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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
"Now, now...I feel a little taste is needed, to help you and encourage you to fight for me. So...I bestow upon you, a quarter of my power! Half of the half, the rest when I am happy and done," he said and closed his eyes. He began making hand signals and gestures, and a ferocious blue aura surronded his body. He then clapped his hands together and a blue energy blade extended from his fingers. He then charged at Sauske and thrust the sword forward, piercing Sauske;s heart with the energy blade.

Sauske would feel the kiss of death lay her lips on his own...He would then feel the kiss of life kissing his lips. Sauske would feel a rush of power, skill, and strength flood his mind. He learned of hundreds of techniques and skills, and his muscles and reflex were powered up beyond his imagine. Still though, his power was not near Alex's. "How do you feel, Sasuske?"
"I feel...I feel like I want to help you." Sauske said as he felt his new strength and flexed his improved muscles. "With more of this I could beat my brother with ease. Vengeance will be mine."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Fantastic! Just remember the deal! Even with all your improvments, and even if I were to do this a dozen more times, without a heart, you'll die," Alex said. "Now come on, Mr.Uciha, I want you to speak with your old teamate, Sakura. You remember that jutsu I used on you? Pain of Eternity Jutsu? Well I did the same to her...and broke her a bit too well. Hopefully though, seeing you, and hearing you encourage her to love me, as a Master, and lover, will set things straight," he explained as he led Sasuke to the shed. As he did, the clones bowed in respect before the two.

"Hello, Master. Greetings, Mr.Uchiha," the clones said, bowing to them.

"Any questions?" Alex asked as he opened the shed and pointed at the trapdoor.


"I...I am good, M-Master," the timid girl said. "W-what is Sakura doing?" she asked, only seeing Sakura's butt from her angle, and not seeing the magical noodle the pink haired girl was eating.
Sauske nodded and asked "Is this...Pain of eternity Jutsu, your answer to everything? I know Sakura could not have put up a fight deserving of that, and deflected most of mine aw...ay..." Sauske entered and saw the balled up mess that was Sakura. He was silent and stunned. "What is it you want me to do? You want to get Tsunade or Kabuto for this...this looks a little beyond misplaced love." He said gravely as Sakura whimpered and cried out as he poked her shoulder with his toe.


"Eating." Mike said as he picked Hinata up and placed her on his lap as he sat down again, stroking her breasts and stomach. "Are you hungry? Want a noddle?" He asked wiggling one such noddle in front of her face.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I try to make it not," Alex answered. "I want you to...I don't know, make her better! She loves you, do something to direct her love from you, to me, or make her like her old self again!" he said. He then sighed angrily, and looked at Sauske. "Look, I asked Hinata for help, she told me to ask you for help, and now you're telling me I should look for Tsunade or Kabuto for help!?! What then? Are they going to direct me to Jiriya for help!?" he angirly asked.
"Maybe." Sauske said with a shrug. "You should know that Im only good for destruction. How do you want me to make her better and then somehow magically make her love you? Im a ninja, not a wizard." Sauske said as he kneeled down to get a better look at her. "Why did you hit her with this technique? Im fairly certain it was obvious as far as what would happen if you used it. I still feel the pain from my own."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Power trip....Where is Hinata?" Alex suddenly asked, looking around. "Hinata? Come out, love!" he softly ordered. He then looked at Sauske and sighed. "Look, just try and get her back to her normal self, and then I'll deal with her....without using the Pain of Eternity Jutsu."


"I-if its okay, with Master," Hinata whispered and opened her mouth, awaiting to be fed by her great Master. When the noodle reached her lips, she put her cute lips around it and began sucking it into her mouth.
Sauske nodded but there was no sign of Hinata. Sauske began to speak to Sakura, softly as he could. She responded in small whimpers and whispers, but if was obvious she was going to take time.


As Hinata sucked on the noddle, she would find it was endless, just like Sakura's. As she ate, Mike rubbed her stomach softly with one hand groped her left breast with the other. "How is it?" He asked with a smile as she ate. He then looked over at Sakura and said "You, come here, sit on my other lap. Unless you want to end up like Ino.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Do what you can to help her, I need to find Hinata," he said and began walking away. "Hinata? Hinata?" Alex called out as he began searching for her. He believed she would still be in the underground house, since he did not see her up top.


"G-good...T-thank you, Master," Hinata whimpered. Sakura looked at Mike and hesitated, before sighing and walking over to him. She then sat on his lap and looked up at him, obediently. "What do you need...Master?"
Hinata suddenly came out of the bathroom and blushed. "I-Im here. Sorry, I really had to go." She said looking down. "Is Sakura OK?" She added with concern.


Mike smiled and said "Finish your meals first. Then we will wait for Ino to wake up." As they ate Mike rubbed both of their stomachs, feeling their sexy toned bellies. "I love my slaves, do my slaves love their master?" He asked, knowing the answer.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)