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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay
"Nothing I couldnt fix. How is Grace?" He asked, using his magic eyes to look through the wall at her sleeping form. "Any luck?"


"What happened?!" Angy asked as she rushed forward with a towel to help dry him. "You smell like sulfur, where did you go?" She asked as she helped him out of his shirt and dried him. Serenity was sleeping in the bed, looking impossibly small in the bed, warm and cozy for the first time in ages.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex only smiled and hugged Angy even though he was wet, the water on his body going on to her and making her white clothes see through. "I have finished the first challenge, and won," he said, grinning. "Silvia is one step closer to being mine, once more." He then took the towel and began explainning what had happened at the pool, taking a moment every now and again to look at Angy's breasts, pussy, butt, or face, and though she was beautiful, she paled in comparison to Silvia.


"She seems to respect me, at the very least," Hunter sighed. "I hope this is not too long and tedious. Waiting is a difficult thing. Just staring at her body...Her beautiful curves, her long golden hair, her blue, ocean eyes, her large soft, breasts, and just thinking of her purity tortures me!"
Angy blushed and was well aware of how she looked. Still she stayed around long enough for him to get dry and to tell his story before taking the towel herself and using it as cover. "Thats terrible..." Angy said at last. Serenity stirred but did not wake up and Angy frowned. "She is not doing very well...who ever her last "master" was, didnt care very much about her at all. She is very weak, her heart is hardly beating, and I am unfamiliar with fairy physiology so Im not sure I could bring her back to life if she died, or even how I would keep her alive if I did....there are just somethings I cant fix."


Mickal shook his head and then looked at Hunter seriously. "She could be yours right now if you would simply allow my methods. Why you are so insistent on getting her to "love" you. Lord, instant love only happens in fairy tales. If this did not do it then it will take months of happy laughter and warm moments to achieve that least. And that is only if things go exceedingly well!"

Mickal shook his head once more and added "You can not get her to love you in this tavern and you can not have a relationship with her in our world other than that of a slave. Her people would never allow it."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Is there anyway I can help, Angy? Perhaps I look around this tavern for a medical room or hospital of somekind," Alex suggested.


Hunter sighed and leaned against the door. "I cannot explain it! I can feel her, see her, she is constantly there in my mind! I want to use one of your methods, but I keep feeling if I do use an easier technique, she will suffer and die! And I shall not allow that!" he roared. "...Love is a foreign thing to our kind, Mickal. When was the last time a Saxon loved anything else other than power, war, and sex?" he sighed.
"Just now Im guessing." the warlock said. "She is not a flower or delicate plant. She will not die, though she may suffer. But her suffering is the price to pay for your pleasure, it is a bargain! Think like a Saxon my lord, she can be all yours with minimal damage to her if you will but give the word. I can mind wipe her, change her. Or if you want her to still be Grace then I can change her memories and feelings, tamper with her mind a little. Or you could just force yourself upon her. I can increase the potency of your pheromones to the point that she will be helpless and powerless to stop you, unable to resist you."


Angy nodded and snuck away for a second to change. She the picked the fair up and wrapped her in the sheets she was sleeping in. Serenity moaned and woke up a little. "Mas...ter?" She moaned silently, her eyes only half open. Angy shushed her gently and cradled her. "We will have to go together and take her with us...she may not last much longer."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hunter sighed and stared at the wall for what seemed like months. "I feel like I'm losing myself...These thoughts of love, of Grace, of her perfection...The Saxon in me wants her as a slave, but I want her as a lover! I want to fuck her, to treat her like a slut, to humiliate her, and still finds she loves me! That is what I want, but how can I get it if I know that any attempt will hurt her!? What is happening to me!?" the wolf man roared. "PErhaps you should leave me, Mickal. I feel my mind is not of me at the moment," he sighed, massaging his temples.


"Let's go," Alex said, opening the door and motioning them through first. "We have to hurry then. We're going to find medicine for you, Serenity, to help make you feel better. Any ideas where we should start, Angy?"
Mickal nodded and sighed. "Very well Lord, you know where to find me if you need me." He said and in a puff of smoke he was gone.


Serenity whimpered and tried to protest but was to weak to. Angy shrugged and asked "Do you know anyone with knowledge of this place? Someone who knows how to get around? They might be the only way to save Serenity." Of course, there was only one person Alex knew who fit that description. Mikel.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"....Yes...But we are NOT asking him!" Alex yelled. "We'll look around on our own before I asked that bastard Mike for help! We can do just fine by ourselves."


Hunter let out a sigh and walked back into his room and looked at Grace. "You did this to me..." he growled, and moved closer to her. "Your fault, I'm like this....You tainted me with your purity...You made me like this...You made me love you," he growled, but all his anger vanished as he saw her flawless face, and he sighed, gently rubbing Grace's cheek with his hand. "....But I forgive you, Princess."
Angy stepped back, shocked. "I-Im sorry, I dont know..." She said softly. Serenity groaned gently and opened her eyes briefly. " an..gry.." Angy hugged her close and shushed her softly. "Anyway, we need to go now, lead the way." She said.


Grace moaned softly in her sleep and leaned her head in closer to Hunter's hand. She kissed it softly and then began to suck on one of his fingers softly before she stopped and went back into her still and peaceful sleep.

"Just a reminder, Lord Hunter, thats not all I can make her do. At least think about it, you are a Saxon after all." The mental voice in Hunter's mind was clearly Mickal's and explained Grace's unconscious behavior.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex took deep breaths and sighed. "Sorry Angy, sorry Serenity. Rest Serenity while Angy and I talk," he kindly ordered. He then looked at the angel and sighed again. "Right...I'll lead the way," he sighed, walking in a random direction.


Hunter's eyes widened as she saw Grace suck his fingers and he was given an instant erection. Why though? He had girls do much more wild or sexy action, and they didn't even give an reaction to him like this. When he realized Mickal was doing he let out a tired sigh. Mickal, I'm tired....Leave me alone for now, please. I want to sleep. He said, though he couldn't help, but love the feeling of Grace's lips on him.