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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay
"Simple." Mike said. "Get to the other side of the pool with Silvia in your arms. But there is a catch." Mike picked out a toy rubber duck and pressed a button on it, making it quake loudly. He then tossed it into the deeper water near the center where, after a minute or two of loud quaking, a tentacle quickly shot out and grabbed it, taking it under.

"Your going to play Marco Polo with my big scary friend. He is blind and cant feel things that well either, and the sulfur in the springs make smelling things out hard. But he can hear, which is what he is going to do. He is listening for any splashing, talking or lets say, moaning." He smiled cruelly as Silvia moaned very softly almost on cue.

"The pleasure poison has started taking effect. As time goes on, she will start to moan more and more, and with those moans will come some tentacles. IF the monster catches you, it might kill you, though it will have its fun with Silvia first so I recommend not letting it catch you. The middle of the pool is the deepest part and is over 100 feet deep. When you get to it, then I will tell you how to cross. Now you better get moving before she makes any more noise."


Mickal staggered back and Grace gasped. "H-Hunter?" She asked sheepishly, thinking him the last person to save her after there last encounter. "Bitch MINE!" Mickal roared, charging forward clumsily and lifting his fists.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex used a small batch of smaller tentacles to hold Silvia to his back and took off as soon as he could. He kicked himself off of the pool wall, and with Silvia on his back, began to slowly, and hopefulyl quietly drift to the other side. Using another tentacle, Alex used it to go into Silvia's mouth, hoping it would muffle her moans as he slowly drifted to the other side, trying to quietly swim to it.


Hunter growled, and jumped back, and then jumped on the wall, using his claws on his hands and feet to scale it. "Come on! Hit me! I want you to hit me!" he demanded, and if Mickal fell for his ploy, the wolk man would dodge it at the last second, jumping to the side.
Alex would soon find that Silvia and himself where to heavy to swim with. Luckily, the water was shallow for a long while, slowly getting deeper and deeper, allowing him to walk it. When the water was almost at chest level, Silvia released another moan and began to gently suck on his tentacle. the soft sound seemed to have had not effect for a moment, but then a small splash to Alex's right told him that the monster had taken note.


Mikcal punched and slammed the wall with his fist and Hunter dodged. "Oww! That was ma good groping hand!" He roared, chasing after the agile wolf man.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hunter remained ever agile, dodging the 'ogre' as he would attack with the occasional claw strike. He suddenly slid between Mickal's legs and attacked both of his legs with his claws, and then jumped onto the back of the beast, pushing his claws into the flesh of the creature's back.


Alex kept his cool, and continued to walk forward, not swimming until absolutely neccasary. Any wrong move could send him and his lover to that monster's belly. Stay with me, my love, stay with me he thought.
Mickal roared in pain and dropped to his knees as he felt claws drive into his back. "N-No more!" He begged as he collapsed forward, bleeding from his wounds. "You have toy, you keep. Please leave be." He begged pathetically. Still Grace was filled with pity and she looked at Hunter as she hung on the wall. "Let him go Hunter...He cant beat you anyways, he has learned his lesson."


Finally Alex reached the deep end and his head was only just above the water. Swimming would involve to much splashing, he would be found in seconds, and Silvia's soft moans had been getting louder and louder as she began to squirm a little in his tentacled grasp. Twice the monster had almost caught them, and now he knew it was close. "OK!" Mikel called from the sidelines. "To get across the deep end, you must cross via submerged plank. It should be enough to keep your above the water but you will only be able to walk forwards and backwards and will have to be careful, no dodging to the side anymore. Also, keep Silvia in the water, your lifting her to much and she will start to die if you let the poison affect her."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hunter nodded his head and walked over to Grace. "Hold still, don't move," he calmly ordered, and suddenly bit onto the chains with his fangs and tugged at it, before breaking it. He then used his claws to break the other chains. "Are you okay, dear Princess?"


Alex almost sighed, but caught himself before he did, and moved down a bit to better help Silvia. His tentacles kept a tight grip on her, as he allowed smaller tentacles to help him feel his way to the plank. If he found it, he would slowly begin to walk along it.
Grace fell to her knees and hugged herself. She was cold and her arms and legs hurt badly from being held like that for so long. She still felt dizzy from the chloroform and she was now realizing that she was completely naked and Hunter was right there. She blushed hard and tried to cover herself as she said, "I'll live."

Mickal stayed, groaning on the ground, unmoving for the most part. Grace looked around for her clothes but found nothing. She blushed harder and looked up at Hunter. "I dont suppose you have any clothes for me to wear?"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Here," Hunter offered, taking his vest off. "Best I can do, for now," he said and when she she had put the vest on, he hugged her tightly, his warm fur hopefully able to do something for her cold body. After holding Grace for a few moments, he rleased her and smiled. "Let's get out of here, my Princess."
Grace blushed as Hunter held her mostly naked body to his but was thankful for the warmth. She winced when he said "my princess." but did not mention it, now was not the time. As they left, Grace following Hunter, Mickal got back up and changed back with a curse. "Ow, fuck! He could have at least faked it as much as I did." He cursed as he took out a red potion and drank it down.


"Ahh...ohhh...m-master..." Silvia moaned through the cock. the resulting sound was not very loud, but it still prompted another nearby splash. It was getting closer and closer and Silvia was only getting louder and louder. She had even started shifting and moving in her sleep. Alex only had a few minutes to get across the plank before that monster homed in on them.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex tried to move faster, while still being quiet. He moved along the plank, and gulped as he nearly fell off, but quickly regained his balance and hurried to the other side.


"We can be safe back in my room," Hunter said. "I'm sorry, I did not come to you sooner, Princess Grace," he apologized as he sniffed the air, trying to find the scent of his or Grace's room.