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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
Alex only smiled and suddenly pulled out one of his katanas. With amazing skill he sliced off Ino's bondage, but held the katana at Ino's face. "Sakura, by my side," he ordered. He then looked at Ino. "You can't use any justus, I can. Think about it, Ino. And I did nothing to Sakura, but made her feel good, and now she loves me, just like you will very soon," he said, and if Ino did not try anything, he would use his chakra to bound her hands together. "Sakura, go up to Ino and start licking her pussy like you've always dreamed off. Ino, if you try anything...Well...Just don't try anything," he warned, placing another hand on his other katana.


Mario was overwhelmed by the fiery blast, and his burned, nearly dead body hit the ground. It seemed all was lost for the Mushroom hero.

"AHHH!" Luigi screamed. "Stay away from my brother!" he cried, and began to dance stupidly. While Mike wonder what he was doing, he suddenly realized Luigi was doing his Final Smash. A negative, dark , aura suddenly filled the room and Mike would feel very slow, and sleepy.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Son of bitch..." Mike growled. He tried to turn around but hit his head hard on the ceiling. This combined with the final smash, knocked him out and he fell on his back. His hands were badly burnt from that stunt he had pulled and since he had not physically hacked the game, he was weakened by his display of power. He would be out for ten minutes before he naturally regained consciousness.


Ino growled as she stared at the sword tip in front of her noes. But she did try something. Wrapping her free hands in covers while she could, she suddenly brought both hands forward and grabbed his sword between her hands. "I cant do njutsu but I still have Tie jutsu!" She yelled as she slid under his word and kicked Alex with both legs right in his stomach as hard as she could. Sakura screamed and fell back, having no memories or skills in fighting. If Alex dropped his sword Ino would pick it up, and if he didnt then she would try to force it out of his hands.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Ino was able to take his sword, but he still had his other one. "You think that can stop me?" he asked, as four tentacles shout out of his back, each ending with a phallic head. He held his katana in one hand, and made a mental order. Suddenly the two guards outside ran n, each of them holding two katans. "Get her," he ordered, and the two charged forward. Stay back, Sakura. I don't want you hurt

There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Ino yelled and quickly began to cut up tentacles and Clones. Alex was not a ninja like her, and so when going to sword to sword, fist to fist, she was the better fighter. However Alex wasnt using his jutsus, which could stop her in an instant if he did.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex simply watched as Ino defeated his tentacles, which quickly grew back. When she fought her clones, he quickly placed his hands together and his shadow shot forward, trying to use a Shadow Possession Jutsu.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.

Ino cried out and jumped back, trying to avoid it, but she failed. She grit her teeth and cursed through them as she was forced to stand just like Alex was. " do you know this technique!" She growled.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Yes. Alex had a sex change....))

Alex smiled as Ino stood before him, and used his telepathy to bring in a clone. Alex made Ino drop his katana and step back. The clone used his chakra to make two thin, yet strong pole of woods shoot out of the ground. With his original's help, the clone used chakra made rope to tie Ino's right leg and right arm to one pole, and her left leg and left arm to the other pole. Alex then dropped the justu, and the clone walked out. "There, much better," he smiled.


"Princess, we-a got to get you-a and Mario out of here!" Luigi yelled and led the Princess out, with Mario on his shoulder. As they ran out, a dozen Toad guards, riding a dozen Yoshis surronded Mike's fallen body.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
(I was kinda thinking that, since Mike will be out of commission for at least Ten minutes, they would try using the dungeon or something since abandoning the castle after you knocked out the enemy seems kinda strange. Also, Mario would not last long if he gets no healing help)

Ino struggled against the poles and screamed. "You bastard! I will make you pay for this!" she yelled as he struggled as hard as he could against the poles, but she could do nothing.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Sure, right. Sorry))

The guards dragged Mike to a dungeon, deep underground. About give stories deep under ground, making it about 50 feet underground. Mario was sent to a hospital in the nearest city and put into critical condition. Luigi, Peach, and the original green Yoshi were on a plane to Isle Delfino.


"Sakura. It's safe now, love. Come up and start pleasing Ino with your mouth. Make her feel good," Alex smiled. Sakura, tell Ino "I've masturbated to the thought of this, Ino. Making love to the girl I've loved since I was a little girl," then give her a passionate kiss, before you begin licking her pussy.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Mike groaned and looked around at his surroundings and at himself. After a moment or two, he remembered what had happened and cursed himself. "I got over confident, luckily this is a kids game and the worst they can do is shut me up in here." He winced as he thought of what would have happened if something like this had happened somewhere else.

Mike then took a closer look at his surroundings and smirked. A dungeon, no matter how deep, would never hold him. He quickly summoned up his keyboard and got to work. First he got to tracking peach, and found that she and Luigi were both on a plane heading somewhere. Where didnt really matter, Mike would be with them in only a few seconds. But before he did anything else he took a pause. If he started trouble on a plane then that may lead to crashing, and even though Mike may be able to survive it, Peach certainly would not.

Mike cursed that color inverted mario copy and took a moment to think, it was not like anyone was going to bug him in the dungeon. He then snapped his fingers and began to type. In a sudden flash of light, Mike was gone, but he did leave something behind. Even though Mario would not be around to see the fireworks, Mike to grim satisfactions from the knowledge that he had probably just killed 80% of all the Toads in the game.

Ironically enough, he soon found himself staring up at Luigi from the eyes of a three foot tall toad servant. "Luigi." He whispered urgently so that peach would not hear. "There is a big problem in the back of the plane....I think you ought to look at it since Mario isnt here."


Sakura hesitated for a moment and looked at her master. Master...will she attack again? I-Im scared of her. And indeed Ino was being as scary as she could be, thrashing around on the poles that held her and spitting curses in every direction. Sakura's new mind set was very delicate and shy, and Ino was being far to hostile for her to approach her calmly, though she would still try if Alex ordered her to.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)