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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay
They arrived at the game room soon and found nothing of Mike and Grace. Nothing they could see. But Hunter and Ren could still smell her. Following the scent they would find themselves in the dungeon again, in front of the same heavy wooden doors that Hunter rescued her from in the first place. From inside he could make out soft trembling breaths. Grace's breaths.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
As soon as Hunter smelled her scent and heard her trembiling breaths, he pulled out his sword and shield and charged at the door, possibly breaknig it down. Not letting a door stand between him and his Grace.

He acts towards Grace as I would act towards Silvia... Alex thought as he looked at the wolf man.
Mickal smiled and nodded, making his clothes disappear as he slipped into the bed with her and hugged her from behind, holding her breasts in his hands. "But you have to keep me warm all night. If you dont then you will be punished." He said into her ear as he nibbled it.


The doors slammed open and, in the left corner of the room, hung Grace. She was naked, gagged and blindfolded, with her arms held above her head and bound in leather cuffs, from which she hung. Her legs were unbound, as was the res of her perfect body, but from bellow the blind fold Hunter could see tear streaks. She had been made to cry, and that would not be easy to do in such a short time with the proud princess.

Next to her, in a chair stroking her thigh and leg, was Mike, smiling as if nothing had happened. "Shhh, she's sleeping." He whispered. In his left hand he held a gun, a six shot revolver. He looked at Alex and smirked. "How did I know?" He asked, keeping the gun trained on Hunter. "So I suppose your here to save the princess right? You must be Hunter. Yes...she screamed allot about you after the first hour or so."

If Hunter moved closer, even a little, Mike would shot him in the left leg just above his kneecap. "This, is a gun. It is much deadlier than a sword or axe so I suggest you back up some so we can...negotiate." He said softly.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"What do you want?" Hunter growled, taking a step back, but holding his shield in hand mow. The shield was Saxon made and enchanted, but if it took a modern day bullet, which never existed in his world, he had no idea what would happen.


"Y-yes, Master...I'll keep you warm all night," the girl whimpered as Micakl played with her tits.
"Well, the real question is what do YOU want and how badly do you want it." Mike said with a clever smile, still stroking Grace's thigh gently. "She is a very strong woman, I will give her that, much stronger than Silvia." He added with a smirk, looking at Alex. "So Hunter, how much do you want her? How much would you be willing to give for her?"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I'll give you anything....You can take my place as War Leader of the Great Saxon Kingdom for all I care. As long as I have Grace," the wolfman sighed. "Just...give me, the Princess. Now."

"You can't take Silvia. Not again!" Alex added, and Hunter quickly glared at him. "I understand how you feel, but no way am I sacrificing my love for yours."

"You sacrifice Grace for your Silvia!" Hunter accused.

"That was different! You heard Mike, Grace is stronger than Silvia!" Alex said, and the two glared at one another before Hunter sighed and turned to Mike.

"Very well...You can have anything in my possession...." Hunter said.
Mike only smiled as he watched the two of them fight. Ren stayed in the background, cleaning her fur with a brush she had found and her claws. "So sweet to see other arguing for their loved ones." Mike said with a smirk. "But surely you of all people realize what a prize this Grace is. Untouched, flawless, and so pure, I havent even had the heart to use any torture that would mark her...yet. She is still a virgin, and her mind is...still one main piece. I imagine that this is how you want her returned right?"

Mike stroked his hand slowly over Grace's shaved pussy and the unconscious princess shuddered. "The price will not be cheap. In exchange for returning her unharmed into, I demand two things. One, a vow to protect me and never harm me, EVER. And two, two beautiful, and trained, women as a gift. You can train them yourself or find already broken ones, but I demand two slaves in exchange for Grace, unmarred as she is."

Mike Snickered and added "And if that price is two high then I can lower it to one slave...if you dont mind me taking Grace's precious virginity...."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I'll find you two slaves. I'll find broken ones for your service, and...I will protect you," Hunter nodded. "You can't. This man is a demon, he will-" Alex's quiet whisper was interrupted by a mad glare at him by the wolf. "I...will assist you," Alex assured, placing a hand on Hunter's "I know of a woman, her name is Angy...I have...been betrayed by her. You can have her, and in return you will allow me to have another girl with her, named Serenity."

Hunter looked at him and nodded and began to think. He knew of Flare, and could probably follow her scent, Rain was with Mickal, there was this Angy girl, and finally, if Hunter was forced to, he to, he would force Ren into the life of a slave.

"What will you do with Silvia while we are doing your bidding? I expect you not to touch her..."
"Oh I will touch her. What I do promise is not to take her virginity, not to scar or mar her body, and to leave her mind mostly intact. If you really dont want her to be touched, then you better hurry." He said, laughing as he stroked her pussy again. "Now go, before I decide to shoot one of you for fun."

When they did leave, Ren would come up next to Hunter and ask "Ok, so whats the plan? We have him so he wont hurt Grace so how do we get her back?" She did not think for a second that they were actually going to go make slaves of two innocent women.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"We do as he says. We find two women for him," Hunter replied. He then looked at Ren as they walked out. "I would do anything for Grace. If that includes sacrifice two women, then so be it. Nothing matters when compared to my Grace..."

As the two left, Alex stopped at the door and looked at Mike. "Mike, can I ask you a question? Do you make it up as you go along, or have you had this all planned out since you met me?"