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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
"Hm...How to get through this situation?" one whispered as he saw the group of very powerful, and very deadly warriors before them. "...Let's fall back," the original whispered, motioning the group back.

If they were able to do this, Alex led his clones to a safe distance, and looked at his fellow clones. "Alright, you, begin to try and summon the Golden Golem. The Ninjas of this Village have yet to figure out a way to stop the golem, so let's keep with that. You two, guard him. You five, make a perimeter around the area, keep any eye out for anything." That left only the original, and one more. "You're with me. Come on, we're going tlay a trap, just in case these clones fail to keep the perimeter secure."

And with that, one clone began the slow proccess of summoning the Golden Golem, two protected him, five were off guarding those three and doing recon, and Alex and the last one had seemingly dissappeared, leaving a trap just in case as they hid in the trees around the the first three.

((If you have any questions, just hit me))


Ino had tears fall from her face, and she looked at Mike with her crying blue eyes. "You...bastard! You did this to me!" she screamed, and tried to wrap her hands around his neck, crying like a waterfall as she tried to kill him.
(*Hits you*)

The Golem was summoned without any interruption, and it quickly began to descend upon the village again. But Alex was wrong. Tsunade had not been sitting on her ass the whole time they were rebuilding, and quickly began a summoning jutsu. At the same time so did Naruto. An enormous toad and slug exploded into existence, the toad pulling out a large knife like blade while the slug began to puff up. At once the Golem was covered on searing acid which left its armor weakened, an advantage the toad took quickly as he plunged his blade into the slime soaked golem.

Kakashi and had both started fighting as well, finding several of Alex's clones and destroying them with Tia Jutsu, the one thing Alex could not get out of thin air. Ten Ten was also helping from behind, giving Guy and Kakashi more weapons while using her own, acting as support for the three man cell. Naruto and Tsunade road atop their summons, looking for a moment to strike or enter the fight bellow.


Mike slapped Ino hard across the face and sent a painful and paralyzing jolt of the electricity through her as he did. "Thats enough slut." He said seriously. "Try to harm me again and I will kill you. Do you understand?" He grabbed her hair roughly as he said this and forced her to look into his eyes. "Do you?"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((OW! What was....Hahahahaha. Very funny. Ow...Good hit))

The golem was injured by the melt, but the large did less damage, thanks to the fact that the golem had a lava inside. The blade melted, and the golem fought back against the other two summond beast, weaken, but not yet dead as it fought by spewing lava and using what remainded of its metal form.

Below, as Kakashi and Guy fought against the Alex clones, they eventually need a moment to pause and stand still. It was this moment, Alex, or the clone he had asked to help him stand guard would use the Yamanaka Clan's Mind Body Switch on Kakashi. If it would, the clone or original would use it to attack Guy.


"Y-yes...Yes, I understand!" Ino cried, tears falling and she looked up at him. "W-what do you want from me?"
Clones, having no souls, could not use the technique, at least not properly. And so it had to be Alex who used it. The only problem was actually using it. Kakashi was strong and very very fast. If Alex missed then it would take several moments before he could return to his body, giving Kakashi and guy more than enough time to shred him.

The battle of giants was not going well either. Boss toad simply used his water shot power to cool the lava as it spewed from the golem, further restricting its movements. It was only a matter of time before it fell.


"What do I want? Just your body, mind and soul my dear." Mike said with a laugh as another of the blue eggs began to make its way out of Ino, blasting her with pleasure as it did. "The plants sperm has fertilized all of your eggs, all of them. You will be pregnant for the better part of your teenage years now. But dont worry, it will all feel great. Not only that but you will not be alone. These seeds that you are laying will allow me to plant the same plant all over the village. Soon all the women in konoha will be like you. But I know how lonely it can get with no one being like you, so Sakura will be next."

Mike turned to Sakura and signaled for her to come closer. "Come here, or I will make you come here. If you resist then it will only get worse."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
And fall the giant did, but as it fell, it did one last thing to help his master. It fell down, towards Guy and Kakashi. It was trying to crush Guy and Kakashi, and even if the two dodged, they would be met with a number of explosive kunai coming from the last hidden clone. All of this was part of a plan, to corner Kakashi, where Alex would hit him with the Mind body Switch jutsu. The real Alex only prayed it work.


Sakura gulped, and considered disobeying him but knew better. She crawled over to the man as Ino took in everything he said. "T-the entire village? can't...There's no way..." she whispered. "Yes, Master?" Sakura asked, crawling to him.
The plan went into action and almost worked, almost. But at the last second Kakashi saw the mass of chakra that was Alex's soul with his eye, and dodged it just in time. But Alex didnt miss altogether. His soul flew past Kakashi and smashed Ten Ten right in the chest. Instantly her control was pushed aside and Alex was in control of her body. Kakashi had no idea what the task was supposed to do and so he stared at Ten Ten to see if she was hurt.


Mike smiled and waved his hand, making another door appear out of nowhere. "Enter Sakura. I will be along shortly. As for Ino." He kissed her head and said "Dont worry, I have shown you mercy. You will be happy this is all that you have to go through when you see what I do to Sakura." The bed then transformed so that her arms were held above her head by snake like ropes and her feet were tide to the posts, which suddenly raised into stirrups. Mike placed a basket under Ino's leaking pussy, just in time to catch another blue seed. "Just keep laying those for me sweetheart." He said, turning back to the door.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
'Tenten's' eyes widened, before 'she' suddenly fell to the ground. "AHH!" she screamed in pain. "H-help!" she begged, hugging herself as the 'horrible pain absorbed her body.


"N-no....Y-you can't just leave me here! You ca-AHHH!" she moaned as she laid another blue seed. " me!" she begged.

Sakura did as she was told, and walked through the door. As she walked she made a vain attempt to cover herself. What's the point? she wondered as she walked through the door.
"Shit!" Kakashi cursed as he ruched back to her, Guy watching his back as the other Alexs took the original's body away from the fight. "We have to get Tenten away from here." He said as he rushed to her side. "Dont worry." He assured her. "Tsunade will be here to heal you in a second, please hold on." He ducked another Kunai and sent his own into the throat of a nearby Alex clone, leaving him open to anything Alex may want to do, though if he did anything then Tsunade would come down to flatten him rather than 'heal' Tenten.


Sakura entered a room that resembled her own. Mike entered a second later and smiled at her. "Sakura, I want you to spread your pussy lips, let me get a good look at you." He got closed to her and flicked her nipples casually. "Any resistance will be met with sever punishment." He added.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Sakura glared at him, before closing her eyes and nodding. She walked over to her bed and laid down on it. She took a deep breath before sighing and did as she was told, spreading her pussy lips. "Now what?"


Tenten, or Alex, did nothing, deciding to wait. " head just ached for a second," 'she' said. I'll wait till I'm alone, then leave in the dark of the night back to base... "I'll be fine..."
Kakashi looked at her for a few more seconds before nodding and rejoining the battle. They would keep fighting until all the Alex clones were dead.


Mike smiled and walked up to her, looking at her pussy closely. "Do you like having a stranger look at you like this Sakura? To have your inner flower revealed to anyone who cares to look?" He laughed and slid his finger into her for a moment before sliding it out and teasing her clit. "Well?"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)