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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay
Silvia did not release Alex when he laid her down and whimpered softly. She didnt want to be released from his embrace, not yet. Serenity nodded her understanding and closed her eyes as she was petted and kissed. Angy moaned groggily in her chair, hardly aware of the world around her, her head dropping over, her golden hair falling down around her head in a mess.


Ren whimpered softly as hunter removed his fingers from her sore hole and growled weakly when he wiped them on her breasts. "Your...a...beast..." She growled, her voice cracking as she spoke. "If...if Grace is....perfect....she will...she will never would never...she would never accept you after...making her vain." Ren hardly knew Grace, but Hunter would not shut up about her, and she knew what Grace had done to free Silvia. Taking this and her extreme want to be free of her bindings and pain she said whatever she thought would get her free, although, whether she knew it or not, her words were probably leaning towards the truth.


Down in the basement laughter rang out, loud, unceasing and nearly crazed. Grace's voice was almost ruined from all the laughing and when at last she stopped to breath it was only for a few seconds before she began to laugh again. The reason, however, was not a funny one. Grace was tied, spread eagle on Mike's bed, naked and shivering. Mike was sitting in a chair at the foot of the bed, holding a feather and grinning as Grace took in as many labored breaths as she could swallow. "P-Please..." She begged him through tear streaked eyes. But she never got to finish as the feather went back to work in her feet and thighs. Grace was very ticklish, which made her a perfect tickle torture dummy for Mike. She could not stop, not even to save her life, and it showed as she continued to laugh, shaking and crying, trying to get free.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hunter took deep breaths, and it pained him to realize, Ren was probably right. "No...No. Shut up! SHUT UP! SHUT UP SHUT UP!" he screamed and suddenly began fingering Ren ass again, though only with two fingers. "I will have her! I will! She will love me, and I will love her!" he screamed as he fingered Ren's ass.

He was obsessed. Grace was so pure, so perfect, He had to have her. She was so beautiful, kind, loving...His heartbeat went faster, and the very thought of her. As much as either of them may have admitted it, Hunter was under Grace's thumb. He would do anything for her. If they would ever have a relationship, Hunter would probably be the more dominant, but...Hunter was so focused on Grace, so lust filled with the girl, he may have even been willing to betray his own kingdom for her....

((...I think Hunter has a mental problem))


Alex held Silvia in one arm, and used the other to place Serenity on his chest. Once Silvia woke up, he would return to fucking Angy, and then have Silvia free her mind, so he could see if any progress was made.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Serenity cuddled as much as she could into Alex's chest and fell asleep. Silvia on the other hand continued to sleep, completely content as she was. Angy groaned in pain in her sleep but did not awaken.


Ren screamed and cried but Hunter wouldnt stop, her poor as was nearly torn and friction burned as he continued to do as he did and finally Ren could take no more in her state and passed out, falling completely limp. She groaned and would have thrown up if she had anything in her stomach to throw up at all.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)


Hunter looked at Ren and slowly pulled away, leaning on the wall. "Grace...She...she has to love me. Grace....Please, love me. I'm willing to do so much for you...Please, love me Grace," he begged, looking at his bloody fingers. "Grace..." he cried. " me!" he begged, screaming it to the heavens.

((Timeskip for them two?))
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.

Ren awoke slowly, and in allot of pain. She felt like she had been fighting for days on ends and had taken more than a few hits, including several painful ones to her ass. She remembered what happened almost instantly, but still only groaned and quivered as she awoke. She knew that if she could not break free before when she was stronger, there was no way for her to do it now. She opened her eyes, afraid of what she would see or how she would find herself now that hours had passed alone in the room with a madman.


Angy groaned softly as he opened her eyes, but closed them almost instantly. She felt like she had run a marathon and couldnt remember. She did recall some extremely strange and erotic dreams but she couldnt imagine how a dream could have this effect. she found she was in a chair and tried to stand a little but found her arms and legs locked to it. Her eyes flashed open and she looked around, noticing at once that the whole front of her angewomon outfit had been ripped off, leaving her cum covered breasts and pussy exposed to the air. She shivered as she slowly recalled what had happened. She looked at the bed and found at least once sleeping form there (Silvia) and began to look around for Alex or a way to escape.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hunter was no longer on the bed. He was on the ground, staring at the picture of Grace and himself. They were married, but...he did not have her. Not truly have her. He wanted her, willingly, her body, her hair, her eyes...her soul...He loved all of it so much, he craved it like somekind of hopeless drug addict. "Ren. You're awake. Come to your senses yet?" he asked, looking at Ren.


She suddenly felt a pair of hands, massaging her shoulders, perhaps easing the tension in her. "Good morning, Angy. Have you accepted your new role as a slave?" he asked as he massaged her pleasurably.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Ren only groaned and spat in what little defiance she had left. Her mouth was dry though, her spit was mostly sound. Her stomach growled and she curled up. As a digimon, she had to eat in order to maintain her strength, eat often. She couldnt even remember the last time she saw food, and it weakened her considerably. That coupled with what Hunter had done to her left her completely limp and helpless, even if she wasnt tied up.


Angy whimpered and tried hopelessly to pull away. "Alex...Alex please..." She begged, tears filling her eyes. "Please dont do this....Please spare me, I beg you, please, please spare me." She was shaking and weeping now. In reality it was not the pleasure that drove her away, on the contrary she did actually enjoy it, even if she would not admit it. It was the thought of being a slave, of never being able to do what she wanted ever again, living a life of lust and pain under Mike's harsh mastership. She didnt want to be Mike's slave, she didnt want to be trapped here forever. She just wanted to be left alone.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Hungry? Tell me Mike is your Master, and I'll go fetch you some food and water," Hunter said, though he doubt it would work. "Ren, please! Can't you make this sacrifice? Grace has an entire kingdom waiting for her! Her family, her people! She can't stay here! Just make the sacrifice, and go to your new Master!" he sighed.


A part of Alex's heart hurt as he looked at Angy, and he sighed. "Angy, a man's love is on the line here. Unless you can lead me to another girl I can give to Mike, then I can do nothing for you. Mike demands two sacrifices, two female slaves, and I won't give up any of mine. Do you know of any other girls I could give to Mike?"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Ren shook her head. "I...Im a Renamon." She groaned weakly. "There ar...are only so many of us left...I...I cant..." She suddenly began to shake and cried out, collapsing and twitching for a moment before going limp. Her data was trying to erase itself, having no sustenance and being in the state that she was in. IT would not kill her, but it would dedigivolve her, or would if the data had anywhere to go. Inside the Tavern she could be deleted through conventional means which meant she could not dedigivovle either. She panted weakly, lying on the floor in a heap. She would not last very long. Although her body could not be deleted, her soul could certainly be set free of it after enough damage had been done.


Angy shook her head tearfully and sobbed. "B-But y-y-you saw what h-he did to Silvia." she protested, trying hard to speak past her crying. "P-p-please do-dont let it-it happen t-to me." She was shaking so hard the chair was creaking. "Please A-Alex, Im begging you, Im begging you!"
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Ren? Ren!?" Hunter yelled. He had little knowledge of Digimon, or rather none. He had no idea what was happening to her. "REN! What's happening!? What's wrong!?" he screamed.


"I'm trying to help you, but what can I do!? Mike wants TWO girls! TWO! He has one, and you are number TWO! What can I do, Angy?" he asked, before sitting down. "I hate watching a beautiful woman cry. Tears me up inside, but this needs to be done. Either, you help me find another girl to enslave, or you'll have to go to Mike, Angy."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.