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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
Alex gritted Tenten's teeth in anger and frustration. If they kileld all the Alex clones, that would leave his body defenseless. He had two options, try to tell his clones to fake their deaths by using a telepathic link, and hope the ninjas don't try to investigate, or try to get one of them to escort 'her' out of there, kill that person, and leave. "Kakashi! Guy sensai! Argg! Please, I have to get out of here! I-I think he's doing something to me! God it hurts! Please! Guy sensai, Kakashi, can't one of you escort me out of here?" she begged.


Sakura was done playing games. Either way she was going to be tortured, and raped, so she decided to be truthful. "No! No, you sick fuck you're the only one enjoys this! You don't brake me! Not now, not ever!"
Kakashi and Guy were far to busy fighting to leave the battle but Naruto was quick to assist. "Hold on." He told "her" as he landed next to Tenten and picked her up gently, jumping away and taking her towards the medical ward in the village. "Are you OK? What hurts?" He asked, severely wishing Sakura was there.


Mike only laughed at the outburst. "I wont break you? Well you have a funny way of showing it. Was it not you trying to make out with Hinata before? Asking permission to touch her body? Didnt you walk in here without being forced and spread your pussy lips for me on command? But your right, your not broken. Your just a slut." He smirked and took out a black Jar. "And your slut life is about to take a turn for the worst."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"AHHH! Naruto! Make it stop!" 'she' screamed in pain. "Get me as far away from here as you can!" 'she' begged, tears in 'her' eyes. I should have been an actor Alex thought as he continued to scream and cry out in pain as he brought her to the medical ward. Try and see if you can't lose them. Get my body to safety he mentally ordered his clones.

He then looked at Naruto and while he screamed and acted as though he was in pain, wondered if he should kill the blond haired boy now or later. Killing him now would no doubt affect Hinata, though this way he could go back home sooner, and not have to worry about the ninja, but what if Alex couldn't kill him on the first hit? Then he'd be stuck in a fight he may not be able to win....


"What's that? W-what are you doing? Answer me!" Sakura pleaded, gulping in fear. "N-no matter what you do, I'll stay strong! You won't beat me!" she yelled, though the fear was clear in her eyes.
Naruto entered the inner part of the village, jumping over buildings as he tried to sooth Tenten. "Hold on, we are almost there!" He assured her, knowing he had to take care of her but that he also had to rejoin the battle. "Ino is at the clinic, she will help you." He said to her as he scaled another building, just as Alex's body was pulled to safety.


"Foolish girl, I already have!" Mike laughed and roped came out of the bed posts and tied around Sakura's wrists, ankles and neck, spreading her arms and legs wide. "Now say hello to slugo, my little friend." He said with a wicked grin as he uncorked the jar and pulled out an eight inch black slug. "Guess where he is going?" He asked her as he placed the slug between her legs, a foot from her pussy.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Ino? Alex realized and had a smile in his soul. Maybe he can kill two birds with one stone? Maybe he could knock her out and bring her back home? Of course, due to the fact they were in the inner part of the village made that idea difficult. I'll have to wait until the dead of night and be careful...Maybe I can get a group of my ninja clones to see if they can't escort us? he thought. He heard the mental signal that his clones had been able to get his body to safety, and he gave them another mental order. I am being taken to the medical wards in the inncer city. I may ask a few of you to come here and escort me, and maybe Ino, back to base. See if Sauske is free to help, just in case, though I dio not know when exactly I will leave.

"Thanks Naruto," 'Tenten' said. "I don't know how to repay..."


"AHH! What the hell is that thing!?" Sakura screamed, and attempted to kick the huge slug away. "Get away! Get away! Get away!"
Naruto just smiled and waved her words away. "Its my ninja way!" He said with a smile before jumping into the medical ward. There she was attended to right away. "Whats wrong?" Asked one of the medical ninja, seeing that she was not hurt in a physically obvious way.


Mike laughed as Sakura wiggled her legs in their binds, unable to kick away the slug. "This is slugo. He likes to get girls pregnant, and the result should leave you a little easier to control." The slug began to wiggle and turned towards Sakura and began to make its way towards her pussy. "Are you ready Sakura?" He asked mockingly as it got closer and closer.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"NO! NO! Stop it! I don't want to be pregnant! Not with you! Not with that slug! Neither of you!" Sakura cried. "Please, don't do this! What did I ever do to you!?" she screamed, tears falling on to the bed and her chest.


"My hurts...Please..." 'Tenten' groaned in pain. "I'm tired, I..." the 'girl' said, doing his best to act weak and fatigued.
"Why? This is the perfect chance to show me how "strong" you are." Mike said with a sneer. "Dont worry." He added. "I know you will love it." The slug touched the edge of her pussy and began to climb on. It was only a matter of time now...


"Put her in bed five five and get Ino, she is better with chakra based ailments." One of the med ninjas said. Soon Tenten was in bed five five with Ino standing over her. "Whats wrong? What did they do to you?" She asked as she checked Tenten's pulse and heart rate.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I-I think one of them used a chakra attack on me...My head, my body, everything hurts, Ino," 'Tenten' cried out. "I...I think I just need rest," he groaned, resting on the bed, waiting for the right moment to take Ino back home with him.


Sakura whimpered as she felt the slub climb on to her. "Sauske...Naruto....Kakashi-sensai....Someone, save me," she begged, tears falling on to the bed.
"OK rest, I will be by to help you in a few minutes. Later Ino returned alone with the other staff busy dealing with others. "Are you feeling any better?" She asked softly, covering Tenten in a healing blue light.


Suddenly the slug entered Sakura, gently sliming its way into her. "How does its feel to be a slug slut? Dont worry, if its wasnt being doing it then it would be Tsunade later." Mike mused, knowing this young Sakura didnt even know who she was. The thick slug continued to squeeze itself into her, though if Sakura tightened up she might be able to pop it out.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)