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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
Alex smiled at his own little harem. It is pretty nice, he thought. I had all these girls, all beautiful, all with nice, big breasts, and all mine. Life is good....Life is good.... He couldn't wait to make it grow though. Collect a couple more Naruto girls, like Shizune, and Tsunade, maybe Anko and Kurenai two. Maybe when he was done here he would go after Rangiku Matsumoto. Such a big breasted beauty deserved to be here, with her friend, Orihime. So many girls, so little time he happily thought as he walked over to Orihime and Hinata. He sat behind Orihime, and suddenly took a bar of soap and began to clean her back for her. "First I'll clean you, Orihime, and then you, Hinata," he said.


The girls cowered before their Master, and quickly put the cips away on the fridge and looked on the ground, ashamed. They all politely bowed before Peach, who realized what Mike said was true. He did have a collection. She politely bowed in return and looked at her Master, before taking the peach and slowly eating, wanting the food to last.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Th-Thank you master..." Orihime said with a cute blush. "Um master...If I may ask...where are we going?" Orihime questioned nervously. She shivered a little as she stood, still suffering the effects of the drugs she had been given. She felt hot and cold at random, and horny and dry at odd times. It would take a few days to get it all out of her system.


(Will wait a little for Alex to catch up)
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Ah, yes," Alex smiled and moved his hands. Suddenly the soap was floating in the air, and cleaning Orihime all by itself. Another car of soap did this to Hinata, cleaning them both with him sitting next to them. "Ahem. I have an announcement," he stated, and looked at Ino and Sakura. "So listen up!" he added.

"We are going to a party of a friend's of mine. It will be a fancy party, and I will have special dresses for each of you. A lot of people will be there, and want you all on your best behavior. My friend, Mike, is like me. He and I collect girls from various realities, into our own personal harems. I won't bore you with the details of him, and I, rather, I want to set some ground rules," he said and stood up and placed his hand on a small, cupid statue that was there for decorations. "During the party you will be near me at all times and go only where I tell you to go, do only what I tell you to do, and speak to only those I tell you to speak to. I have established a mental link with each of you, so if you have questions just think of them..."

And I will answer he said on all links, except Tenten's.

"If you're good, then I'll treat you nice, give you lots of happy gifts, and the such," he smiled. Suddenly the statue he had his hand on began to shake, his hand squeezing and soon destroying the piece of rock, reducing it to pieces. "ANY OF YOU WHO CAUSE TROUBLE WHO MESS THIS UP...What happen to this statue, will happen to your mind!" he roared, before sighing. "I like to think you girls know me. I hate pain. I prefer pleasure, as I expect you girls do. I do not want to hurt you, or punish you, I love you all to much to do that. But I will hurt you, and I will cause you pain if you mess this up. Remember that...Just please, ladies. Do be good...For your sake."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
The girls trembled at the sight of Alex's warning and none asked any questions at all. When Alex finished bathing them and such they would be ready to do whatever he wanted them to, trying to act a nicely and as well behaved as they could.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex smiled at the girls and got a towel, which floated up and began to clean one girl at a time. "Let's see....what you be wearing for the party..." he thought, before moving his hand. A red kimono appeared on Sakura, with pink flowers on the dress to help make it fancy. Ino was dressed in a similar kimono, except it was yellow, and purple flowers on it. Hinata was given a long, silk, black prom dress. Finally, Orihime was given a purple dress, much like Hinata's. "That'll do!" he said, before making a black tuxedo appear on him. "Now remember what I said, ladies. Best behavior," he said, and opened the door for a second. "If Sauske comes back, tell him I've got out with the girls! Also keep an eye on Tenten, and any other girls that come in!" he ordered.

Mike, we're coming! he declared, as a blue portal suddenly appeared, and he walked to it, with the girls behind him. "Come on, ladies. Best behavior," he added, as he walked though.

((Couldn't find any picture of dresses I liked))
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"OK girls its time to go." Mike said with a claps of his hands. "Line up, Hinata come here and take my right arm. Peach, you take the left." He said. If everything went smoothly, he would open a shining blue portal and lead them through it into the ballroom. People were already their, arriving by different doors, some were dancing, some were sitting and chatting at tables and others still were chatting and eating near the plentiful buffet tables. "Remember the rules girls." He said as they entered, coming in through the front and down the stairs in the center, Mike with two women next to him and several behind, walking down the stairs the king he was, at least in this place. Trumpets hailed his entrance and he smiled as he walked down and was applauded by several people when they recognized him and who he was with.

Very much the same happened when Alex entered, and the girls blushed as they saw all the people. Many rushed up right away to get a better look. "Ahem, welcome to my little party! Have fun, drunk wine and admire what I have created!" Mike declared as he walked up to Alex. "And make sure to give my sponsor here the respect his bundles of money deserve!" And the party was on.

Mike was confronted right away by several people. "Are they all...really them?" One man asked looking at his harem with interested and lustful eyes.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Orihime, grab my left, Hinata, my right. Ino, Sakura, hold each other arms Alex ordered as the trumpets played. He smiled as he looked at the people and looked at his girls. Don't be scared ladies, just stay close to Master he ordered as they walked around. Are any of you hungry? he asked as he led the girls to a large table, with enough chairs for all of them.

Hinata and Peach grabbed his arms, and the girls stood behind him and looked at the several people who were talking about their Master. They blushed and bowed their heads, but didn't say anything, merely smiling and looking at their Master with love, fear, and respect.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
I-I a master. Orihime answered, as did the other girls. They hadnt eaten much since being his slaves.

Mike enjoyed the attention and answered many questions. He showed off his girls as he walked around and finally sat them all at a table.

(Would you like to skip to later in the party?)
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

Alex smiled at Orihime, and lightly kissed her lips. He led the girls to the tables of food, and gave them each a plate. Be careful with your dresses, ladies he said, as he got himself a plate and began putting food on it. Once they were done, he led them back to the table and began to eat.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
The party went on and on and people offered to dance and such and festivities were held. Mike danced with a few of the others at the party and with each of his girls, and even allowed some of his girls to dance with other people. Alex was asked the same, but what he did was up to him.


"Ok...the party is winding down." Mike said as he looked around. "Time to make my move." He stood up and yawned, stretching a bit. "Girls, Im going to go take a quite breath of fresh air. Feel free to talk amongst yourselves." He said as he disappeared into a portal.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)