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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
Sakura glared at the man who took her life away, but quickly relaxed. Was there a oint to that, anymore? Resistaing him? she wondered. Her deep in thought moment was interrupted by a small groaning noise from her belly. Someone was hungry.


"Lightning Blade!" a loud voice declared. Suddenly Alex charged at Itachi with blue light in his hand, and electricity shooting around his body. He charged like a lightning bolt at the older brother and attempted to slam the powerful weapon into his chest.
Mike smirked and laughed. "Hungry huh?" He tossed her a noddle and said. "Slurp that up." He then turned back to his own food, what remained of it, ignoring Sakura altogether.


Alex blasted right through Itatchi, almost as if he was never there. Itatchi stopped in mid swing and turned to dust. Slowly Sauske rose and looked at Alex. "What is it you want?" He finally asked.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I want you as an ally. Help me, follow me, work with me, and I promise your brother's death. I can give you all of Konaha, and all other villages! I can give this entire world, and maybe one or two more!" Alex said. "Just ally yourself with me, and help me aquire one thing...The Women of your world. Ino, Tsunade, Temari, and Tenten. I want them as my slaves, like Hinata. What do you say?"


Sakura glared at him, but sighed at her own futile effort. She then crawled to the noodle and did as he said, slurping it up to eat.
"I dont need you to kill him or give me anything but one thing. I need...more...power." Sauske glared at Alex and took his sword from the ashes of his brother and aimed it at him. "I want the power you have, can you give it to me? Is it possible?"


As Sakura began to slurp up the noddle, she found that it seemed to be without end, and as she continued to slurp it up, she would gradually become full.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"My power? And how the hell am I supposed to trust you? I give you my power, you kill me, and then you take everything I have. How exacatly is that supposed to work out well for me?" Alex asked.


Sakura's eyes widened, but she continued eating the noodle, hungry for food, and tired from the fucking and drama. As she ate, she heard a soft moan and soon Hinata awoke as well, and looked upat Mike. "M-Master?" she mumbled, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
"Then what do you have to offer me?" Sauske asked, turning away from him as though it never mattered. "I fight for power, and if you have none to offer me then I shall return to Orochimaru."


"And another awakens." Mike said as he walked over and stroked Hinata's head and body. "How is m little virgin doing?" He asked, spanking her lightly once before returning to his seat.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"...Half. I'll teach you half of the jutsu, give half of my limitless chakra to you. You will become powerful, but I will keep the more powerful jutsu to myself. I will also a special jutsu on you, to ensure you don't betray me. Don't worry, I won't affect your personality, just mess with your body a bit, so if you do try to betray me, you'll die. How about that?"
"If it gives me the power I need then so be it." Sauske said. And just like that, Alex was thrown from his dreams as Sauske awoke.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex's eyes opened and he ordered his clones to cut Sauske loose. "Good morning, sleeping beauty," he said. "Now, first things first, to make sure you don't backstab me," he said and took out one of his katana. He then broke it in two pieces. He held up the bladed half, which was small, like a quarter of a foot, maybe a little more. "Hold still," he ordered and stepped closer to Sauske. The clones watched their Master, as Alex's hand and the piece of the sword suddenly became trasparent. Slowly, and painlessly the boy pushed his hands into Sauske's chest, and then slowly pulled out with the blade gone. "I have placed the blade in your body in a way, where it won't hurt you, but if you betray me, will grow and pierce your heart, killing you in a second. Understood?"
Sauske nodded and stood up. "so what is it you want from me? Do you merely wish me to go about and capture the women of konoha and bring them here to you one after another?" Sauske waited impatiently, he wanted to get this over with and receive his power.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)