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Kingzero and Silver
"Silvia...Silvia...Silvia, stop, please. Its not your fault...Its my own. I got headstrong, when I was fighting Deomon, and he put me in my place. You don't have to worry about it, its not your fault," Alex said. "But, if you want Master to feel better, just be happy he's here, alive. Be happy, that soon. You and the man you love will marry," he smiled.


"I could see it in Deomon and Alex's eyes...The end was here. As I saw him raise his arm to crush Alex, I saw something new. The sinner fought back, holding the demon arm with him only arm, and I saw a drive to live, but not just that. I saw a emotion, I had not expected from Alex...Love. A drive to live to love. He wanted to live for someone. It wasn't about him, or Deomon, or even his father. It was about someone he loved...I charged into the battle and tackled Deomon into the wall. I ordered Alex to take my lance, and he obeyed. I threw Deomon back and Alex forced the lance into Deomon's back, and through his heart, ending the Demon Lord of Wrath's reign..."
Silvia nodded tearfully but did not let him go. "I wont let anyone else hurt you master, please dont leave again." She begged softly as her frail body clung to his.


Angy nodded in amazement as the story finished and said "Wow...but you still consent to what Alex does? I...I have not complaints. I am unable to avoid being captured and...raped by humans. But there are two among us who...are less accepting of this." Flare shuffled nervously.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"When Deomon died, Alex said that I, and the rest of the Digimon Defense Force, 'owed him one.' Though I do not approve of his actions, I cannot act. As Leader of the DDF, if I were to liberate any slave, humans may believe all of the DDF will attack them to reclaim their Digimon brothers and sisters. Only smaller, less known groups, like Flare and Ren once were, can free their own kind," the Angel said. "I have also promised three things to Alex, after the death of Deomon. 1: I must never intefere with him, or any of his slaves...2: He wanted me to officially marry him and a woman named Silvia. 3: I must give Silvia's heart the strength to atleast temporariliy be with him. I am bound by my word."


"I won't my love. Atleast, not without you," he smiled. His tentacles then brought over a sandwich for Silvia and placed it in front of her. "Eat, Mrs. Hunter. You need the strength," Alex smiled.
"I...I see." Angy said, almost in disbelief. Flare's ears lowered and she hugged the covers wrapped around her tighter to herself. So she would never be free, and would end up just like Ren and Angy, bearing his children. The fate did not please her, in fact it still terrified her. But at least she was stronger now than she was before.


Silvia accepted the food gratefully and ate slowly, he delicate stomach needing time to process food. As she ate she looked at her own flat stomach and patted it, a small smile on her lips. "You missed it." She said almost sadly. "I was so sad when you werent there." She added looking up at Alex.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The mighty Angel saw their sadness and sighed. "I know...I know....If I could, I would try to help you, but if I did, a war would break out between Digimon and Humanity, and with many of the DDF injured or dead due to the ongoing war with the Demon Lords, we would be wiped out in the war. I cannot save you from Alex, in exchange for the destruction of the DDF. I cannot," he sighed. "But mark my words....I see into Alex's heart, and I see hate, sadistic thoughts, and lust, but underneath his evil, there is good, and though I cannot believe I am going to say this....You are lucky, that he is your Master, if only for the fact, he will not mistreat you like other humans will...."


Alex raised his brow, confused a bit. "I missed it? Missed what?" he asked. No...No it couldn't have happen...Could it? No, I don't think it would...Silvia could not have had our child....Could she? "Silvia...What happened while I was gone?" he asked.
Flare nodded slowly but the words were mostly lost on here. "Nya...." She mewed in agreement, just sitting there and hugging herself. She would have to present herself to Alex after he was done with Silvia, they had all practiced and gone over it. the thought made her terrfied and blush but she knew she had to, there was no other choice.


Silvia smiled at him fondly and took his hand. "Come.." she said as she half led, half limped him to her room. She had only eaten half her sandwich, but her own well being could wait. There in her room was a crib, and in it, all snuggled up in some warm blankets was a green striped egg.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex quickly grabbed the sandwich for Silvia, saving it for later. Helping his wife to be to her room, he gasped at what he saw inside. His heart skipped a beat, as their laid an egg, different from any child or egg Alex had seen before. It was different, because this one was made of love. True love.

"Is....Is that...our child?" he whispered.
Silvia nodded and hugged her master tightly. "Yes, that is our child." She said softly. She nearly fainted then, having walked so far by herself and feeling so much love that her weakened body couldnt take it. "Im sorry master, Im weak. I can only hope our child is as strong as you."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((I might not be able to get on much tommorrow or Sunday, since I have a surgery tommorrow morning))

Alex gulped slowly and looked at his wife to be and smiled. "...Finish your sandwich," he calmly whispered, handing her half eaten sandwich back to her and slowly walking with her over to their child. "Our child..." he whispered and slowly reached down with his hand, gently petting the egg. "Do you know what gender it will be? Have you thought up a name for him or her?"
Silvia shook her head as she ate her sandwich. "You should name it. Your still my master after all." She said, looking at him lovingly and cutely since crums had gotten on her face a little.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)