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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay
"Oh really? Your going to kill me? Tell me Alex, do I look like someone who has not done this before?" Mike asked, walking up next to Silvia, making her whimper in fear. "Do I truly look like an newbie to you? I wonder if you can even begin to comprehend how many times I have done this and to how many people. Stupid boy. For your insolence, I think that I will be keeping Silvia with me for awhile." He patted her cheek mockingly and she began to cry once more. "But dont worry, Im not as cold hearted as I seem. I will play a game with you, several actually. Win three and you win Silvia back. Lose three and lose her forever."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Games? What games are you talking about!? This is a life we're talking about here! Silvia's life, and you want to play games over it!?" Alex yelled in rage. He glared at Mike and sighed, closing his eyes, trying to contain his hate. "What games?"
The door was answered by a frustrated looking Mickal, who changed his scowl into a pleasant smile as soon as he saw Rain. "Well hello there." he said, very gentlemen like. "Its not often someone so pretty comes knocking at my door. I am Mickal, Scryer and Warlock of the Saxon kingdom. And you are?" Flare jumped as she saw the door open and ran back out into the game room before Hunter could reach the other staircase. "Hunter! Someone opened up! He says he is from your kingdom!"


Mike laughed. "That ah boy. The games will be played when I want, where I want and will vary depending on how I feel. Until you win the games, then I will hold onto Silvia. I am not giving you a choice, at all. Now go back the way you came, and wait in your room, I will send a message to you soon enough with the details of our first little fun. And remember, three I win, three you win. Now say good bye to Silvia for now, but dont worry, you will be seeing her very soon." Silvia was in tears once more and looked longingly at her beloved master, her limbs trembling as she tried without success to struggle. She moaned softly and called out to him through the gag, begging him to save her, to keep his promise and protect her, to take her as his slave again so that she would not be in so much pain. But there was nothing Alex could do, Mike could kill her at any second with the push of a button. Alex would either have to leave or watch her die.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex took a deep breath and glared at Mike with a hatred beyond any past hatred he could have. "I promise Silvia, you will be free and with me again," he said to her. "I will save you from this madman, just be strong until I do. Just remember....Master...I love you, and I will save you," he said as he turned to leave, trying to control his rage and sadness from abandoning his own lover. He stood at the door for a second, wondering if he really could just leave her here. Souls don't leave this place, and he had died. If Silvia did, perhaps he could take her to Angy and she could heal her? he wondered as he slowly began to walk away. "I promise you Mike...I will kill you for this. No one, touches the woman I love, without getting suffering for it...."

((Alex: No offense, Mike, but.....I HATE YOU!!!!))


Hunter turned around at what Flare said and quickly walked back to where Rain and Mickal were. "Um...Thanks?" Rain blushed, knowing that the sudden change in personality was probably because Mickal thought she was hot. Suddenly Hunter walked over and he looked at Mickal, with a strange look. "Mickal..."
"Sure, keep walking pretty boy. I will let you know when its time to play." And as soon as Alex walked beyond the doors they would slam and lock. Going back the way he had come he found a staircase leading up to the front of the tavern, where he and Silvia had first entered. From here he could either choose to go wait in his room or go check on Angy.


Mickal looked utterly flabbergasted and stuttered a moment before regaining control of his tongue and saying "M-My Lord Hunter! What are you doing here?" Flare came up behind them and chuckled at Vaps, patting her butt once teasingly and winking.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex walked to Angy's room, silent as a rock, his steps heavy with guilt, rage, sadness, and pain. He slowly opened the door to Angy's room and looked inside, and one look at his face, showed it was obvious he returned from failure.


Hunter looked at him and growled a bit to show supeiriority. "I am here looking for Princess Grace of the Angelos. She and I arrived here a day or so again. Do you know where she is, warlock?"
Angy looked up at him and could tell right away that something horrible had happened. "Is...Is Silvia OK? Did you find her?" She asked softly as she fed more of the soup she was holding to the child sized fairy now lying in the bed. She was now out of her rags and in a cute pink nightgown, cleaned and looking more rested as she lay there sipping the stuff. Her clean hair was now green instead of the soot black it had been and her skin was reveled to be quite fare. She smiled smally at Alex, hoping it would count for something that he had saved her, though she doubted it. No one ever cared much about the fairy one...


Mickal almost looked like he was punched in the gut, but recovered his composure quickly. "Grace Sir? She is here as well?" He asked, using her surprise at the fact that Hunter already knew she was here to fuel his fake surprise. "Did you two just meet? And what do you mean looking for? Did she run off or...something more sinister?" Mickal was now fully recovered from the surprise. He had captured Grace for Hunter anyway, he was just planing on training her to be a sex slave here before returning to his world.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex walked past Angy and fell to his knees before the fairy. He gently patted her head and whispered, "Are you okay, little one?" he asked. He looked at her cute body and a sad smile appeared, before turning his head to Angy. "Silvia is...still with Mike....he would have killed her...if I did anything. Now I have to play six games with Mike, I win three I get her back. I lose three, she leaves me forever...."


Hunter noticed this strange reaction and raised his brow. "She disappeared. I do not know where she is. This is flare and Rain, two friends of mine who are helping me look for the dear Princess," he said. "Are you sure you know nothing about Grace being here?"
Angy was speechless. Games over someones life and destiny?! How could anyone even think of such a horrible thing?! But even as she tried to comprehend the possibility of it, Serenity spoke, her small delicate hands reaching out and taking Alex's right index finger as though it were a hand.

"Thank you for saving me kind master human. I am unworthy of kindness, so I am indebted to you. As you saved a worthless life, it is only fair that you now own it. I may never be able to make up the debt I life is not worth the water it took to clean my hide, but I swear to you that as long as I draw breath I shall attempt to repay your kindness." she then kissed the tip of his finger and released, looking down at the covers now, not daring to may eye contact. In fact, ever since she had been rescued, she had not made eye contact with anyone, not even Angy.

She began to speak again, making Angy frown. She was selling herself, and she was wasting strength by speaking when she should be resting. Still the little fairy spoke. "This one has no set name master. You may call me whatever you like, or nothing at all." She then went silent, waiting for her new name, or whatever else was to befall her.


"Hmmm...I might be able to help you Lord Hunter, but I think we should speak in private. Im sorry ladies." Flare turned her nose up and turned around. "Fine, I didnt want to be your friend anyways." Mickal chuckled a little, and opened the door for Hunter.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Stay here, ladies, I'll be right back, promise," Hunter said and looked at Mickal. He then walked in and looked at the warlock. "What do you wish to talk about...?"


Alex smiled, and a tear came out and slid down his face. This girl reminded him greatly of Silvia, and reliving the moment he saw her, struggiling to be with him, tore him up inside. "Rest, my dear, you need your strength. Just one question, I want to know what name your Master before you called you by? What do you wish to be called?" he asked, wiping away the tear.