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(A Silver and Zero production) Fallen
Peter turned around and scowled as he saw Alex approaching. "Oh great, this loser." He said with a shake of his head. "Look Alex, your girls has better avenues available to her, and she is taking them. Who in their right mind would choose you over me?" He grinned and flashed his bright white teeth. Silvia stuttered something but was cut off as he continued "You dont belong to a group, a club, hell how you even afford to enter this school baffles me since you dont have any kind of job or extra circular activities. No sports or nothing. Silvia deserves better than some shmuck like you." Silvia tried pulling away the entire time, visibly trying to escape, but Peter didnt even notice. "Get lost loser." He said, turning to leave with Silvia still in his clutches. "Alex..." Silvia pleaded as he turned and started pulling her with him, reaching out for Alex as her shoes squeaked across the hall.


"Well, no." Aurora said. "Its just that today at the art club I got to paint someone who was modeling, but they were naked. The two people who did it were very pretty, or at least the girl was." She said with a slight blush. "I never really knew what a guy looked like under clothes until now...well not really really. In any case, Charles asked if I would like to model next, and I said I would have to ask you first. He got a little upset and called you a name...something like over bears ing? Well, all I know is that they dont let just anyone model, only people Charles thinks would make beautiful art, and he thinks I can make beautiful art!" she smiled and waited to hear what D would say, not for one second realizing how attractive she was or having any such thing as sheer human shame for being naked.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
D let out a sigh of relief as he found no one had seen Aurora naked except him. He placed a hand on her shoulder and said, "I'm sorry, Aurora, but I don't want you to pose naked to anyone. I am putting my foot down. You can't model naked, unless I am okay with it, and I am not okay with you posing naked to anyone in this class," he said. He then pet her cheek and said, "You are very beautiful, but the only person who should see you naked is you....and me," he blushed, his cheeks pink and hot. "Okay?"


The insults were like shooting a BB gun at a tornado. Really stupid, and really pointless. Alex suddenly dashing forward and passed Peter and Silvia and stood in front of him. A crowd of people began to watch the two, knowing a fight was about to begin, bets being made as Alex glared at Peter. "Give me the girl, before I kick your ass, Pisser," he insulted.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Aurora looked disappointed but nodded. "OK, D knows best. Do you want to go to Alexander's class again?" She asked him as she held onto his arm tightly. "I wanted to go around the town to look at things after school today instead of just going home." She said hopefully.


Peter's face turned red and he scowled. "What did you call me?! You dick head, your going down!" He roared as he raised a fist to pummel Alex's face with. "What is going on here?" Asked a deep voice. Everyone turned around to see the principle standing right there in front of them. Principle King was not a man to be messed with, and not the person you want catching you in a fight,

"N-Nothing sir, I was just leaving." Peter said quickly, releasing Silvia, who stumbled over to Alex rubbing her arm. "Good, now leave, all of you." the man basically growled, having very little patience for the lot of them. The hall way quickly cleared of most students, including Peter, who gave Alex a look that clearly said he would be back.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex glared back at Peter, before taking his girlfriend in his arms. "Are you okay, Silvia? Pisser didn't hurt you, did he?" Alex asked, petting her arm and kissing her cheek. He walked off with her, away from the Principal, and he looked her over. "I'm sorry I didn't get there sooner."


"I want to go to Alexander's class again, but we can go looking around after it," D smiled, before he slowly leaned forward and kissed her lips. "Promised," he blushed. If there was nothing in there way, D began to walk out with his angel friend, out of the school and to Alexander's dojo.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Silvia took his arm and looked at Alex with large, slightly frightened eyes. "You know I dont l-like him right? That none of that was my idea? I tried to make him stop...I did." She tried to explain, hoping Alex would understand. She rubbed her arm and shook her head to his question. "N-No...Im not know it wasnt what I wanted right?" She asked again.


Aurora smiled, delighted, and hugged D's arm tightly as they made their way into Alexander's Dojo. This time, the class was even harder than the last, and D would go out with all new aches and pains, but more knowledge as well. "It looks like fun." Aurora said as he left. "Is it OK if I try to?" She asked, tilting her head as she held his arm.


Not to far away, in the same forest park that Aurora had fallen into, another light entered this world, passing from another world into earth. A crack opened in the ground and it heat spilled forth. With the heat came a black sludge, which bubbled out of the crack and slowly began to take shape. The gunk soon formed a man, fully clothed. He looked around and then looked down as the crack closed. He grinned. "Time to find my pray." The demon said wickedly. He pulled a wallet out of his pocket and inspected it, opening it and smiling at all the money he found there, and then at his drivers license. He smirked. "Mike? Thats not a very creative name." He stowed the wallet and walked out of the park. "First a dwelling, then a search. And then an angel." He mused as he walked down the street, eyeing some of the large houses he was passing and wondering what the price of the house was compared to the price of the soul of the person who lived within it.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Mike's a demon? I freakin knew it!))

D groaned as his body ached and he looked up at Aurora as she asked if she could try. "It's not really fun, Aurora, and it hurts quite a bit," he said. "But if you really want to try it, you can join in next time," he said, before remembering what Alexander said about Aurora being able to hurt a man due to her quick reflex or something. Uh...Maybe not...?


"...I know, and I'm sorry," Alex said, before lifting her up in his arms. "I'm sorry, I can't have more riches to give you, to make you happy. All I have to give is me," he said. "Come on, why don't we get something to eat?" he suggested, walking with her in his arms, trying to change the sad subject.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Aurora squealed happily and hugged his arm a little more tightly. "Yaaa!" she said cheerfully. "Now where are we going? I've only been to the school and to the burger place. There are other places in town right?" She was already looking Giddy and excited, looking around in wonderment at everything they passed.


Silvia nodded and laid her head against his chest as he carried her. "Its OK...All I want is you." she whispered as Alex carried her way.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"How about the mall?" he suggested. If Aurora didn't know what it was, he would explain it. "The mall is place for food, clothes, and videogames. D of course had plenty of money, and felt confident to walk around with his 'girlfriend' with him. If she agreed, they left to the mall.


"So do you want to go straight home or stop by somewhere to eat or something?" Alex smiled as he carried her, walking down a random direction.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Aurora agreed wholeheartedly and they went off to the mall, where Aurora insisted on stopping at every single store to at least window shop, if not come in to look around. She giggled and smiled at the pet shop and all the puppies, she smiled and posed in the next store with some funny hats, and so on and so forth. Still, she didnt want to buy anything for some reason. Before D could bring that up though, they reached Victoria's secret. "Oh its pink! Lets go in!" Aurora said, trying to pull D inside with her.


Silvia blushed as she lavished in his warm embrace and her stomach answered him with a small growl. She was hungry. Her blush only got bigger and she found she couldnt stare Alex in the eyes, not after that embarrassing growl her stomach had provided.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
D laughed as Aurora dragged him around everywhere, and he happily accepted her wanting to window shop everytime they passed a store. He explained to her what each store was for. Some were toys stores, other anime stores, clothes stores, shoe stores, cake stores, and restaurants.

He loved having her happy, he really did, but his face turned beet red as she saw a Victoria's Secret store. "Oh...Um...I....O-ok. L-let's go," he stuttered, nodding his head slowly, his face red, as he gulped in embarrassment and fear.


"How cute," Alex commented, and led Aurora off to a nearby store.

Now Alex didn't have many friends, that much was known. Still, he was respected by some, feared by many, and hated by just as many. He did have friends though. One of the few friends he had was a kind, old, male chef, who ran a nice noodle shop near the school.

"Mr. Blank? Are you in here?" Alex asked as he walked Silvia in to the store. There were a few people at the store, who ignored the couple and focused on their own food. Mr. Blank knew Silvia, and she knew him. He was a good man, and acted as a father figure to Alex, since Alex's real Dad was away alot.

"Ah! Alex! How are you?" the man greeted, shaking Alex's hand. "Ahhh, Miss Silvia, glad to see you two!" Mr. Blank greeted, and behind him was a large, black dog, who happily barked at the couple and wagged his tail. "Ax, calm down boy! You know the customers don't like it when you get all uppity!" Blank yelled. He then looked at the couple and motioned at a table. "Sit you two! I'll get some hot noodle soup for you both! Now you two be good, I don't want to see any clothes go flying out!" he teased, and happily walked/danced back into the kitchen.

Alex smiled at the happy, old man and walked Silvia to a table, and sat her down, before he sat down, the two staring at one another. "So how was your day?" the boy asked, trying to make idle chit chat.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.