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Kingzero and Silver
Alex sighed and turned to Silvia, his wife. He stepped over to her and hugged her tightly. "This Digimon took my family away. My father...I will not just let him live," he said, and released her. "Go back into the room, and tell Ren and Flare to meet me in Angy's room...I might as well tell all the girls about this now," he sighed, walking off to Angy's room.


"Are you sure my lord? I am wet, and may get you wet two," Rain said, but if Mike was okay with this, the Ranamon would step to him and wrap her arms around his neck and relax in his embrace.
Silvia laid her head against him for as long as she could before she was forced from him. She watched sadly as he left her to go to Angy's room and whispered "You...You still"

Angy's room

Angy was all cozy and warm in her bed, smiling softly to herself as she cuddled into the warm covers. Soon she heard footsteps and opened her eyes to find Alex stepping in. "Hello master." She greeted softly, looking up at him cutely from the bed. "Is everything OK?"


Mike hugged Rain none the less and breathed in her scent. "Ahhh, nice and clean, just how I like my sluts." He said as he kissed her on the nose and patted her butt. "Get dry quickly and put your collar back on, we dont want to keep our new friend waiting."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Yes, Master," Rain obeyed, and quickly grabbed a towel to clean herself. After drying herself off, she would take her collar and put it on, and look at her great Master to lead her.


On the way to Angy's room, Alex found Z, and with the Zangoose, walked into his angel's room. "No," he answered her as he walked in. "Don't worry, you're not in trouble," he added. "Silvia and the others should be with us shortly. I have something to tell you all."
Soon all the girls were assembled, Ran having wrapped Flare in the blankets, cradling her close like a mother holding a frightened child. "What is this about?" Ren asked, concerned since Silvia had not stopped shedding tears since she entered the room to get them.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I'm leaving. I will be going away for a long time," he said, and with that Alex began explaining everything. His father, how he had been killed, a little bit about him and Silvia, and then this recent news of his father's killer. Ren and Angy, as Digimon, would know the name Deomon well. The Demon Lord of Wrath. Said to be incredibly powerful and cruel, said to be a Seraphimon who tried to take over the world, there was wonder if Alex could fight him. "While I am gone, Silvia is in charge. Listen to her, and don't try to leave my home. I will return soon," Alex said, finishing his explanation.
Ren did not seem to care all that much and said nothing as she tried to keep Flare calm. Ren did not like Alex, at all. He had beaten her, raped her, hacked her, humiliated her, turned her best friend into a trembling mess, forced her to have his child, which she could not help but love, and imprisoned her in his house, keeping all her mega powers away from her and forcing her to be a regular Renamon. She had no reason to grieve his passing.

Angy looked very, very worried. "Master! You cant fight him, he is the Deomon, the end of days! How would you even find him? How would you even get close to him?! Please master, life is to precious, please dont throw yours away."

But as concerned as Angy was, Silvia was the one suffering most by far. She trembled and tried to keep from sobbing but could not, and broke down, falling to her knees. "Master...master..." She sobbed softly. "Please...dont leave me...master...I love you...I know I cant be as important as another human...I know that! But...just this once...please love me as much as I love you..." She hugged herself as she shook with sobs, knowing that what she had asked was impossible. Alex loved his father more than anything in the world, she could never compare to that.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"My decision stands. I will have my revenge on this killer. I'll hunt him down, and then I'll crack his neck," Alex said. He then walked over to Angy and Silvia, as they loved him the most and hugged them both. "I will return Angy. I will return, and then we can all be happy," he said to the angel when he hugged her. He then hugged his wife, Silvia, and said, "I will return, and when I do, you and I can be happily married, my love," he promised. "It will all work out in the end."
Silvia hugged him weakly and fell to the ground when he released her still crying. "I-It wont be alright master...that digimon is stronger than a human...stronger than your father...Master please dont leave, or at least dont go alone, please take me with you! I can help, please!" Silvia begged, looking into his eyes with more desperation than Alex would have ever seen.

"How do you intend on fighting him?" Ren suddenly asked, unable to keep her peace when Silvia was breaking down completely and totally over a human who did not deserve her. "What do you intend to do? He can delete you in one attack, his data alone takes up three servers, you could never hack him fast enough to kill him, you could never hack him enough to kill him! you would need at least four super computers working in your favor. I can tell your rich, but there are only so many super computers in the world today, you could not possibly own five of them."

Ren shook her head and sat down. "At least think of Silvia, as hard as I know that is for a human like yourself. She gave herself to you, she is the only one of us that truly did. She loves you, and your going to throw away your life for something as petty as vengeance? Answer me this Alex the master. If you had to choose between having Silvia here, or having your father here, which would you choose?" Silvia held her breath and became silent. She knew the answer, she had always known the answer. But still, small part of her dared to dream, dared to think of something for herself, and that one thing was to be loved most my Alex, more than anything, more than his father. It was a fairy tale of course, but it was her only wish.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"You might be hurt...You know I don't want you hurt, ever, my love," Alex sighed. "You know how strong I am, I will find a way to beat him...And this is more than revenge! I am fighting against a threat to many good Digimon in your world. If I kill him, then....well then I hsould be thanked. The fact he is my father's murderer is only part of my desire to kill him!" he argued. He then began walking to the door, wishing to leave and collect weapons to fight Deomon. He then stopped at the door and his hand froze on the doorbell. "...If I had to choose....I would pick my loving wife, every time. But I still loved my father, and I will avenge him," he added, and opened the door. "When I return, Silvia, we will be properly married....I promise," he said as he walked out.
Silvia simply sat there and watched him leave, unable to speak or move or even breath. She was filled with to many emotions to count and felt like her heart would burst. Finally, however, she gave into grief, because none of what he had said would matter if he died. She collapsed onto the ground began to sob. No one dared move her and when Angy tried to comfort her she found herself shoved away by a wall of psi energy.

Renamon bit her lip and told Angy to look after Flare before she walked out of the house. She soon caught up to Alex and said "Im coming with you. I just need you to let me become a mega again." She stated this, she was not asking, she was demanding. "You might think its OK to do what you want with your life but if you really loved Silvia then you would realize that your life belong to her just as much as it belongs to you. She will not survive if you die, and yet you put this personal vendetta against this digimon above her. You disgust me, and I would rather you die out there...but Silvia does not deserve that. Give me my armor, and I will help you fight.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)