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Xeno panic!
At first Alex didn't noticed the scratches, having a very high pain tolerance. "Huh?" he said, finally realizing and putting two and two together. "Oh so don't how you want to play, huh?" he growled and suddenly grabbed Amy and pulled her closer, looking as though he was about to rip her in two. Instead, he began tickiling her sides greatly, wanting to make her laugh and giggle as punishment. "What a naughty little kitten," he smiled, playfully tickiling the girl.
"Wait please she just-" Silvia began, seeing what Alex looked like he was about to do to her sister, her poor innocent sister. But she released a sigh of relief when all that happened was a heavy tickling. Amy squirmed and laughed until tears came out of her eyes, trying hard to get loose of the tickle monster that Alex had become. "Nya! N-Nya!" She squeaked cutely through the tickle torture, accidentally scratching him a few more times.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex only laughed as he was scratched, and continued tickiling her. After a few moments he finally stopped and held Amy in his arms and kissed her forehead. "How adorable. Angela, my dear, why don't you come here and play with her with us? Amy such an adorable girl," he said, hugging the kitten.
"Nya..." Amy mewed softly as she cuddled up in his arms and licked his cheek gently with her rough tongue. She purred cutely and snuggled up under her chin. Angela smiled but shook her head. "Its OK master, I think its best if I dont move to much. I dont want to be tired when you decide to play with me." Again her stomach growled and she blushed and looked away. Silvia took note and rubbed her own stomach. "You know master, I havent eaten since...well...I cant even remember the last time I ate anything."

Rhona stayed back were she was and curled up a little tighter. Who knew how hard it would be to get her to eat if she did not want to.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Ah! Of course! We request food," Alex said, looking at the speaker. Life was better now in Alex's position. To him, all of this was more like being in a hotel, not really grasping the fact he was being studied. "What do you want to eat?" he asked, and whatever they wanted, he would order for them, and for himself, he asked for pancakes.
Soon the door opened and small robots entered, one holding a plate of pancakes and a glass of milk, while the others held plates of strange gray mush and cups of water. "What is this stuff?" Silvia asked as she was handed her plate and cup. "A protein and nutrient solution to keep you healthy and to keep your chemistry controlled. Everyone in the room will eat only that except for Alex, who may request any food he desires." Amy licked he much a little and made a face, shunning the tasteless stuff instantly. Rhona looked at it and tenderly reached out and took her spoon, eating small amounts of the mush. Angela did much the same thing, to hungry to complain, though Silvia simply looked at the weird stuff and drank her water instead, which she found to lukewarm.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex raised his brow and tasted some of the stuff and made a face much like Amy's. He then stood off the bed, leaving his food where it was and walked over to the speaker. "I need to talk to you in private," he whispered to it. "Why do they need to eat that gunk? Does it have something to do about cloning? If not, can't we just let them eat like me?"
"No." Came the response. "The clones must eat this, there immune systems are yet to full developed and they have no antibodies with which to protect themselves with. In addition, this food is both nutritious and balanced, it will keep the beautiful and healthy with little need to exercise or any other freedoms. We can not change their diet, not even for you."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Well how long do they have to eat the stuff? And what about Angela, she's not a clone," Alex said. "And can't they eat that gunk and have some of my food?"
"If you want them to stay as shapely as they are, then you will approve of this diet and not share your fattening foods with them." The voice said simply. "Otherwise their muscles will atrophy from being contained in this one room, there bellies will grow and fill with face and their beauty will be cast into the winds. It is your choice."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)