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The Spire.
Mar smiled as the behemoth lost his composture. Now that reading the larger dragon became much easier, Mar quickly dodged to the opposite side of the punch's direction and then crouched, grinning as he gathered all his strength, "Strike two. AND OUT!" he roared loudly, alerting a few bystanders as he delivered a crushing knockout uppercut to his opponent left-cheek.

Dorothy, still embarrassed a bit, nodded to herself as the girls left and went to check on her own. She kept telling herself that Ryoji wasn't anymore than a good friend to her, nothing had happened between them anyway! ...Yet. She shook her head of the thoughts as she walked away from the stand, but time flew by as she was lost in thought and eventually she bumped onto something, "Ouch!" she whimpered as she fell down, her glasses falling off as well.

"Sorry, it was my fault, can I help you?" a claw stretched out for Dorothy, who took it and immediately apologized, bowing forwards repeatedly. "Hey, it's okay!" the other dragon laughed, chuckling mischeviously as she picked Dot's glasses up and handed them back to the dragoness.

"Th-thanks, I'm so sorry, I wasn't," Dorothy started, slipping the glasses on before she blinked her pretty blue eyes in surprise, "Ryoji-kun!" she called out. Ryoji laughed in response, apparently amused by playing with her bad eyesight while he had the chance, "Oh you! Why didn't you tell me it was you!" she giggled, giving Ryoji an affectionate hug, the grey-scaled, black-haired draconic youth returning it with a smile.

"My my, and to think it's been a year." Ryoji laughed heartily, letting Dot go before he stared onto her eyes, "I'm glad you could come. Today's a very special day for me." He said.

Dorothy blushed a bit, but smiled, "Really? Gee! I bet you know who's going to be the Aeon Dragon this time!" she giggled. Ryoji waved a finger in negative, and chuckled.

"I'm afraid I don't know, but it's great that you're here. Did you bring your brother along as well? I'd like to meet him." Ryoji asked, his beautiful pearly-white eyes practically soothing Dorothy's.

"Oh." She snapped, "Of course!" she said, waving a claw restlessly, "Hmm, but we got separated. But I don't think we'll take much to find him, no doubt he's hitting on someone from around and making a huge deal of it." She chuckled.

"Do you mean that, literally?" Ryoji said, having stared off for a moment, and back to look at Dorothy.

"Huh? Literally? What do you mean?"

"About hitting, and making a huge deal of it." Ryoji mentioned, and pointed over to the boxing ring in front of them, "I think we found him." He smiled. Dorothy on the other hand, let her jaw drop.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Hee, I knew I'd find him sooner or later." Vook giggled, coming up from behind the gray dragon. "But it looks like he's found us!" she added, stepping up to him. "Heya! I was lookin' for you, cutie." she smiled cutely at Ryoji, her tail wagging a bit. "Well, actually, Dorothy was looking for you."


"And he's OUT!" Ereth grinned, watching as the huge dragon was literally blown away by Mar's huge punch, hitting the ropes and managing to flip over them due to his height, landing on his back outside the ring. Ereth jumped down to the ring, grabbing the blue dragon's arm and holding it up. "Martin Wins!"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"Woo-hoo!" Mar cheered like a kid, punching the air up in victory, lifting Ereth off the ground with his large arm up, "Picture-Snappy time, girls!" he smirked.

"OUT OF MY WAY!" Dorothy immediately ran over the crowd, sending all bystanders flying by simply pushing them away, until she reached the ring, then snarled to Mar, "You better have a GOOD explanation, brother!" she scowled.

"Oh, c'mon Dot," Mar said, lowering his arms a bit, and Ereth with them, "Don't be a party pooper, the crowd loves it!" he grinned, waving his gloved claw over to the screaming and cheering crowd of watchers.

Ryoji blinked in surprise, not having expected Dorothy to bear so much physical strength thanks to her petite form, but was then greeted by Vook, "Oh, and who might you be, lady?" he smiled gently, taking Vook's paw in his in a gentlemanly way, before she kissed it and looked up, "Might you be an acquantice of Dorothy-chan?"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Hee, just a friend." Vook giggled softly to the dragon's manners, her tail swishing a bit behind her. "I'm Vook, Vook Kyrian. And you are?" she asked.

Ereth chuckled, letting go of Mar's arm. "Yeah, it was all for fun!" he told Dorothy, slipping out of the ring again, letting Mar have his glory. "Besides, he took 'em out like it was nothing!"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"Ah-hrm-" Nera coughed as she spotted Dorothy bulldozing through the crowd. She hopped down the ring and approached one of the dragons that had taken their picture. "-I'd like a copy of that please... Can I? Thank you!"

"And-he-WINS BY T-K-O!!" Lacia cheered, sending bolts of electric-blue lightning up at the sky in the shape of Mar.

"And-I-get-FIFTY BARBECUES!!" Nero joined the cheering, making a couple of vendors pay up.
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
"WHOOHOO! GO MAR! Now kick him and steal his wallet!" Shadow jumped into the ring, giving the dragon a high five, "Man, watching that fight made me hungry. What kind of cuisine they got here?"

"Uhm, did anyone see where Katt went?" Kitt looked around at the others.

Suddenly a small red dragon went flying over the ring backwards, crashing into a tree and sliding to the ground with a stupid dazed look on his face.

"TOUCH MY ASS AGAIN! I DARE YA!" a loud voice roared as Katt walked out from a quickly spreading group of dragons to give her room, "Ugh, and here I was hoping Mar was one of a kind."

"Found her." Shadow smiled.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Ryoji introduced himself, bowing respectfully, "Ryoji Zhang." He smiled, "Shall we move on? I don't think leaving Dorothy-chan alone in a crowd of alcohol-excited males would be a good idea." He said, before he made his way to the ring.

Mar high-fived Shadow back and put his claws on his waist, smiling rethorically at Dorothy.

"What?" the dragoness blinked.

"I'd my fun, need some private time to have yours, though?" He cocked an eyebrow, smiling gleefully as he looked down, leaning onto the ropes. Dorothy looked at Mar questioningly, before she realized Ryoji was standing besides her, and looking up at her humongous brother.

"Ah! Ryoji-kun!" Dorothy blushed in embarrassment, looking towards him, before she looked at Mar, "Uh-uhm..."

"It's great to meet you, I'm Ryoji." Ryoji said, stretching over one of his claws to greet Mar, "Your first meeting I hear, and you're already causing a big impression on the masses. Good job."

Mar grinned a bit, taking it all as a compliment as he grabbed Ryoji's claw and shook it, "Y'know what they say. If you can't eat them, beat 'em!"

"You got that a little wr,"

"Don't bother." Dorothy sighed to Ryoji, who blinked a bit through his glasses, before he heartily laughed.

"Very well," Ryoji said, looking up at Mar again to ask a question, before he saw past him and noticed Shadow, "What's a demi-human doing here?" his voice turned stern.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Daisy cheered as Mar won, and was about to leap into the ring to congratulate him, but then heard Ryoji's stern question.

If he sounded displeased about a demi-human, she didn't think he'd take all too kindly to a human. But the beers Daisy had drank since entering the festival dimmed the warning voice, and so she proceeded to climb in.

'You were waaaaay good Mar! That freak didn't stand a chance! But the night is young, let's hit the pah-tay!' She giggled.

all i ever wanted was the world.

Vook giggled again, nodding. "Too true." she added, following behind the gray dragon. "Oh, him? Yeah, about that, they're friends of ours." she answered to Ryoji's question. "They're allowed here, don't worry!"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"Demi-human?" Shadow asked, looking around, "Where?"

"Don't worry," Katt smiled as she stood beside Ryoji, "Anyone makes a move on Dot they gotta go through me first. That includes you mutt." she said glaring up at Shadow before looking towards Dot, "So, this the 'friend' you met online?" she grinned a bit.

"Hiya! I'm Kitt, nice to meetcha." Kitt smiled, holding her hand out to Ryoji, excited to meet a new friend.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad