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Kingzero and Silver
((Yeah....Any chance fixing Silvia will be an easy thing to do and WON'T need any yelling/fighting/going on some long set of challenges/arguing/scolding/research/moral lesson to learn/or anything of the sort?))

Alex groaned a bit when Tali hugged him and thanked Silvia. "Thank you ladies. There's someone outside who I want you to meet. Go outside and talk to him, and allow me to rest," he said and if the two girls obeyed. He would follow Silvia and Ren to her room. "...I take it doing that was a mistake....Sorry, it's just that...I supposed I was a bit too excited from defeating the Demon Lord and a bit too proud...."

If the girls walked out ,they would see a suprising sight. A Seraphimon, a very powerful Holy Angel Digimon.

"Hello, ladies," he greeted.
Ren growled and stroked Silvia's head. "She has been more or less like this for the past month and a made a choice to go, to fight instead of love didnt even send any letters or reassurances that you were alive. She is completely dependent on you Alex, I dont know what your past is, but whatever happened to her made her completely weak and needing of you. The poor girl...she has not even eaten for the past three days Alex, she just stopped. Im guessing the only way that this was going to turn out well for her was if the first thing she saw when that door opened was you...Im leaving. Talk to her, speak to her, get her back, if you still think she is wort the trouble." And with that Ren stormed out.


"Whoa..." Angy said as the all the girls stared in awe of the awesome digimon. Angy fell to her knees and prostrated herself before him. "I am not worthy, I am an abomination, and I have been turned to sin, I am not worthy!" She said into the dirt.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Rise, fallen Angel....I know what this man has done, and what he is. But still, I am indebted to him. For it is he, who in the final battle, defeated the evil Demon Lord of Wrath, Deomon. If you would allow me, I can tell you how the battle ended, and this sinful man, became a temporary saint," Seraphimon offered.


Alex simply nodded at Ren as she left and walked over to Silvia. "I am such a bastard," he mumbled. "Silvia...Silvia, I don't know if you can hear me, but just...try to hear me out. I'm sorry....I'm sorry for being such a bad Master, and an even worst husband. But I'm back now. I'm here, and you and I can be married, be happy finally!" he said, and touched her soft cheek with his right hand. "Silvia, please say have no idea, how much I need you. Everynight I dreamed of you, everyday I wondered what our lives together would be like, and when I was about to die, because of Deomon, I was given the strength to fight back....because I promised you, I would not die....Silvia, please wake up...I love you," he begged, and hugged her tightly. Then, to finish the release of emotions, teardrops fell from his eyes.

For in these months, he had fought back hate, rage, sadness, and pain. Hate to himself. Rage to Deomon. Sadness to not being with Silvia. And pain from every passing day she was without him.
Silvia kissed him lightly and weakly wrapped her arms around him. "M-master...Im sorry...please love me...dont...leave...your not...a bad...master..." She sniffed and began to cry weakly into his arms. She was so weak, she had not eaten or slept for days, and her already physically weak body was hardly able to sustain her now.

"Im...not good enough...for master...but still, me small heart...its breaking...because Im not...strong enough...not good enough." Her weak body could hardly maintain the hug she was trying to give him and as she began to cry they fell uselessly to her sides as she leaned on Alex and continued to cry. Though she would never say it openly, she felt she was not good enough, because in the end she was not as loved as she had hoped. She was not good enough to make Alex love her more than vengeance. "I am sorry.. master..."


"Please do great one!" Angy said, not moving from where she was as Tali and Flare sat next to her.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I do love you! And you are good enough! Silvia, you are the most beautiful, kind, loving, and just the most perfect woman I know! Without life would lose a great meaning," he said. "I don't just love you as a slave, I love you as something far more...I love you as a person. I love you, Silvia, my loving wife. I love you, Mrs. Hunter..." he said, and hugged her. "And Master has a special suprise for you...Something that will help your weak heart...Something that will give you and I the ability to make love, without worry of your heart. Believe me my love...I have found a great thing..."


"Alex came to us, four months ago. He had arrived at the Digital Defence Force Headquarters, and I knew him well... Though I sensed honor, and goodness in his soul, I saw great evil, and a thrist for vengence as well. So when he came, asking for help, I ordered him to leave. Angry, he still gave into my command and left. When he had visited, we were already talking about an attack on Deomon's moving tower. You see, the evil Demon Lord lived in a tower being carried on a machine, and with it his fortress moved with its great army and evil ruler inside," Seraphimon explained.

"Three months later, the battle took place. Many great Digimon fell in the war as we attacked the Demon Lord's fortress. I, along with a group of my best Angemon, and the Digidestant stormed his throneroom and our battle took place. Many of my Angemon fell, and even many of the Digidestint fell! I and those who survived stared as Deomon stepped closer. Suddenly, the doors opened and bullets fileld the air and hit Deomon, pushing him back, but barely injuring the Demon Lord! The Sinful Hero, Alex, had entered the throne, armed with swords, guns, and with the desire of vengence!" he narratred.
(OK, maybe one more)

Silvia still cried, still to weak to do anything else. She snuggled into her master's chest as best she could and said "Master...I love you...I just want...Never wants are not important...but master, before the surprise..." She blushed as she looked up at him and asked "May I have some food?"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

"Of course," Alex smiled, and kissed her forehead. "Silvia, you can have the world! Heaven, hell, earth, the Digital World, it all goes to you if you want it! I'll tear open Heaven and Hell for you, my love!" he smiled and picked up bridal style with his good hand and using a tentacle as a left arm. "Let's go get you some food, my loving wife, Mrs. Hunter," he said, and kissed her lips before carrying out the door.
Silvia closed her dull eyes and snuggled into her masters arms. She was trembling with weakness, she had not been eating well even before she stopped, Alex had quite a bit of damage to undo. Silvia had yet to notice his missing arm, and so when she felt the tentacle, she whimpered softly but opened her legs a bit. Even then she was willing to give herself to him without worry about her own health.


"What happened after that great one?" Angy asked, sitting like the rest of the girls as the listened to the mighty digimon speak. "Nya?" Added Flare cutely, wanting to here the rest of the story as well.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Silvia..." Alex whispered and kissed her cheek. "Let's just get you some food," he said and walked back downstairs with the girl in his hands. He carried her downstairs to the kitchen and placed her on a chair, and held her in his arm as his tentacles went to work making a sandwich for his wife.


"They fought. They fought like mad men, beating each other like drums, trying to tear the other in two. Normally, Alex would have been killed by the Demon Lord, but Deomon was weaken by fighting myself, and my allies. He stood a chance. Suddenly Alex had taken a good blow, and stabbed Deomon in the back, and began to stab him wildly and quickly, hitting various vital data packs, and the demon fell to the ground. I had thought the battle over, and Alex did as well. But as he turned away from this fallen foe, Deomon rose again and grabbed Alex's arm with one hand and his body with the other and savagly ripped the arm off!"
Silvia looked at the tentacles worked on the sandwich. "Master why are you using-" She was cut off as she noticed his missing arm. She went pale, or rather paler than she had been and squeaked with surprise. She then looked up at Alex with tears in her eyes and said "Oh master Im so sorry!" She hugged him tightly and began to cry into his chest, apologizing every few seconds.


"No daddy!" Tali cried, at the edge of her seat even though she knew that Alex wins in the end. "What happened after that wise one?!" Angy asked, like wise curious and excited as Flare held her tail nervously as she listened.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)