked the old man for the soup. She then looked innocently at Alex and smiled at him, waiting for him to either finish or take her...somewhere else.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((I might be on and off for a bit))

"AHHH!" Daniel gasped, before a small tinkle of red liquid began to move down, out of his face. "Uhh...Y-yes! I-it's great! Um...B-but you can only wear with me! Not in public!" he said, only to her. "Um...Can I get a tissue?" he asked, a worker.

"Um...G-go get what you want and bring it to the cashier. Here, this ought to cover it," he said, handing Aurora two hundred dollar bills.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
(Alex? I thought it was D! Stop confusing me! Also...Ya, you have no clue how much girls clothes costs do you?)

Aurora smiled and put her school clothes back on and went the cashier with all her new clothes, four bags full, and, D would realize, all bags that he would be carrying. Aurora soon came back and handed D his two hundred dollars. "Um...they started laughing when I showed them this." She said in a confused tone. Some of her outfits were easily cost way over 200 dollars! D was going have to really bust open his bank account if he wanted to by all those slutty dresses for Aurora. Other places would offer more normal clothes that did more than simply show her body, and have employees that would match her for perfect clothes instead of just the most expensive.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((...Yeah, I know. Most girls clothes are in the hundreds))

"Huh?" D asked as he cleaned up his nose. "Umm...Just pick out what you like," he said. "I'm sorry, Aurora, but it looks like we can't buy all of them." If Aurora couldn't pick, he would. He would grab atleast five outfits, a twist of slutty and cute, before reaching into his wallet and pulling out more cash. He would then pay for the items, and would ask Aurora if she still wanted more clothes.


Alex soon finished and licked his lips. "Thanks for the meal, Mr. Blank! Silvia and I are leaving now!" he yelled, taking his lover's hand.

"So soon? Ahhh fine! Take care you two!" he smiled, and Ax, the dog, barked loudly and wagged his powerful tail, making loud thumps.

"Anywhere you want to go to now, babe?" Alex smiled as they walked out.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Aurora was fine for now and kept moving from shop to shop, happily window shopping nearly everywhere. Suddenly D would feel a chill that he would see reflected in Aurora. Their attention would suddenly be dragged to the other end of the mall, where Mike stood, so far off he seemed like just another blur of a person in the background, but it was him, and he began to make his way towards them, pushing people out of the way and gaining speed as he began to sprint towards D and Aurora. "Who is that?" Aurora asked, suddenly behind D. Even then Mike was far off, but D would be able to feel the evil seeping off if him, the unsettling feeling that mike was actually something much bigger than he seemed, like a wrecking ball in a humans body hurling towards them. They had at least a minute before Mike arrived. Run, hide, fight, it was all up to D.


Silvia blushed and simply clung to Alex's arm and laid her head on his shoulder. "I want to go where ever you want to go." She said sweetly. She was so faithful and loving to Alex, and if any danger ever came for them, she would gladly give herself for Alex's survival.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex shivered as he felt his body feel all 'bad tingly' from the man running at them. "A-Aurora...Go find some place to hide, t-try looking for help," he stuttered. "F-find a police man!" he added, and lightly pushed Aurora behind him. "Go!" he yelled, hoping Aurora knew who the police were from watching TV. "Tell them a man is stalking me! GO!" he ordered. If Aurora did, he would do his best to stand firm between Mike and her, showing he would not budge unless forced.


"Hmmm...Why don't we just go home?" Alex suggested, moving a hand down and squeezing Silvia's ass. "Where we can enjoy ourselves," he added, and kissed her lips, right there. "Unless you're feeling adventurous and want to go somewhere more...public?" he teased, kissing her neck. "The mall perhaps?"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.