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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
((Mike? I think me, Alex))

"Hmm..." Alex thought aloud, and snapped his fingers. Suddenly another clone apepared in a puff of smoke and ran over to Ten ten and pulled the thumb size rasor from her, careful not hurt himself. Alex's keyboard suddenly appeared before and he began to type.

I am in the middle of breaking in Tenten and Ino, but I should be there soon. I also need to check up on Orihime, now that I think about it. I'll come, but I want you to swear you won't make me look dump, or like I'm your sidekick or lacky. I helped fund you with my wealth, and even though I'm not as smart as you, or any of your friends, I helped in my own way. As long as you don't make me look bad, I'll come.

Also, if you plan on anything big, like poisoning any of these guys drinks. Tell me. I prefer not being surprised. Or poisoned.

He then looked at Tenten and sighed. "Naughty, naughty."


Rukia and Hinata gasped and quickly returned to kissing one another, their tongues playing and massaging one another. Ino looked at Mike and blushed and said, "Yes, Master....MAster? Will...will...will you make me feel good again?" the blushing blond asked. Sakura looked at Mike dumbly, before smiling and saying, "I love my tummy, Master. I love Master," she stated, the pregnancy affecting her brain like Mike said it would. "My tummy feels so nice..."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
(lol, huge posts of epic are making my mind as sloshed up as Sakura's)

Mike smiled and nodded to Ino. "Oh yes, many many more times if you wish, but I need you to behave and obey me, if not then you get nothing." He turned around and snapped his fingers and all the locks and restraints that held them came undone, like the stirrups, and the bondage gear that covered Rukia and Hinata. "All of you, line up before me." He ordered, stepping back to give them room. "Ino, help Sakura, she is a bit pregnant as you can tell so she will need you to help her up." He then looked at Rukia and Hinata and tapped his foot. "Hurry up ladies, we dont have much time." He said to get them on their toes.


Tent growled and spat. "Damn it!" she cursed, still weak from the blood loss. She wiggled her naked body over so she could see Alex and scowled. "So what? Is it my turn?" she asked defiantly. She had heard Ino all the way down the hall, as far as she knew, he had killed her, what else could make her scream so loudly?

Alex, I dont mind presenting you as my sponsor, thats half the reason I want you hear. If you were my lacky then that would mean that only you were testing this out and that would suck for me. I would suggest you prepare for that party, you will be one of the hosts if you come. Just please please dont bring any unstable or untrained bitches into my party, I will not enjoy sending you all back. If it looks like they will be a problem, then please dont bring them unless you want to show off some bondage gear. Deal?
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Pokes your head) Give me a knife and I can fix it....Twisted ))

Deal. I'll make sure to break them all thoroughly before I get to the party. And if any of them cause any trouble, I will punish them thoroughly. Oh, by the way. I have Sauske as my ally, should I bring him along two?

Alex turned his head and smiled and walked over, his clone by his side. "Correct. Now then...Let's start," he said, and moved his hand. Suddenly the rope holding Tenten disappeared. Before she could attack him though, metal cuffs appeared around her arms, and legs. The cuffs floated up and sent her against the wall. The cuffs suddenly bonded with the wall, holding her to the wall, a foot or two off the ground, and two feet below the ceiling, completely naked.

"And now a little bit of this," he said, and moved his hand again. Suddenly the bands holding her hair snapped, letting her hair fall down, nice and long. "Always did like girls with long hair," he said, before moving his hand again, and her breasts and ass began to grow, until her tits were G cups, and her ass had nearly doubled in size. "Mmm...You look good," Alex commented, his cock growing at the sigh of her.


The girls obeyed, and Rukia helped Hinata up and walked in front of Mike, with Hinata in front and Rukia behind her. Ino walked over to Sakura and helped her up, and walked over, with Sakura behind Rukia, and Ino behind Sakura, helping her stand straight.

"N-n-now what, Master?" Hinata asked.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Please dont. Im not running this party just so that every female hacker out there can start screaming and giggling over meeting Sauske in person, lets keep the fan girls at bay for now, otherwise Sauske might actually start cutting himself.

Everything happened so fast Tenten hardly had time to react as her hair was suddenly let down. "What are you-Ahhh!" She screamed as he watched herself change. "What the hell have you dont to me?!" She demanded, looking down at her swollen tits and feeling her larger ass against the wall. "Are you planning on blowing me up?" She asked incredulously, unwilling to believe he was actually going to keep her alive after all she had done.


Mike sighed. "OK...clearly I didnt make myself as clear as I wanted. When I said line up in front of me, I meant a horizontal line, so I could get a look at all of you, not a straight line. Please reform before master loses his patience." He said clapping his hands to get them moving. Once they were in line as he wanted them to be he would walk all the way to the end and look at Sakura. "So Sakura, tell me how you feel, anything hurt? Anything you need?" He asked as he rubbed her warm, soft stomach.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The girls quickly moved into a horizontal line, with Hinata on the left, with Rukia on her right, and Ino next Rukia, and Sakura on the end. The pink haired girl only smiled at Mike and said, "I feel pleasure, Master. All I need is you," she smiled.


Alex couldn't help, but chuckle at the thought of hundreds of fangirls paying him so they could play with Sauske. Fine, I won't bring him. I'll see you in...ten hours did you say? Whenever, just send me message with the time.

He then looked at Tenten, and cocked his head in confusion. "Blow you up? What do think I'm going to kill you?! I'm insulted! What would be the point of killing you? No, no, no! Disgusting and a completely idiotic idea!" the boy said. "I want to do...something like this, to you," he said, and moved his hands.

Suddenly his chakra began to create life like illusions before Tenten. Illusions that showed Alex fucking Sakura as the pink haired girl licked and fingered Ino's pussy, an illusion of Alex fucking Hinata, and an illusion of him fucking Ino.

"I want to own you, Tenten. Mind, body, and soul. Understand?" he smiled.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Hmm, you will all need a bath." Mike muttered and then returned his attention to Sakura. "OK my sweet, I just need you to be a little less...brain dead." He made a quick hand sign and placed a hand on her head. He returned her mind to normal now, temporarily undoing Slugo's stupefying effect. He then moved on. "Ino." He said with a smirk. "How are you feeling? Any aches and pains I should know about? Anything at all." He asked as his hands moved down to caress her breasts, still large and full of milk.


Tenten paled as she realized his plan for her. "Stay away from me..." She whispered, trying to back into the wall. "Stay away! Help! Help! Please someone help me!" She screamed, trying to break her chains but only succeeding in shaking her new large breasts for Alex. "Help!" She continued to scream, praying someone would save her, anyone. But no one would, Tenten was trapped.

(Sleep time for me Zero, night)
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"MY...breasts are kind of heavy, Master. They kind of hurt my back," Ino commented. "But you don't have to worry, it's not a problem!" she quickly added.

Sakura, now less stupid, rubbed her head in a little bit of pain, the sudden burst in brain power making her head hurt a bit.


"By all means, keep struggling. I like watching your tits jiggle," he smiled. "Guess you won't be as good of a ninja with those new tits of yours, huh?" Alex chuckled. He then snapped his fingers, and a large,b red jar appeared in his hand, as his clone vanished. "Keep squiriming, if you like, while I fix you up," he said, and opened the jar, and showed Tenten it was filled with a sweet smelling, clear cream. He then took some on his fingers, and rubbed it on to Tenten, tummy and began to go down to her legs.

"Let me explain what this is. I have a jutsu called, Pleasure of Eternity Jutsu. This cream, I'm rubbing on you, is a sort of solid form of it. I rub it on to your body, and it moves into your skin, painlessly of course, and begins to make you feel all hot and horny on that spot. It's rather long lasting, but don't worry, it wears off after two, maybe three hours," Alex said as he rubbed more cream on to Tenten's body, and after covering her legs with the stuff, moved up to her chest and arms, putting lots on her breasts, and around her pussy. "Don't worry, it's safe to eat...Well, maybe not safe, as the stuff can be rather...disgusting to taste, but it won't kill you, luckily. It's effects where off when you are given pleasure. The more pleasure you're given, the less horny you'll be," he said as he rubbed more of it on to her body, and it moved into her skin. "I think I almost got all of you," Alex said, after a half an hour of covering Tenten in the stuff.

There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Mike nodded and pet Ino's head. "Good, dont worry, you will get used to it, you are a ninja after all." He smiled as he fave her nipples a last passing grope and moved on. "Rukia my love, does anything ail you? Any aches or pains I cant sooth for you? Dont bother being modest, it still counts as lying your master." He watched her closely then, waiting for her to respond.

Then he would move onto Hinata, his favorite, or at least as close as once could get. "Hinata my virgin jewel." He said softly, bending down and kissing her lips. "What hurts? Tell me so I can fix it. Dont be shy, I am being honest." He said as his hands caressed her back, one moving down to lightly grope her ass.


Tenten continued to struggle despite Alex's words and wildly tried to free herself until finally she became tired out. By this time Alex had finished explaining and finished rubbing it the cream on her stomach and was halfway down her legs. She began to shiver. "St-stop, why are you doing this? Why not j-just kill us? Why brainwash us? Humiliate us?" the cream was already starting to effect her, as Alex could see, since her body began to tremble, especially her legs. When at last he finished there and moved up to her breasts and shoulders she moaned softly and closed her eyes, blushing hard and ashamed of herself. She wiggled her slick, cream covered toes, and felt pleasure even there, and that was not to mention her stomach or pussy which had been covered way before her toes.

When Alex was done rubbing it all over her breasts and hard nipples and moved on to her armpit, back and the rest of her she was starting to shake badly. "Please...take it off...please." She begged him as she tried to fight the mounting pressure, the cream slowly letting itself be absorbed into her. Finally it came to the point where she could not bear to look at Alex, able to think only of how he could be pleasing her, rubbing her large cream covered tits, massaging her cream slicked ass or even fucking her wet pussy.

Closing her eyes helped, for a little while, until her imagination began to fill in the blanks. And the worst part was, it was only getting worse and worse. By the end of the treatment, Tenten was humping the air softly, moaning to herself as her pussy leaked as if it were being fucked, dripping on the ground and make a small puddle of her desire. "Neji...Ohh Neji.." She moaned, truly thinking she was being fucked by Neji Hugga, her crush. She was getting off just on the air touching her skin, truly being stimulated into an orgasm by it, and it was only going to get worse.

"Ahhh...ohhh deeper Neji..." She moaned, thrusting her hips like crazy now, the wind on her but and pussy almost felt like two hard cocks fucking her, and each time her ass hit the wall she shuddered and smiled. "Oh yess spank me Neji, Im a bad girl..." She moaned lustfully, hundreds of hands stimulating her body in a way she imagined that only neji could. And to think that Alex hadnt even touched her yet.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"M-my body hurts a little," Rukia answered. The bondage gear had left her rather uncomfortable, and even the dildo stopped fucking her ass a while ago, it still stung. "And my ass hurts, two, Master."

Hinata shyly smiled at her Master, and if he allowed it, hugged him and kissed him back. "My pussy hurts, Master, and the bondage kind of hurt.....Master?" she then leaned forward and whispered into Mike's ear. "When will you take it away? I want you to take it, Master..." she whispered, and suddenly took Mike's hand and led it down, to rub against her virgin pussy. "Take me, Master."

She was offering herself to him. She no longer wanted to be his virgin jewel. She wanted to be his jewel, period. Naruto was pushed to the back of her mind, as was Neji, and her home. All that mattered was Master Mike.


"...I never knew you'd be such a little slut. Neji's a lucky man, or we would be, if I wasn't around," Alex chuckled, before moving his hand, and the cuffs disappeared, but before Tenten could even hit the ground, Alex ran forward and held her hands against the wall. "Listen here you little whore! Open your eyes!" he ordered as his clothes disappeared, and his erect cock popped out, rubbing against Tenten's clit. "You want pleasure? Then forget about Neji and your village! I own you! I own your body! Your soul! Your heart! You are my little slut, and my naughty girl, and if you think I'll let you avoid your new role, you are wrong!" he said, as he used his chakra to create a barrier, within Tenten, not even letting her cum as she felt pleasure from Alex rubbing his cock against her clit. "Got that? I am the Master, and your a dirty little slut! Say it!"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Mike smiled at Rukia and stroked her body with his hands, which began to glow purple. As he did, all the marks and pains from the gear disappeared and the pain in her ass lessened considerably. "There you go love. Tell me if there is anything else."

Then he would move onto Hinata, his favorite, or at least as close as once could get. "Hinata my virgin jewel." He said softly, bending down and kissing her lips. "What hurts? Tell me so I can fix it. Dont be shy, I am being honest." He said as his hands caressed her back, one moving down to lightly grope her ass.

Mike smirked at what he saw. Hinata seemed to have given in completely to him and he loved it, and rubbed his fingers against her clit, making small Circles around it and healing her body with his other hand the same way he did to Rukia. "No my little virgin jewel, I will not take you yet. You must be patient, it is not for you to choose when you lose your virginity, that privilege is for me alone."

Mike then straightened up and looked them over once last time. "OK slaves, you are probably wondering why I am even take time out of my precious day to look at your dirty bodies. Well I will tell you why." He proceeded to explain to them that they were all going to a party soon, and he told them who would be there, that there would be food and drinks and they would all get dresses.

"But one thing I must make absolutely clear is this. One slip up, one angry flare, one trip on the dance floor, and you ALL shall be punished SEVERELY! Am I clear slaves? Do you understand that you will face months of pain and torment if even one of you messes up?" If he got a convincing yes from all of them then he would continue to say. "During the party you will be near me at all times and go only where I tell you to go, do only what I tell you to do, and speak to only those I tell you to speak to. Breaking any of these rules will be punishable with extreme Severity. So do you all understand? Any questions?"


Tenten whimpered and nearly came as she felt his hands grab her own, so strong was the feeling of pleasure. "Ahhh...Ohhh Neji..." She said softly, unfazed by his sudden attack, her eyes remaining closed. She arched her back against the wall as she felt Alex's dick touch her clit, but found she could not cum. "Oh...Ohhh...Harder...pound me harder...." She begged, oblivious to the world around her.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)