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Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge)

"Well, you most certainly are no idiot, sweetheart," Solia said. "I think you're really smart." She nuzzled Faiz's arm a bit. That's when she heard the sound of water nearby. "I know you hear that, right, Faiz? It's running water!" The fountain must be very close." The street they were on appeared to be a dead end, but as they drew closer, they noticed that the road turned once again. "If we're lucky, it'll be right around the corner!!"

(Twilight Garden)

The once flat ground now started to slope upwards slightly. It was a hill. No fountains were nearby, but the large, grassy knoll was covered in flowers. A few birds were diving around nearby to pick some worms that chanced a breath of fresh air. It was such a peaceful place. "When we're all done with this, we should definitely bring the others here," Ariadne spoke blissfully. "If I'm not mistaken, when we reach the top of this hill, Aqueorlitus should come into view." Unfortunately, the hill had a really slow slope, so getting to the top wasn't would take a bit longer than Ariadne made it seem.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!


“Hehe…Yes, I heard it, Solia…” Faiz smiled as walking forward, and the sound of running water getting even closer. His body needs water quite badly in order to restore his energy completely. “I wonder how Aussa and Ardeal is doing right now…Oh, I almost forgot we need to gather an information of how to go to St. Nerra’s city via faster route…”

(Twilight Garden)

“Well, what are we waiting for?” Mika then carry Ariadne on her arms and began climbing upwards and sometimes jumping to reach at the top faster. “I prefer we go faster in order to avoid an enemy or stalker following us and make a fuss…”
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds

"We'll worry about that later," Solia replied as they turned the street corner. She gasped as she laid her eyes on what was now a few yards away. It was a plaza area that must have been the town square. Like the rest of the city, it was pretty devoid of people, but that wasn't what came to Solia's attention. What caught her eye was the large, ornate, magnificently constructed fountain spewing sparkling water into the air. The material was strange--a sort of gray stone, probably granite, which was rumored to be hard to carve, but whoever made the fountain didn't seem to have a problem. The base, which caught and held the falling water, was of a simple design--just bricks. But in the middle was a perfect representation of Leviathan, its long, slender body spiralling upwards until it ended with the head which was where the water was spurting out of.

"Wow, it's soooo beautiful," Solia uttered, simply awestruck. The fountain was about half as tall as the buildings of the city, but the buildings of the city was enormous, so the size of the fountain was nothing to laugh at.

(Twilight Garden)

Ariadne laughed as Mika scooped her up. She looked into the sky and all around at the beauty of the garden, but when she grew tired of it, she kept her eyes on the path. As they neared the top of the hill, what Ariadne said was proven true, but it was a strange sight that chanced upon their focus. A city was most certainly visible, but what made it different was the extremely dark thunderclouds that covered only the city, dumping their contents upon it and threatening the city's existence with flashing lightning. From afar, it looked like most of the buildings were bluish in color and round in shape, which was unique compared to the other cities and towns of Dalmaschior that centered around rectangular or square shapes.

The princess looked into the sky again. It was sunny where her and Mika were, and not a single dark cloud was to be found. It was only over the city. "I wonder what's up with that place," Ariadne thought aloud. "I've never actually been there before; I've only heard of it."
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!


Faiz didn’t say anything as his eyes locked on such a magnificent view of the fountain. Normally, he didn’t care about this kind of stuff, but somewhat this fountain makes him curious; how the granite can be carve perfectly?

He approaches the fountain and slowly take a look inside the base, which the water level just merely about the length of his thumb from the top of the base. He near his muzzle on the water surface and stucks out tongue before licking to grab some water into his mouth, like normal wolf used to do when drinking. What the bakery man said back then is true; the underground water taste pretty sweet. Faiz’s both tails wagging happily on his back, still kept on drinking so his body have enough water for today’s energy.

(Twilight Garden)

“Hmm…That we didn’t see everyday…” Mika said as referring to the city that covered with dark thunderclouds. With Ariadne still on her arms, the dragoness continued walking down to slight slope towards the city in front of their vision. “My brother and I not yet being there, but we already plan to cover all the cities, and that city is one of them. I wonder what cause such phenomena…” She said as they went under the thin layer of dark clouds which normally the thunder doesn’t have enough energy to create the strike.
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds

Solia strolled up to the magnificent fountain, her face frozen with awe. "I've never been much into buildings and other things of the like, but this is a work of art." She took a seat on the edge of the base of the fountain next to where Faiz was drinking. "So, is it good, or what? If that baker lied, we'll have to go back and beat him up." She giggled, but stopped when a dove landed on her shoulder. Now that she looked around the town square, she realized that there were several doves around, being fed by a couple of children throwing seed upon the cobblestone road.

Solia tried to immitate a bird sound, and apparently, the dove wasn't frightened, for it made a soft cooing sound right back at her. She gently stroked its head a couple of times before it took off to get some more food. "Although this place may be intimidating, it's actually pretty peaceful. I wonder where that wicked witch Lorana is at? I can't believe she fell for Skye's lies. She's probably hiding somewhere--we did beat her up last time, after all." She smiled defiantly as she cupped her hand to get some water. When the water touched her lips, she was pleasantly surprised. It was sweet. Seems like the baker is saved for today...


"Well, this is supposed to be the City of Mysteries, after all," Ariadne said, looking up into the sky at the thunderclouds now above. "Maybe someone in town will tell us what's going on." The dirt path and distinct features of the Twilight Garden began to yield to a few small, round, stone houses and a street made of bricks that were most likely made from cobalt, from what Ariadne could tell. She also noticed that the houses were made of the same cobalt as the bricks making up the road were made of.

"Whoever built this city sure knew what they were doing," Ariadne muttered as she gazed about. A light sprinkle began falling on the pair and the sound of thunder became louder.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!


After a while, Faiz lick his own lips and sigh in relief as he felt his energy recovers. What the baker said is true; the underground water taste pretty sweet than normal clean rain and river-sourced water. "The water taste pretty good..." He said as turned around and gently lean his lower back to the fountain base, watching the birds flying from the ground up to the top of the buildings. "...Somewhat, I do not wish to remember those painful events..." He said softly.

War or fighting leaves a deep scar in Faiz and his sister's heart since they live independently. But fighting for reward is the only way they can survived, and trying to avoid killing innocent civilians. "In fact...I wish these current event ends quickly and bring the entire country in peace..."


"Goodness. This is our second shower for today." Mika giggles as the sprinkle wetting her clothes and body. She take a look of the surroundings and it seems there's no one walking outside especially under this weather. "Should we come to someone's house and ask? The sooner the better." Another strong thunderclouds strike and the sound shaking the ground softly until Mika could feel the vibration on her bare feet.
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds

Solia nodded solemnly. "Yes, this country deserves peace more than anything. But, at least we're getting closer. Once we get to Narastola, we will take down the queen once and for all." There was a mass of confidence in her voice.

"Heeeeey, so there you guys are!!" a voice called out from them from a nearby side street. It was Ardeal. He came running enthusiastically up to the lovers, but had to take a few seconds to catch his breath when he reached them. "I ran...all the way...from the tavern...," he managed to get out as he was bent over, panting.

Solia looked in the direction that Ardeal had come from, but she did not see Aussa.

"So, what are you guys up to?" Ardeal asked, standing up straight again and regaining his composure.


Ariadne looked around at the empty streets. "It only looks like it gets worse further in," she said. Up ahead, only a dark curtain of rain was visible along with the distinct outlines of buildings. "Let's just try that house over there," Ariadne pointed to a house nearby on their left. "Hopefully the people here are nice." In her mind, she kept her fingers crossed.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!


"I wish it will become reality..." The wolf smiled before facing to Ardeal who catching up the breath, but Aussa is not with Ardeal. "Well, we just take a drink in this fountain after eating some breads..." Faiz explained. "May I know where's Aussa? Did he with you?"


"That would be good." Mika then walk towards the house where Ariadne pointed to, and knock the door gently. A light sprinkle kept on soaking her entire body, like she was coming straight up from the river. "Hello. Anybody home?"
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds

Ardeal looked behind him, and then at Faiz. "That's right. He said he was going to stay at the tavern for a while to see if anyone else with info would come in. He said we'll all meet at the inn later. And don't worry--he showed me where it was. I was surprised, but he sure does know his way around."

"Yeah, I overheard the guards back at Masquerade's castle talking about how he has a great sense of direction, but nobody knew why," Solia interjected. "But that's besides the point. What should we do now?"

"I don't know," Ardeal replied. "What do you guys want to do?"


There were footsteps coming from inside the house. They got louder and louder until they finally came to a stop and the door opened. A very short old woman stood in the doorway. She wore an elegant dark blue dress with white frills here and there with a ruby brooch near her neck. Other than that, she was wearing no footwear, her white hair was a tangled mess, and her eyes were very dark, the color indistinguishable.

"Can I help you, my dears," she said slowly and quietly in her voice, cracked with age.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!


Faiz comb his long black hair while looking to Ardeal and Solia. "I don't have a good idea what we should do..Maybe we can go back to Aussa just in case he needs help.." The wolf suggest. "In fact, I want everybody to stick closer we won't end up lost..."


Mika look down to the old woman with her right claws wiping the water off from her left arm. "Uhmm...I hope we didn't bothering you...May I ask, why the dark thunderclouds only focus in this city alone...?" She asked softly. "Is it always happen...?"
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds