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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay
"No, like I said, I dont like Rain and I get to name m pets whatever I like. You agreed to it in exchange for relieving your pain and you walked here on all fours like a dog. You even allowed me to leash you so clearly you are my pet. So please dont make this difficult.....Sarah, I like Sarah, so I shall call you Sarah." Mickal said softly as though she had not even spoken.


Grace tentatively took his hand and fallowed him back to the door, blushing lightly as she did. When they reached it they would find that the door was the same as how they left it, but the framing of the words caught Grace's eye. the words were carved into the door but around the words was this white framing, It looked fairly intricate and looked to be only for decorations sake but looking closely one could make out hundreds of tiny arrows, all pointing down. Even the parts of the framing on the side all looked to be facing down. "Do you see those?" She asked Hunter softly. "I think it might be a clue...."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Yes, I see it. A clue pointing down...We should be careful, Princess. If memory serves, the sign warns us not to go into the basement. It could be a trap, someone could have left a misguiding sign here, wanting others to be killed by it. But, I suppose it is our only lead...You can't go though. You're no fighter. I'll just go alone then," Hunter said, not feeling fear or worry though he was just being cautious.


"N-no! No, I-I was caught in the moment! T-the pain, that horrible pain! It...You can't just make me into your pet! I'm Rain! A Ranamon! Not some cat or pet dog! I'm a living, feeling digimon!" Rain argued.
Grace nodded softly and looked down the dark stairs. "Are you sure though? If you are, then I will wait right here for you." she said with concern in her voice. "Call if you need my help." She said handing him a silver stick. She tapped it once and it flared to life with silver fire, an endless torch. "this should help. I was able to get it from my dress...what was left of it before we left the dungeon."


"Yes yes, and so is a catmon and so a dogmon. You act like there is a difference." Mickal said, simply adding mon to the end of everything like she was doing, not understanding nor caring what a digimon was. "Now then Sarah, your going to be my little pet, or your going to die. Its as simple as that." He reached down and stroked her head. "Now say my name is Sarah. Do it and I will reward you for being a good pet. Disobey and I will punish you.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I am sure. I am a Saxon, I am bred for combat. I will return with what I can," Hunter replied, and took the silver stick. "You should go to your room, it will be safer there. I might need to pick somethings in my room as well," he added. If there was nothing left for the two to discuss, Hunter would escort her back to her room and walk into his own. He then opened his closet, and smiled at what saw.

A large, circular shield with the Saxon symbol on it, which he tied to his back. Made out of the finest metal in Saxon kingdom, and a large Zweihänder, a fine sword, which for most would have to wielded with two hands. The mighty War Leader though, was one of few strong enough to hold it with one. The blade was said to be so powerful, it could cut the heads of multipule people in one slash. Placing the sword on his belt, and the shield on the back, he held the torch with pride.

"One more thing," he continued and began dressing himself in armor. "Now, I am ready," the wolf man growled, and began walking out of his room to find a way into the darkness that laid beneath.

[Image: big768733.jpg]


"Y-you're crazy! I have powers! I can take you down, so don't mess with me!" Ranamon said, and held her hand out, ready to attack with a blast of water.
"Powers? Like what? I cant even smell your magic aura. Your bluffing, your weak and you know it." Mickal said with a sigh. "Very well, punishment." He said as he picked up her leash and tugged hard towards the bed. "The harder you struggle the more it will hurt."


Grace nodded and escorted him back to the stairs, it was the least she could do. "OK, I will go to my room now....please be careful." She said hesitantly before reaching up and placing a kiss on his cheek. She blushed cutely and turned to leave. The dark under tavern awaited Hunter then, whenever he was ready to face it.


At last after nearly two hours of wandering around, Alex found the game room, and a very very bored Mike. Silvia was there as well, tide upside down on a set of ropes by her arms and legs. Mike was licking a Popsicle slowly and smiled when he saw Alex. "Took you long enough, me and Silvia were starting to wonder if you had lost interest in saving her." Silvia was crying hard through a red ball gag, tears going down into her hair. She looked very uncomfortable, almost in pain as all the blood rushed to her head, but that was not all.

The rest was revealed when Mike got up and offered him a popsicle. He walked over to Silvia and grabbed a small something sticking just barely out of her pussy. He pulled it out and revealed a blue popsicle, dripping with its own melt and her juices. "They are delicious, I suggest you try one." Mike said.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Just give me the challenge so I can save MY Silvia," Alex growled, walking up to Matt and knocking the popsicle out of his hand. "I'm here to save my woman, now give me the challenge so I can win her back to me. Where she belongs."


Hunter smiled as he felt her kiss his cheek, but oh how lusted for so much more. His kingdom, his slaves, everything seems null and worthless compared to this white, pure, and perfect Princess. His grin though quickly turned to a scowl. This is not the time for romance, nay it is the time for action. I must clear my mind, and focus on my goal. To find a way out of this hellhole, and take the Princess into my arms...

With those thoughts in mind, Hunter walked deep into dark under tavern, the endless torch in his hand and his shield in the other, with the sword tied to his belt securely.


"Magic? Not so much magic as digital power!" Ranamon yelled, and aimed her hand at Mickal as tugged on the leash. Her face hit the ground, but a blast of water shot out of her hand, nearly hitting Mickal's face. A drop of it hit his face as it hit the wall, and he could feel the water was scorching hot.
Mike laughed and walked back to Silvia, slapping her ass hard before jamming another popsicle into her abused pussy, making her whimper and cry out. "Straight to business hu? Fine." He sat back down in his chair and smiled cruelly at Alex, seeing the hate he had in his eyes. "Oh give me a break already! You dont think I havent tortured Silvia into telling me everything about you? About what you have done and like to do? Your just like me, so lose some of the attitude, its pissing me off."

He took a sip of a drink he had set down and continued. "Be happy that you are just like me, it will help you in this next challenge. You see, in this challenge, you are going to have to, guess what? Kidnap a girl for me!" Mike clapped to himself and watched Alex closely."She is about 5.6 feet tall, has Golden blond hair and deep blue eyes, and skin smoother than the flawless snow in winter. She is some kind of princess from another world and she is staying here in the Tavern with her scary werewolf bodyguard. "Capture her, strip her to all but her undergarments, and bring her to me and you will be one more step close to your dear sweet Silvia." Mike flicked a piece of paper his way.

"Those are the directions to her room. Her name is Grace, Princess Grace. She seems rather trusting so it shouldnt be to hard." He then tossed him a rag and a jar of Chloroform. "Use these to subdue her, then simply strip her and bring her to me, unspoiled and unmarred. If I am dissatisfied in anyway I will take it out on her flesh." He sai kicking Silvia had on the ribs and leaving a bruise. The delicate psychic pokemon swung a little and winced as she was struck again. Silvia was not sure how much longer she could last, her mind was being picked away by Mike every second she was with him. She did not know how much sanity she had left.


Soon Hunter found himself at the bottom of the stairs and knee deep in warm slime. With his Silver torch he could see that it was clear and almost as viscus as water. the walls were covered in it, and it reeked of death and flesh. The wall and ceiling were made out of carved stone and the room itself led into many passages, one of which continued to go down while three others went out in different directions.

Distant splashes made it clear he was not alone, but Hunter could see nothing nearby nor smell anything other than the slime. Whatever was out there was staying out of range of the light and away from Hunter....for the time being.


Mickal scowled and aimed his hand out towards her. "Serpintis!" He hissed and from the palm of his hand came a rush of snakes that covered her and hissed menacingly. "Do you remember that horrible pain? Well imagine if all these snaked were to bite you at the same time! Imagine how bad that is going to feel!" He roared, angry that he had been attacked at all and most of all, that he had bene unable to sense it.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((....Oh that's cruel, Silver. Either way, one of my characters ends up heartbroken))

Rain instanly froze up when the snakes appeared, and she was already to start cry. "No...Please, Sarah will be good! Just more snakes..."


Hunter growled and slowly took his steps forward. His torch in one hand, and his shield in the other, taking slow moves and focusing his mind to the enviroment around him, ready to fight back against whatever monster there may have hid there.


WE ARE NOTHING ALIKE! Alex wanted to scream, but restrained himself. When he caught the jar, paper, and rag he looked at Mike, and then at Silvia. "I will save you from this man, Silvia. Just remember, I love you, and I always will," he said, and turned around, not wanting to hear whatever mocking comment Mike may have given as he left to find this Princess.
"Oh so now your going to be good? How do I know that you wont attack me again when the snakes go away hu? Maybe I should just kill you....or maybe I could let you go, if you were to tell me where to find another." Michal smiled, mind games where half the fun. He had no intention of letting Rain go at all, but he knew how much it would hurt if she surrendered to her fear and tried to escape her torment by putting it all on Flare, her only friend in the tavern.


Nothing attacked Hunter, nothing approached him and nothing made a sound. He was being stalked, he knew this, but whatever was out there was staying out of the light. He could not simply sit there all day and wait for it to show itself though. He had passages before him, he had to choose one or forsake his quest.


As Alex made his way to Grace's room, which Mike had penned out for him, he found her before she get there. She was coming back from leaving Hunter and she was walking slowly but beautifully towards her room. She was just passing the kitchen and she looked worried, so worried that she had not noticed Alex yet.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I...I....I don't....Please, just....God, make it go away!" Rain cried, trying to back away from the snakes in Mickal's hand. "I'll be good, I swear, just make them go away!"


Hunter sighed and kept moving, walking down, deeper down into this strange, foresaken place, always ready to combat what hellspawn this place made.


((Before SHE get there? Sloppy Silver....Sorry, I just like poking fun at your little mistakes. Payback for all these hard choices I have to go through))

Alex opened his mouth as he looked at her, and was slightly suprised to see her beauty match Silvia's. He closed his mouth and eyes, before walking up to Grace. "Princess Grace, I presume?" he asked.