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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay
Angy simply stood back until he was done, the wall refusing to give in to any of his attempts to destroy it. "Alex, you have to calm down, you wont find her if you keep losing your cool, the only person your hurting right now is her." She said gently when he had calmed down. "Now lets look a little more carefully, there is no other trail and it ends at this wall so maybe there is a switch we missed. The wall looks pretty solid didnt even shake it." she said scanning it carefully with her eyes.


"I think some one kidnapped Grace, maybe the bad men from before." Flare said, wide awake now. "Hunter, is there anything we can do to help?" She called after him, hoping to help somehow.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex took slow deep breaths and sighed. "'re right. I should hold back my fury. Until I find Mike. Then he will feel my rage," he whispered. He then placed his hands on the wall and began feeling it, looking for something like a switch, button, hidden panel, anything. "There has to be something here..."


"Yes, please. Help me search this vile tavern until we find her. Once all is well, I will help you find the key, but we must first find Grace!" Hunter said. "Where should we start her search? Perhaps in her room, there may lie a clue," he said, looking at her open door, and if no better idea came up, walked in.
Suddenly a block of wood moved under Alex's probing and revealed a red button. "Whats that?" Angy asked as she looked over his shoulder. Once the button was pressed, then Alex and Angy would find no door open for them, no sliding door or hidden later. What they would find however, was the walls and floor speeding over them as a trap door opened right under their feet. Angy grabbed Alex and opened her wings as much as she could in the narrow tunnel, gliding them down onto the floor of an unlit room.

It was a good thing she did to, since the fall was easily fifty feet and although there was a large tub of water nearby, it had been pushed out of the way of the fall so that any who fell would find themselves hitting hard stone in place of warm water. Torches lit up the room suddenly, as if by magic, and a small wet trail of water led to a door to their left, no doubt where a soaked Mike carried the unconscious Silvia after falling. Behind the door was a pile of warm towels and a new room with three new doors and no trail to tell them where Mike went next.


Grace's room was just as she had left it, no clues of any sort marked the room at all. As soon as Hunter finished there Flare would suggest searching the Tavern for her, possibly the up stairs or even the forbidden down stairs, whichever he wanted.


In a cold dry dungeon like room lit only by dim candle light and thick with the scent of stone and dust, a pair of innocent red eyes opened and looked around. The room was covered in shelves and desks, all packed with items of bondage and torture. A wind blew in from between the cold stones and chilled the sole occupant of this bizarre collection of chains, dildos, binds and clamps, telling her two things. One, she was naked, and two, she was wet.

Silvia tried to orient herself more clearly, trying to remember what had happened. "Master must have been playing a little to rough and I must have passed out." she thought, though that hardly explained her aching chest. She realized she was upright and tested her arms and legs, finding that not only where they spread and chained, but she was hanging from her arms rather painfully, her neck embraced by the cold metal of a heavy collar that was chained to the ground so that any attempt she made to raise her head to high was met with pain from her numbing arms.

Punishment she figured, for passing out on her master. She accepted it as her just reward for being such a fool and awaited her master's return patiently. As the time dragged on and on she began to shiver from the cold, rattling her chains as her weak body was kept in the strenuous position. Over time, the pain in her chest faded to a dull throb and she began to try to remember what had happened, but came up with nothing.

Finally to doors of the room opened and Grace winced as she tried to look up and strained her arms. What she saw froze her blood and sent the painful memories of what had happened flooding back to her all at once, filling her heart with sadness as it filled her eyes with tears. Mike laughed at this as he came forward, bandaged, his arm in a sling. Silvia immediately tried to force him away wit her mind, but found her powers to be quite none existent. As Mike came closer he answered her confusion, walking by a table and picking up and empty syringe.

She slumped and continued to weep. She was powerless, and worst of all, her master was dead and his last wish was for her to not allow herself to be raped by this horrible man. Mike saw the despair in her down cast eyes and only smiled more widely. It had taken quite allot to save her from her heart attack, and allot to save himself from her attack, but now he was about to get even with the troublesome slut. He picked up a slim golden ring piercing and a clothes pin with some weights attacked to it end, as well as a sandpaper skinned dildo and a ball gag. He was going to get more than even with her/ For every pain she had caused him, he would return it with interest of a thousand fold.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((....DAMN! are an inspiration to rpers everywhere! You wrote a lot! Damn impressive, man))

Alex nearly screamed as he fell down the trap door, but sighed in relief as Angy caught him. "Thanks," he said as they gently glided down, waiting to land. When they did he looked at the tub and then turned to the three doors. "My Silvia was here, that much is obvious. But which door...?" he whispered, looknig at them. He could feel it in his soul...His Silvia was in danger. He closed his eyes and tried to used their mental link, praying to god it would help at all. If in the end, it did nothing he would sigh and look at Angy. "Spliting up would be dangerous. Let's go through the center door..."


"Let's go upstairs. No reason to first risk our lives if she's just upstairs," Hunter said. "Let's go Flare..."
their mental link was as dead as Alex had been, blocked by the drug Silvia had been injected with. Angy nodded when he suggested the central door and followed him through. Beyond the door was a long corridor lined with thick jail like doors on either side. Each one was made of thick wood and iron, with a small bared window at the top so that guards could peek in.

All the Doors seems deserted, all but one, which was near the end of the large corridor to the right. Inside was a small creature, just smaller than a child, dressed in rags and filthy with soot and dirt, curled up in a corridor and looking hopelessly and helplessly at the door.

Serenity brought a dirty hand up to wipe some soot away from her eye. She had lost count of the hours that had passed since her last master had locked her in there, but she was sure the time was now nearing its third day. She had not been fed or cleaned since then, and her hungry stomach was only silenced by the sickening smell in the air and the shame that it brought with it. At the other end of her small jail in the opposite corner from her was what was creating the rancid smell. All her waste, which she had been forced to relieve herself of after not being attended for so long.

She wiped a tear from her eye. Her master, a large burly man, had probably found the key and left her there to rot. She wanted to cry more but she could not afford to waste the water. He had promised to take her with him when he found it so she could serve him outside as well, but had apparently opted to leave here there to rot. She lifted her hands and watched as they trembled from lack of strength. She would not last another night like this, and was only a few maddening hours away from eating her own excrement, her small body having a faster metabolism than that of a human and making her that much more hungry.

She hardly had to worry about that though, since she knew that if it came down to it, she would probably lack the strength to make it to the other corner, and die somewhere in between. The thought brought her a little grim comfort, since she would not have to worry about some other poor prisoner ever find the dung covered corpse of a fairy in the corner, and instead would find and outstretched body instead.

If Alex and Angy walked by her and missed her, then she would die for sure.


Flare nodded and then looked back to Rain. "You coming?" She asked curiously. Whether she did or did not would not stop Flare from, but she hoped she would not be alone in this. Upstairs Hunter would find more rooms, and a game room, full of devices and games both old and new, magic al and technological, but no Grace.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex froze like a statue and looked down at Serenity. "So small," he whispered. "Excuse me," he said, trying to get her attention. "I am Alex, who are you? Why are you here?" he asked, and no matter what she said looked at Angy. "Help me free her," he said and walked over to the the bars. "Don't be afraid, we're letting you out. Angy, once she's out, bring her back to your room, and give her some food. Soon as you can, meet me up back here, if I'm not back. I'm staying to find Silvia," he explained and began trying to free Serenity from her cage.


"Huh? Um...Sure," Rain said, and followed after the two. Once they got to upstairs part of the Tavern, she would be fascinated by the various games and devices. Hunter though, was angry and paced around before sighing and looking at the two. "If I do go downstairs, it would be dangerous...Would you go with me if I did go down there?"

"If Flare goes, I go," Rain simply said, though obviously scared at the idea of going into the forbidden downstairs.
Serenity whimpered as the door swung open and raised her chained arms in weak defense. "Please master, Im sorry, there was no chamber pot and really had to go." She squeaked, her vision blurry from her lack of food, and everyone looking huge to her. Her weak arms dropped soon though, and she threw up from the strenuous activity of moving at all, spitting up nothing but weak stomach acid which burned her throat, having nothing left in her empty stomach to throw up.

Angy looked worried and quickly used her arrows to sever her chains. Serenity looked up at them fearfully and swayed weakly. " you have any food? Or water?" She asked faintly, realizing that they were not her master. The starved fairy could hardly see, and her mouth was completely dry. Angy lifted her and brushed off some of the soot. "We need to get her help. She does not look like she will make it at this rate." Angy said, looking back at Alex.

Serenity looked at Alex as well and shivered a little. "Are you mean to your slaves?" She asked him. She knew he was searching for someone, and knew that someone had recently walked by twice with a slave in his arms. She knew he was stealing, and she knew he was the owner. But she knew better than most the horrors slaves were subjected to, and she needed to ask this first.


"Well wait." Flare said looking around. "There are still lots of other upstairs here. There are spiral staircases in all four corners of the room, maybe they lead somewhere." She said hopefully. Each staircase had a different color railing. One was red, one was blue, one was green and the last was yellow.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex looked at Serenity and smiled and slowly petted her cheek with his hand. "No....No, I am a kind Master. I love my slaves, and as long as they are good to me, I will protect them, love them, cherish them, and be kind to them," he smiled and looked at Angy. "Bring her back to your room. give her food, water, and comfort, but be careful, just in case. Now go. If I'm not back with Silvia in half an hour, look for me. If you don't find me, try and find Silvia," he ordered. "Now go. I'll stay and look for Silvia..."


"Perhaps we should split up, cover more ground," Hunter suggested.

"Um...I don't feel safe going alone..." Rain stated, and if Flare felt the same, the wolf man would sigh and suggested they all go up the staircase with the green colored railing.
"She is close." Serenity said weakly, speaking before Angy could. The small fairy pointed a frail finger at the door at the end of the hall. "They went through there at least once." She said. "Please be kind to her...her heart is bleeding." Angy shushed her softly. "Please dont speak anymore, you are to weak." She then looked at Alex and nodded, walking back down the way they had come.


The green staircase led to a door much like their room door. On the door was the word "Observatory". Upon opening the doors they would find a fully functioning observatory, complete with windows, several telescopes and star charts. The stars outside the windows were so numerous the sky was almost more white than dark. Every star from every universe had a reflection here, and it showed. But still there was no sign of Grace.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex looked down at her and then turned his head to the door she had pointed to. His heart skipped a beat as he heard her say her heart was bleeding. "Silvia," he whispered, and ran at the room as Angy walked off. As soon as he got to it he grabbed the knob and tried to open the door, first going for the simple normal way of opening, though if it showed any sign of being locked he would tear it down.

Part of him wondered if Serenity had seen Silvia, and not some other slave. Still, half of him hoped it was Silvia behind that door, even with a bleeding her, but another part of him hated the idea of his lover suffering like that as he moved to open the door.


"Wow! Flare look! This is amazing!" Rain said as she looked through a telescope. "You have got to see this!" she said as Hunter let out an angry growl, which made Rain jump away from the telescope as he stormed out of the observatory and tried the blue railing stairs. "Should we follow?" Rain asked. "He really scares me..."