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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay
"Basically, yes. I've read some Angela literature, and playing the "Daring hero" to save the "damsel in distress" Is supposed to be very admirable." Mike said simply. "Save her from me and you might get her least her gratitude. But I doubt she will fall right into your arms...but I you want to go slow with this, I suppose the deceit might work."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Best plan so far," Hunter said. He then stood from his seat and walked over to mickal and placed his hand on the Warlock's shoulder. "If this works out, then when we return to the Saxon Kingdom, you shall be rewarded," he smiled. "Now, how exactly shall we commence with this plan?"
"Well, I will morph myself to look like a villain of some sort, probably a brutish subhuman, in order to protect my identity, and play with Grace for a few moments, then, at just the right time, I will give you a signal, you come in and bravely defeat me, take Grace away and tada, its done. Will this work for you Lord Hunter?"


Soon Alex found himself in the hot springs, and was met with the sight of her precious Silvia sleeping in a hot tub next to Mike. Mike was leaned back in some swim trunks, his muscular upper body exposed halfway out of the water as he relaxed. Silvia was unconscious and sitting next to him, a red ball gag in her mouth and her arms cuffed behind her back at the wrists and elbows, her feet also cuffed at her ankles.

Her head leaned peacefully against his chest as she slept, mercifully oblivious to the world. Mike looked up when Alex arrived and smiled, pressing a finger to his lips and saying "Shhhh, she is so cute when she is sleeping."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex gritted her teeth and became overcome with jealousy and hate. "Just tell me what I have to do for this challenge!" he growled. "And get away from her damn it!" he added, pointing at Silvia's sleeping form. "You do not deserve to even be near her! To think I actually thought I could trust you," he said, mumbiling that last part to himself.


"Sounds perfect. Let's get to work on it," Hunter grinned.
"Fine, Fine, Im getting out." He said, getting out of the hot tub but lifting Silvia with him. She was wearing a string bikini that hardly covered her curvy body, her breasts trying to break free since it seemed a size to small. Poor Silvia had no clue what was going on and groaned softly as she was taken out of the water. Mike made it so that her limp head laid against his chest and, after looking at her fondly, kissed her nose and laughed. "So cute." He said before starting to walk away.

He led Alex to a HUGE hot tub, one easily the size of a football field. There he walked in and placed Silvia in the shallow end, leaning her against the side of the pool before exiting. "You may go to her now." Mike said as he walked away from the huge pool. "But, you may not leave the pool." He added. "I will give you a moment with her before I explain the rules."


"Very well." Mickal said, teleporting both of them into the dungeon room. There, on the wall in only her lacy underwear was a cute and unconscious princess Grace. She had a chloroform mask over her face which kept her asleep, and she groaned softly as she hung there. "Are you sure you would not like to try some of the other methods? She could be yours in no time, slave or love, she will retain her purity, we just remove the troublesome factor of whatever she wants." Mickal said, looking her over with a hungry expression. It had taken extreme will power to not rape her when he got her, and this was very clear.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex glared at Mike, before getting into the pool and to his Silvia, not caring that his clothes would get wet. "Silvia, Silvia, wake up," he whispered, holding her in his arms, feeling her warmth once more. He kissed her forehead and cuddled up to her a bit, before slowly pulling back, holding her in her arms. "I will free you, my love. I swear it," he swore, and looked at Mike. "So what do I have to do?"


"Trust me, I know that it will be easier that way, but I just feel I cannot," Hunter said. "The word is guilt, I believe," he mumbled under his breath. "Besides, if I were to have her as a slave, she would either lose her purity, or there would always be a chance of her breaking free of the control. No, I think this is the best option. Now, shall we begin?"
"OK, OK." Mike said, shaking his head. "Fine, then let me point some things out to you right now. First of all, you might notice that your little Silvia is not waking up, that is because of a special poison I have injected her with, one of three. The first, like a mentioned, is to keep her asleep. She will sleep till she dies if I dont give her the antidote, so there will be no way for you to wake her up. The second is a pleasure poison that will slowly cause her to become more and more aroused as she sleeps, so the moaning and groaning should begin soon. This poison will eventually kill her through over orgasm and again, I am the only one with the antidote.

"And lastly, she has been injected with a very unique, very potent poison. Its call shrivel tail, and the reason is that it is actually more like a sickness than a poison. You see, seals tend to get this allot in my world, but most people dont notice, not until they capture the seal and keep it out of the water. Shrivel tail will cause all the water in pretty Silvy's entire body to be blasted out through her mouth, nose, eyes, ears, nipples, ass, pussy and eventually skin. It is a horrible way to die and it completely destroys the body once it activates. The trigger is dry land. As long as Silvia is in the water, she is safe, if she leaves it for more than two minutes, she will die. Now before I move onto the rules and goal of out little game," Mike smiled widely. "Any questions?"


"Very well. Hold one one second..." Mickal said as he began to chant and make signs in the air. Suddenly, in a flash of light and sound, he began to change, transforming from Mickal to a completely different creature, an Ogre. "There." He said, looking himself over. "That ought to do it. Now please leave Lord Hunter while I wake her up...what should the signal be? For you to come in and save her that is."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Say a certain phrase," Hunter suggested. "Such as, I'm sure our babies will be cute, or I can't wait till the others see my new whore," the wolf man suggested.


Alex listened to Mike and growled as he explained what had happened. "You bastard, you're insane," he declared, but then looked at Silvia. "What do I have to do to save Silvia?"
"Very well, I will use that last one. Now please Lord Hunter, leave the room so we can start, it wont take her long to wake up once I start." Mickal said, waiting for Hunter to leave the room. Once he did, he removed the mask from Grace's face and began to massage her breasts through her bra with his large clumsy hands. It took Grace about a minute to awake and realize what was happening. She screamed and began to struggle and Mickal laughed and slapped her across the face, not hard enough to draw blood, which was hard for him, but hard enough to stun her and shut her up.

"I has a new toy to play with! Oh so pretty." He said in a brutish imitation of ogre speak. "Let me go!" Grace demand, pulling on her bonds and receiving another slap on the other cheek for her effort. "Shut up! Little toys dont speak!" He said, going back to her breasts.

"Ahh, stop! Dont touch me!" She cried as he began to tease her nipples beneath the fabric. She did not struggle now though, choosing to test her bonds and see if there was a way out in place of getting smacked again. "So cute, Bogo like breasts!" the mage beast said as he ripped away her bra with a growl, causing Grace to whimper in pain from the snapped strap.

"Wait! You dont want to do this!" She pleaded as he lowered himself to look at her nipples. "I am a very important person, not a toy. IF you do this then you will get in trouble!" She said, trying to reason with him. Mickal ignored her and grasped her right breast firmly, electing a gasp from the princess shortly before he began to suck on her breast, licking it with his large tongue and teasing the nipple as he slobbered all over it.

Grace cringed and closed her eyes. "Stop! Stop! Cant you here me?! You will get in trouble! People will hurt you!" In response she received a harder slap and a hard bite on her nipple with made her cry out in pain. He then moved to her other breast, coating it in his saliva as she began to call for help. "Help! Someone! Please someone help me!" She cried. But no one came.

A few minutes passed and soon Grace was sobbing softly and moaning against her will as Mickal rubbed her pussy through her panties and continued his breast work, arousing her nipples into hard tips. "Bitch toy like." He grunted, and she shook her head to protest this, choosing not to speak, but still received a harsh slap. "Bitch toy like!" He roared, tearing off her panties and throwing them behind him, revealing her damp pussy. He tore off his own loincloth and his erect dick was brought to bear.

"No! No stop! Please dont!" Grace begged, but he paid her no head as he lifted her legs and positioned her pussy over his hug cock. "Please, I wont survive! You will rip me in half!" She screamed, terror filling her, his dick being fully three feet long and thicker than her arm. He smacked her once more and raised her legs so that he could lick her pussy a few times. "Bitch like!" He roared triumphantly before lowering her into position once more. "I can't wait till the others see my new whore!" He said as he pressed her pussy against his dick, nearly entering as she screamed in terror and humiliation.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hunter left the room as ordered and stood behind the door. He could hear Grace's screams, and temptation lead him to oepn the door a small crack and stare at the scene. He was a mix of jealousy, hate, lust, arousal, and confusion. As a Sxon he should have been simply aroused by Grace's stunningly beautiful form, but...he also felt a strange feeling. He was lost in thought as he wondered why he felt such a strange feeling for Grace, and almost didn't hear Mickal's signal. "The signal!" he realized and kicked the door open and looked at Grace and the 'Ogre.' "Do not touch her!" he ordered and charged forward and jumped into the air, slamming his foot against Mickal's face.