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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay
Ren moaned more and was soon very wet. Slowly she began to open her eyes, groggy from the tranquilizers. She looked around in a confused state and moaned a little louder as she felt her pussy being fingered. Still mostly out of it, she closed her eyes and allowed Hunter to continue.


Angy's eyes became wide and her struggling increased. She was practically flailing in the chair now, pleading through her gag and trying to summon an arrow to help free her. Silvia and Serenity stayed quiet throughout it. Finally they reached the room and Silvia opened the door.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hunter moved behind her and revealed his semi erect dick and began to rub it against REn's wet pussy, his hands moving to play with her tits She is not Grace, but she will do he thought as he rubbed his hardening cock against Ren's pussy.


"Serenity, rest on the bed, Silvia, see if you can't you use your mental powers to calm Angy down," Alex ordered. He then looked at Serenity, and took her from Silvia's hands and laid her on his bed. "Are you happy being back with Master, Serenity?" he asked, petting her cheek lightly.
Ren moaned and rubbed herself against him, still drugged from being shot. She wiggled around and only then did she start to realize she was bound and gagged. "Mmmm...Wa? Unner?" She mumbled softly through her gag. she began to pull at her cuffs and moaned as it caused her to rub against him.


Serenity smiled and nodded as Silvia began to go through Angy's mind to look for a way to calm the screaming and struggling angle down. "Im happy that your still alive master." The fairy said softly. "Can I...Can I have some food master? Nuts and berries will work...or cum...I will eat anything as long as my master lets me." She said with a small blush.

Before Alex could respond though Silvia would interrupt and say "MAster...I dont think Angy is going to be a good slave. She is..claustrophobic." And indeed when Alex looked at her he would find her wide eyed and sweating hard as she screamed and struggled. Her heart was racing a million miles an hour and she was crying as she tried to break free.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"She's afraid of closed spaces? My apologize, Angy, I had no idea. Stand back, Silvia," Alex ordered, and he pulled back a majority of tentacles away from Angy, keeping only four on her, her arms, and on her legs. "That should hold you." He then turned to Serenity and smiled. "Don't worry, I'll feed both you and Silvia in a bit. For now, rest, talk to Silvia a bit," he offered. He then looked at Angy and walked up to her. "Angy...If you had just let Serenity be with me, we would not be here...I am sorry...Truely, I am, but what needs to be done, needs to be done," he said and began to tear Angy's clothes off.


Hunter suddenly began to slowly his dick into Ren's pussy, his hands playing with her tits more, squeezing and rubbing them like dough. He pushed in, deeper and deeper, his cock shooting pre cum into her. "You like, Ren?"
Angy paled and began to beg through her gag (Assuming that she still has it). Her clothes came off easily being light and made of delicate silk. Her flawless white skin lay underneath. Her pussy was naturally hairless and beautiful, her breast were large and produced honey milk when sucked on. Her body was sensitive to touch and so with the removal of her clothes even the air seemed to molest her.

Angy blushed harder than ever before and began to cry into the gag, still weakly begging him to stop. She pulled weakly at his tentacles but she had exhausted most of her strength already.


Ren moaned and wiggled with delight, still to far out of it to tell what was going on. She was not a virgin, but she was tight, very tight. Her smaller pussy hugged his dick tightly as Hunter penetrated her. She moaned louder and her nipples began to lactate a little milk from being groped so much.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex pulled the gag away from Angy and he looked her in the eyes. "Angy...This is not only for me. The man named Mike, he has a woman named Grace, and he will do...horrible things to her, things like he did to Silvia if she stays with him...The only way we can save her, is if we give him two broken girls. And sadly, Angy, you are one of them," Alex sighed as his hands began to play with Angy's large tits.


Hunter moaned and pulled out of her and flipped Ren over and so she was on her back. He then pushed his cock back into her and play with her tits again, before kissing her lips, his wolf tongue probing into her mouth.
Angy shuddered and tried to say something through her sobbing but could not for awhile. Her breasts slowly became a rosier color and became firmer as blood flushed into them. He nipples hardened and little drops of honey milk began to drip from her. "B-But I-I help y-you.." She sobbed at last, trying her best to cross her legs as he played with her breasts. "I-I sa-saved yo-your life! I-Is that worth no-nothing to y-you? I br-brought you b-back from th-the dead!"


(Ren has a gag on...)

Ren moaned as her gag was kissed and as she was penetrated again. Her breasts were now firm and at attention from all his playing and she wiggled and silently begged for more. Her soft fur rubbed against his skin at ever opportunity and her eyes remained closed and mostly unaware of what was actually happening to her.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((....Sorry! My mind seems to be on something else...!))

Hunter licked her cheek and kissed her neck as his orgasm neared. He licked her soft furry neck and kissed it, and sucked on it, leaving marks and he fucked her faster, his aroma spilling out of his body and driving him farther into pleasure, and probably doing the same for Ren.


"Angy...This place...This place seems to be sadly filled with people like me. Its either you stay with me, or Mike, and Mike is a very cruel man...There's no middle ground, because if you don't submit to me, then Mike will find you. And he will torture you..." Alex said. "I can give you a chance, to be my slave...If you don't choose to be with me, then I'll fuck you and give you to Mike," he said. What am I doing? Hunter needs her broken! he thought.

"Besides. If I don't break you and give you to Mike, then Grace, a pure and innocent woman, dies."
Ren was just as much into it as Hunter was and moaned loudly as she felt him lick and kiss her fur. She was on the verge now, her orgasm was almost there, just a little longer....


Angy shook her head and cried softly. "I dont want to be a slave...I...Im a digimon, Im a person...please dont do this to me...I brought you back to life, cant you let me go? Give me my life in exchange for when I gave you yours?" She was trembling and crying now, afraid for her life and freedom. She was trapped with no way out. "I p-promise never to bother you again! I will just stay in m-my room and not come out until you find the key and leave. Th-then I will find it myself and you w-will never have to see me again..."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hunter moaned and used one hand to pull the gag off of Ren, and suddenly stoped and nearly puleld his dick out of Ren. "Do you want to cum, Ren? Then you have to beg? Good girls beg to cum," he whispered to her, his hands lightly playing with her tits.


"Mike will find you...He has magic, and power far beyond what you can imagine," Alex whispered as he took in Angy's scent, and kissed her neck, his hands continuing to play with her tits. "He'll do anything he can to find you, Angy, because you are a catch. You're beautiful, you know..." he whispered, and looked her in the eyes. "And besides...You did shoot me in the leg...Perhaps we can call this, payback," he whispered, before kissing her lips.