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Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge)

Aussa rested his chin on his hands. "I'm afraid setting out right now isn't an option. The coachman has some business in town that'll take him a couple days to take care of. He told me that he would be ready the day after tomorrow."

"Plus, setting out now would be a disaster," Ardeal added. "We need time to recover. We'd end up in a much worse situation than if we were fully recovered."

A waitress approached the table and set down a tray of four glasses filled with chilled apple cider. "One of you is Aussa, correct?" she asked.

Aussa raised his hand. "That'll be me. The bartender already told you that I paid, right?"

The waitress nodded her head and went off to deal with other customers.

"So, we actually get a break tomorrow," Solia said. "What are we gonna do?"


The old lady returned and placed a wooden dish with chocolate chip cookies on the table in front of the couch. "You didn't think I'd want you to set out tonight, did you, dearies? You must get your strength up. It would seem your opponent's have strange magics on their side and I wouldn't want to see you get hurt."

Ariadne nodded. "Thank you, ma'am. We'll set out tomorrow. For tonight, we'll just rest up and get some sleep. We've been through a lot." She reached over to the plate and took a cookie. She examined it before biting into it.

"It's not poison, my dear," the old woman said and chuckled.

"Sorry. It's a force of habit," Ariadne apologized and bit into the cookie. It certainly wasn't poison--it was delicious.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!


Faiz rubs his chin, trying to think a few things to do for today and tomorrow. "How about we take a night stay for today and tomorrow, as well as walking around the city? We usually don't have a chance to walk around everytime we drop by in each city." He suggested.


"We have limitations on our abilities. Without proper rest and enough energy, surely it'll turn into disaster." Mika said as grab a piece of cookie and munch slowly in her maw. "Mnnhh...Pretty tasty. It's been a while we didn't eat delicious food like this." The dragoness commented with warm smile. "Thank you very much for your hospitality...We might end up sleeping under the rain in coldness night if we didn't meet a good citizen like you."
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds

Ardeal took a sip of his drink. "Mmmm, that's some good stuff. But yeah. I agree with Faiz. We've been travelling around for all this time, yet we never really have gotten the chance to take it all in. And this city is one of the interesting ones, too."

Aussa had a surprised look on his face. "So, you know about it then?"

Now Solia was curious. "Know about what?"

Ardeal took his time drinking, savoring every little bit. When Solia's face turned from curiosity to anger, he decided to speak up. "Well, the steel manufactory, of course. You know, the place where they do all the experiments to work steel in order to make it usable for everyday items like dishes and tools. They've already succeeded with using steel in buildings as you can tell by looking around the city. Previously, steel and all metal had only been used in weapons. Look at how the world is changing..."


The old lady chuckled. "Me? A good citizen? Well, I can't deny it." She smiled revealing quite a good amount of teeth for a person so old. Ariadne couldn't help but scrutinize. "What are you looking at, my dear? Something in my teeth?"

"No, it's just that they're quite lovely," the princess replied.

"I take very good care of them. My mother was an advocate of teeth cleaning. Always made sure they were clean when I woke up and when I went to bed. Now look at me." She smiled again. "Anyways, I'm so glad you could help us out."

A knock came upon the door.

"Another visitor? What a day this has been," the old lady said in wonder as she strolled slowly to the door. When she opened it, there was no one there.

Ariadne stood up quickly. "Who is it?"

"It doesn't appear--" she started to reply until she looked down to see a familiar little boy with pointy ears and sharp facial features. Drops of rain crawled listlessly down his tanned skin and drenched his flowing white shirt and biege pants.

"I am most sorry to interrupt you when you have company, but may I come in. Someone from another house pointed me in this direction saying that a kind old lady would take me in for the night," he said.

"Well, of course, dear," the old lady said. "Please come in." She stood aside as the boy entered the house. That's when he saw the girl and the dragoness.

"Ah! It's you two!" he yelled angrily and pointed a finger at them accusingly. "Hey wait! Where's the guy that was travelling with you?" The boy looked around in paranoia. "He better not be trying to ambush me, you hear?" It was the Restocasian boy who was hunting the wolf in the Border Forest. "I can't believe how unlucky I have been of late...," he said and sighed, drooping his head and looking at the floor.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!


In the meantime, Faiz lift the glass and took a sip of apple cider before murring from the natural taste originated from apple itself. He decided to silence once Solia’s expression changed, since he doesn’t have anything to talk.


Mika chuckles as seeing old lady’s beautiful teeth even though she looks old. “It’s our pleasure to help someone in need.” She said, looking up to the ceiling as the old woman went to the door to greet the visitor.

Then, she heard a familiar voice of little kid before moving her eyes to the side, giving a short glare and return back looking up on the ceiling. She still recognizes that kid, the one who get tangled on the feet of Unicorn Wolf. “Don’t worry…He’s not with us today…” She paused before continued, in slightly sad tone. “…Or probably forever…” She tried to forget everything happened back then, but somewhat it’s still bothering her. In fact, she don't want to have a fight with the little boy since she rescued him and heal his injuries.
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds

"The steel manufactory, eh?" Solia said and nudged Faiz's arm. "Maybe we should take a tour tomorrow? It sounds like something interesting. I'm always ready to learn something new!" She nuzzled her lover's arm. "I think it'd be fun."

Ardeal set his glass down. "Yeah, I agree. It could be something we can all do together. I'm in for sure."

A slight smile played across Aussa's face. "I guess I'm in, as well. I couldn't let you all have all the fun."

Solia looked up into Faiz's eyes. "You're coming, right? It wouldn't be the same with my heroic wolf by my side."


The boy caught the sadness in Mika's voice. "Hmm, I'm sorry to hear that. Well, I haven't come to start trouble," he said solemnly. "I gave up my chase on the Unicorn Wolf. I just wasn't ready for it. That's when I heard a rumor that there was tons of treasure in the Aqueorlitus Castle that was up for the taking, seeing as how the ruler unfortunately passed away." He touched his wet shirt gently and muttered something under his breath. In an instant, his clothes were dry. "Well, what are you two doing here?"

Ariadne looked away from him. "Thanks for your concern, but our business is most definitely not yours."

The boy shrugged his shoulders and went to sit down in a velvet armchair across from the couch. "I suppose that's fair enough. My name is Alexander, by the way." He smiled mockingly at Mika. "So, you're going to the castle, right?"
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!


Faiz then set the glass on the table, smiled. “Of course, Solia…I’m always by your side anywhere you want to go…” He said as caressing Solia’s head and hair. “I promised to protect you and our friends from danger…”


With her eyes still looking up to the ceiling, Mika sighed softly before looking to Alexander with a slight yet sincere smile. “I’m Mika…Nice to meet you, Alexander…” She paused before continued. “We’re going there to stop this mysterious storm and return the town to its normal state…In addition, we want to repay old lady’s kindness for letting us to stay here.” She face to old lady and smiled.

“I won’t mind if you want to join us to the castle... We’re not going after the treasure..If we do, we only take a small amount to buy some foods along our next journey…” Mika added as caressing her long hair which is now completely dried, so do her clothes.
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds

"Yay!" Solia exclaimed, drawing a few wandering eyes from the other bar patrons. "Sorry everyone," she apologized. She looked up at Faiz once again as the other customers resumed their chatter. "Well, I don't think you'll have to do much protecting on this little trip."

Ardeal nodded in agreement. "I seriously hope you're right. I'm tired of fighting for now. It's like there is always something waiting for us around the next corner." He stood up from his seat as he finished off his cider. "Shall we get some rest at the inn? My feet are killing me."

Aussa chuckled. "Your feet are tired? And you call yourself a warrior?" Aussa's drink glass had long been empty. He stood up as well. "Sorry you two, but it's back to the inn, seeing as I'm the only one here with a sense of direction."

Ardeal punched him in his arm.

Solia sighed. "Well, I suppose some rest wouldn't hurt, right Faiz? Plus, I have you to snuggle up with." She smiled at him innocently.


The old lady returned to her seat. "If you happen to find treasure in the castle, feel free to take what you wish. Treasure isn't what we'll need after this ordeal is over--it's each other."

Alexander nodded in agreement to the lady's words. "That is very kind of you, but I'm not completely greedy. There will be leftovers, for sure."

"Not greedy, my ass, you little snot," Ariadne sneered. She was starting to develop quite an attitude. In her head, she realized how different she was from the quiet, shy, and timid mage she used to be. She sighed. "I guess I have no choice but to trust you. I'm Ariadne. But know that I'm keeping an eye on you." She glared into Alexander's hazel eyes.

He nodded. "So, you're going to save this town, eh?" he asked addressing Mika. He found Ariadne to be a little frightening. "That's quite a noble task you've set for yourselves."
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!


“Sure, cutie.” Faiz pat her head softly with his pawpad before stood up straight. His glass already emptied. “We can’t force our body to work beyond its normal capabilities. Sometime, we have to give up for sake of our body.” He said as handing his paw to Solia.


“Ariadne, kindly watch your attitude…You act and look different from the time I met you…” Mika advised softly as gently lays her head on Ariadne’s shoulder, her eyes midclosed seeming like she almost fell asleep. “It’s my task to save people in trouble…especially the time we met and rescued you, Alexander....” Her voice become quieter and her eyes shout. She unable to stay awake even longer because of her body need a proper rest even though she had recovered her internal energy.
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds

Solia took Faiz's paw. "Yes. But we're not giving up yet. It's just a moment's respite, right?" She smiled, waiting for Aussa to lead the way. She didn't have to wait long, for Aussa started for the exit at a brisk pace.

"I think he has to relax the most," Ardeal whispered to Solia and Faiz before following Aussa.

"We don't wanna lose them, do we?" Solia asked cutely.


Ariadne bowed her head and frowned. "Sorry, Alexander. Just a little on edge lately."

Alexander nodded. "No worries. I think I can partially understand your situation. You've got a noble friend there. Don't let her go."

Ariadne laughed quietly. "Who are you to give me advice, child?"

"Children oft give the truth, my dear," the old lady interjected. "Enough chatter between the two of you." She looked sternly at Ariadne. "Take your dragoness friend to the guest bedroom. Just head towards the fireplace and it'll be the door to your right." She turned her attention to Alexander. "For you, I'm afraid you must sleep on the couch. I would if I could, but my back isn't in the best of conditions."

"No, that's fine," Alexander replied. "I have no problem with that. I only require a warm and dry place to sleep."

Ariadne muttered a spell of strength and lifted Mika easily with her arms. "Well, I guess this is good night," she said.

Both Alexander and the old lady nodded to her as she carried Mika to the old lady's guest bedroom.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!


“You know what I’m thinking, right?” Faiz replied, leaning Solia closer to his shoulder while following Aussa and Ardeal. “Of course I won’t lose them-…” He paused as remembered Masquerade, lowering both of his ears. He doesn’t sure either he’s still alive or no longer in this world.


Meanwhile, Mika sleeping peacefully on Ariadne’s arms as she brought Mika to the guest room. She was extremely tired from all-day fight and slightly worried about Aussa’s group at the same time. Instinctively, Mika wrap her tail around Ariadne's waists while nearing her muzzle on the girl's chest, murring happily in sleep.
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds