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Bleach: Last Stand.
"Whaddaya lookin' at me like that for?" Vook asked as she came through the portal, in front of Rei, looking down at the girl, while putting her swords back in their sheathes.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"Why do I hate him?" Hyouzen chuckled a little and raised his sword in defense as well before answering Naibu. "That old man...he defended that wretch, Aizen...Aizen and his experiments. I was once like you, then I was changed. I was told I was going to become stronger than I could imagine. I suppose if you consider becoming a Vaizard as power then it worked. Too bad it wouldn't do for the high order of Captains to have a Vaizard in their ranks, after all Vaizard's feed on the energy of the innocent, am I right? Yamamoto sent me into exile and Aizen was responsible for experimenting on me and Proto. One is dead, the next will follow shortly." The water dragon laughed deeply before preparing a firm stab towards Naibu's chest. "You shinigamis keep getting in our way...nothing personal, but I'll kill anyone who gets in my way."


Trent slowed time temporarily, allowing him to dodge the tornado blast launched towards him. He glared towards the white arrancar while keeping a firm grip on his blade. "Then you should blame Aizen for those experiments. He chose to deviate from our code and dishonor himself. Once he is found, us captains will punish him." The gryphon tried desperately to make an attack by flying up and making a low sweeping blow against Proto. "As for you hollows, you feed the souls of the innocent." He sliced the arrancar's white flesh with his blade. "I punish those who hurt the innocent."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Eep! Uh..ah..n-no reason! Rei squeaked in surprise as she scrambled off to hide.

"Our ranks? Well Katt's the vice-captain of squad 10, and I'm vice captain of squad 13.' Salem answered then added "Though my captain is on sick leave and has yet to return."
Lady Devimon's Minions
she nods looking around "I was unseated at the time for reasons i do not wish to disclose, but since then i have probably gotten to a captains level, maybe beyond if the captains i served under were any stander level of power." She tapped her fingers on her hips, her hands haveing moved to sit upon them.
"Aizen fooled all of us, Vizard." Naibu sternly said, keeping at bay for any incoming attacks as he gave a smug grin, "Yama-ji didn't realize it all until it was too late either. And now we're all facing the consequences of his actions. From where I see it, you are the one in our way." He leaned back, readying his zanpaktoh. "What happened to Aizen anyway? We were forced back when we reached the final door in Las Noches."


Rina looked up to Kazan and told him: "It's okay, I can manage." And then for some time her eyes rapidly moved around the documents she needed to read. In ten minutes or so the entire file column was all read and investigated. "Done." She smiled sheepishly.

Rina stood up and asked the dragon, "Would you like to have anything to drink, we've some free time 'til they are done with the devices, prr." She purred. "Why don't we kick back and enjoy... the free time?" she winked.
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"Yeah, no one should go digging around in my closet so they should be safe." Katt smiled as she picked up the clothes and set the to the side in her closet, closing the door, "Okay, ready whenever, let's see if anyone notices anything." she took a deep breath as she opened teh door and stepped out, "Glad I had spare robes, otherwise it would've been a bit more difficult."


"What?" Shadow could've kicked himself, Dangit, I wasn't paying any attention was I? he thought, "Could you get her and tell her we need her with the computers?" he asked, "Lizzy, you, uh, why don't you go get something to eat, and stay away from the machines." Shadow smiled a bit, "We can handle this."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Hehe, even after all this time he is still just a coward. Instead of fighting me like a man, Aizen had some double in his place." Hyouzen then prepared another swift stroke against Naibu with his blade empowered by his blue reiatsu. "Now go home, kid! I have more important things to know, like detaching Aizen's head from his body."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Oh i am sure a cutie like you would be just fine walking around nude when i took your robes" Ayame says with a wink in Katt's reaction, a flirting type of wink, the type that say's that when was 'interested'.... or it was just to make the girl uncomfortable, no one can really tell. "But thank you for bringing me here, you two could really get in trouble for bringing home a mongrel pup like myself."
Salem ignored the way Ayame winked at Katt and sighed as he started walking "I don't really give a damn what kind of trouble I get in with the seireitei! In fact, with Yamato-teme dead I don't have much of reason to stay!" he growled, seeming quite angry and even scaring a few rookies as he exited the barracks.
Lady Devimon's Minions
Katt blushed a bit, "I, don't think I would do that," She smiled a bit from Ayame's wink, "It'd be kind of embarassing." She walked with the others through the halls, "There are so many people I doubt anyone would notice someone new just suddenly appearing, I don't even recgonize alot of the people here.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad