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(A Silver and Zero production) Fallen
Butch growled, only yesterday D had been a complete wuss, and now he was a fighter? Bull shit! "Bull shit!" Butch yelled as he ran in, swinging his knife. Suddenly though, he was in the air, flying backwards. Blood leaked from his mouth and nose and he fell flat on his back. Standing tall and imposing before D was Alexander, wearing his black school uniform and reading his book.

"Knives, really." Alexandr asked as he casually walked up to where Butch had hit the ground, not bothering to put his book down. The bully groaned and began to stand, still holding his knife, but was stopped as Alexander stomped on his hand. Butch screamed as his fingers broke and dropped the knife. "Get the hell out of here." Alexander ordered, looking up from his book to give him his icy glare. Butch nearly crapped his pants and began to crawl away, doing this for five feet before he began to get up and run.

D was suddenly tackled from behind, but not to the ground. "DDDDDDDDDD!" Aurora said as she hugged him tightly, tears in her eyes. "D, D, D! Are you OK D? D is OK?" She asked him urgently, hugging him so tightly that it hurt.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
D closed his eyes as Butch charged at him. He slowly opened them as he saw the man who saved him and Aurora stand before him, with Butch running like a little girl. "Dude! How did....You were....That was awesome!" he said. "How did you make him run away like-AHHH!" he groaned as Aurora squeezed him from behind. D let out a pain filled chuckle and smiled as she crushed him. "Yeah...I'm okay....I'm okay! D is okay! Ahh....Aurora? You can let go now," he asked. "I mean...I love hugs, but...please let go?" If she did or didn't, D looked at Alexander and smiled. "Thanks, dude. I owe you one."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Alexander said nothing and simply shrugged. "You took out those other two, so I cant imagine that you would have that many problems with Butch, even if he had a knife." Aurora blushed and looked away, But Alexander took no notice. "I will see you tomorrow D. Take care of her while Im not around." He said as he walked away towards his house.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Why is such a hero, working with such.....assholes?! he thought. Why...a guy like that should be hanging I could use a bodyguard! "See ya!" he yelled, and looked at Aurora and grabbed her arms, and pulled her off. "Are you okay, Aurora? They didn't hurt you did they?" he asked.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Aurora shook her head and said "No...they didnt hurt me..." She looked to the side and blushed a little. "I dont...I dont remember. All I can remember was that they were catching up to me, and one grabbed my shoulder. All I could think about was how if I didnt get to Alexander fast enough, you were going to get hurt and...and everything went blank, and then I was running again. When we came back to get you, we saw both of them groaning on the floor...."
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
D nodded, realizing this had to do with her angel heritage. "Lets head home now, okay?" he smiled and kissed her cheek and took her hand in his. If there was nothing else to talk about, or anything in their way, they went straight home.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Aurora went home with him, clearly happy about their safe return. In bed that night, Aurora would turn around when D was asleep and hug him against her, laying his head on her breasts, warming them both comfortably.

(Skip to tomorrow?)
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

When D felt Aurora hug him, he hugged him back, and unintentionally kissed her lips, snuggling up to her. "I love you," his sleeping form said.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Aurora blushed as she was kissed on the lips and hugged, rather liking the feeling of being held and of having D's warm lips on her own. She smiled at his words and snuggled into him warmly. "I love you to D." she said softly as she drifted off into sleep.


Next Day

Aurora didnt wake up first today. Instead when D awoke from the sound of the alarm clock, he would find himself snuggled tigtly against Aurora's body, his head using her breasts as a pillow. She looked incredibly sweet and innocent as she slept, and was super sexy to boot!


Silvia awoke slowly. She couldnt remember where she was or where she had gone to sleep. She was a little afraid, since she did not feel like she was in her own bed and began to open her eyes and mind so she could find out where she was.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
D slowly awoke to find himself between Aurora's breasts. He smiled and kissed both orbs before falling back in sleep. A minute or two later, his eyes shot opened and he jumped out of bed, his alarm clock blaring. "A-Aurora!" he gasped. I thought I told her to not sleep facing me!?! he thought as he looked down at his erection through his shorts.

He waited a few minutes, trying to get his erection down. When it finally died, he sighed and looked at Aurora. She truly was beautiful. If anyone else had found her, they'd be fucking her day in and day out.... He was lucky he found her before some twisted man did. "Aurora. Aurora, time to wake up," he said, shaking her, leaning forward, his face close to her own.


When Silvia awoke, she would feel a pleasant feeling on her breasts. When she looked down, she saw Alex, holding her waist and kissing her right tit. He seemed so calm, and loving, almost like a baby holding his loving mother. "Silvia..." he whispered, before licking her breasts. Silvia would also notice a strange bump, which, on closer inspection would be revealed as Alex's erect cock.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.