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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay
Suddenly, a large pale tentacles came out of the water next to Alex and splashed down heavily just in front of him. It sank to the bottom and grabbed onto the plank, jerking it from under his feet. Alex had to think quick, he was still in full clothing and had to keep a hold of Silvia, at least to keep her head above water, which would make swimming noise and difficult at best. He was more than halfway through the deep end, he was almost there!


Suddenly Mickal appeared next to them and bowed. "Ah lord Hunter, I was wondering where you had gotten off to." He said, acting as though he had just found him. "And...Lady Grace?" Grace blushed and hid behind Hunter, her breasts only hardly being covered by the vest while her female sex was completely exposed. Mickal chuckled and summoned Grace up a pair of panties, a bra, and a red dress. She quickly put them on and returned the vest to Hunter. "Thank you..." she said, still blushing hard.

Mickal bowed once more and then looked at Hunter. "Would you like me to teleport you to your room master?" He then looked at Grace once more and added "Both of you?"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Yes, both of us Mickal. Thank you," Hunter said, and bowed his head. He then put a protective arm around Grace, and waited for Mickal to teleport them back.


Alex quickly extended his tentacles as to the other side. These tentacles were like real tentacles, and had suckers on them. They were also easily detachable, though it would hurt, so he could let the monster blow him rip any that it grabbed off. Using his tentacles, Alex pulled himself, and Silvia to the other side.
Mickal made some symbols and said some words and suddenly Hunter and Grace where in Hunter's room with Mickal no where in sight. Grace blushed as she realized Hunter's arm was still around her and said "Thank you again War leader, for helping me escape that horrid place. I am most grateful."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"It was a pleasure, my dear," Hunter smiled. He kept his arm around her, enjoying her pure warmth and looked her over. "I am only sorry I did not get there in time to stop him from touching you with his unworthy hands," he said, acting as best he could as a good 'Angelo Hero of Legend.'

((Hey Silver, if you don't mind me asking, everything okay? Ya seemed kinda upset on the Kingdom Defeated RP))
(Nothings wrong, dont worry about it)

Grace blushed and nodded meekly. After a moment of silence, she looked up at Hunter and said, "I am sorry Hunter, but I must leave this place now...This ordeal has been...quite tiring. I need to rest." She attempted to inch out of his arm but would be unable to if Hunter did not allow it.


As Alex pulled himself away, he narrowly avoided a tentacle. Silvia continued to moan and groan through and her wet pussy was starting to make them easier to find. The monster swam after them and would be upon them again at any moment. "You know, it wont Kill Silvia, just you. If you want to escape, then simply let Silvia go, she is not worth dying over after all right?" Mickal said, smirking as the monster approached them.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Alright. I'm just always worried about my friends. Personal flaw, eh, what can you do?))

Silvia is worth more than our lives combined you crazy bastard! Alex thought as he finally felt that stealth was thrown out the window. Suddenly, as many tentacles as he could summon shot out of his body and Alex used them to try and push the beast away or stall it. As he did this, he tried to swim as fast as he could to the other side, letting any tentacle the beast tried to tear off go.


"I would prefer if you rested in my room. I don't want you captured again, and I may not be able to save you if someone were to try and attack you again," Hunter replied, petting her cheek softly before pulling back. "Sorry."
Alex's desperate attempt worked and he made it to the other side, his love withering and moaning in his arms. Still, the price for this was high and Alex had had almost all his tentacles painfully ripped out. Mike didnt even seem upset, walking up to them and clapping. "Bravo, bravo. Thats one down and two to go. You may return to your room now. I will not undo her poisons until I am sure you are away." Silvia moaned softly for her master and came hard, she was going to have to stay in the wicked mans company for another night it seemed.


Grace pulled against him for a moment but then asked "But where will you rest? I can not...share a bed with you Hunter, its not proper." She blushed as she said this, but the chloroform and near rape had weakened her considerably, she was hardly standing.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Can I atleast talk to her?" Alex asked, cradiling her in his arms, remembering the feel of her soft skin and her beautiful body.


"I'm a dog. I'll sleep on the ground, Princess," Hunter said, sternly. "I won't let you just go on alone, in this strange tavern."
"Nope. Dont worry though, I will tell her you were here." Mike said with an evil smile. "Now leave! Every second you spend here is a second of pain I give to her."


Grace nodded and tried to go to the bed, if she was allowed. After that she would tuck herself in and fall right to sleep. A light knock on the door would follow, Mickal awaiting his master's approval.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hunter looked at Grace and he moved his hand forward to gently pet the Princess. The knock though interrupted him and he sighed, quietly and walked to the door. He opened it and saw Mickal. He quickly slipped through the door and closed it behind him, to make sure Grace did not hear them. "Hello Mickal. How are you? The injuries I gave you were not too severe, were they?"


Alex gritted his teeth, and kissed Silvia's lips before getting out of the pool, leaving her against the wall of it. He then quickly walked off, back to Angy's room to check up on Angy and Serenity. "One down, two to go," he mumbled as he walked over to the Angel's room, soaking wet.