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Bleach: Last Stand.
"We should try searching for Shadow-taicho's reiatsu..." She said while closing her eyes searching for Shadow's reiatsu "And we should ask on his subordina... oh, wait, I found him" She said once she detected Shadow once they were out af the passage "Let's go! my kawaii kohai!!" She pounced Kazan using her usual deadly hug on him before leaving to search for Shadow.

*Human World*

It didn't took Naibu long to find his way through the senkai gate to the human world "What the heck?" Were his first words once he stepped out of it, the human world was filled with strong spiritual beings, he recognized some of them as the ryokas who attacked Seiretei "What in that world's happening here" He hurried to the place where he felt their spiritual energy There's that fused bastard, his reiatsu feels a little different but I know it's him, let's see what these new devices can do, kekeke He smashed open one of the walls of the warehouse "Yo! been a while fused bastard".
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Mindy coughed and gasped for air as she was released, remaining on her knees for fear of incurring more punishment, Dammit, I should've just left that girl there. What was I thinking? she thought.


"We need to head back to seiretei," Shadow said, "It seems are problems are alot larger than first believed."


"Huh? I can't just let random people into seiretei, I could get in trouble if you aren't cleared with a captain or something." Katt explained.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Then I'll bring her, I've broken so many rules no one will be surprised if I do this." Salem said with a casual shrug before tensg up "Someone else is here..." he said sensing Naibu's reiatsu.

Rei sighed in relief as Proto left "Wow..your fiend seems a bit...tense?" she comented as she made her way to Mindy's side "Are you okay? He didn't hurt you did he?" she asked in a worried tone, for some reason she felt a wierd conection to these people.
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Yah i sense it too happen to know ho it is and if their a threat?" she asks, her question and concerns about coming along all but forgotten. She slowly moved her hand to her long swords hilt, fingering it gently, debating to draw or not.

Rina had already left the 1th squad building in search of Shadow "He should be close" Rina thought as she looked for him from above "There! Let's go Kazan!" She said as she flash-stepped in front of Shadow "Hi there!"
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Hyouzen appeared before Mindy and took a good look at her before hearing what Rei had told Proto. " you were just helping her, hmmm." The water dragon lightened up a little before hissing a bit, noticing a couple of strong, foreign spirits approaching. "Uh oh, looks like we have a couple poor little shinigami all by themselves." The water dragon laughed and looked towards the two captains, telling them, "You should turn back now. Don't forget what happened last time. Those little toys on your arms won't help you." He rushed forwards towards the Naibu and Trent.


Captain Trent wasn't far behind Naibu, the gryphon flying in besides him. "Allow me to give a hand." He activated his own reiatsu bracelet, sighing peacefully as he felt the limits of his spiritual power increase. Drawing his zanpaktoh, he prepared to face the group of Vaizards and Arrancars.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Sir," the teen-Proto walked past Hyouzen, "You should retreat and let our forces regroup. The fight against Kentanka did not do well to our Luminiscence Jewel. I shall take care of the Shinigami." He said, bowing and closing his eyes, obviously remaining as courteous and respectful to Hyouzen as always.

(Soul Society: Outside)

"R-Rina-taicho!" Kazan gasped, being slightly overwhelmed not only at her usual show of affection towards him, but at her movement speed. Struggling to focus, he made his way to follow the feline captain at his best, eventually appearing behind his captain, who had already met with Shadow. "Shadow-taicho! You're alright!" he said relieved, seeing him having returned with another individual besides Lizzy.

"Lizzy he-ar!!" The jolly dragon girl said, jumping from behind Shadow and waving to Kazan and Rina, "Hi Rina-san! Yuyou-chan!" she said.

"Who are they?" Interrupted the large man, inquiring to Shadow.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"That would be wise, Sir." Vook added, popping up beside Hyouzen, following him. "We'll have a much better chance of survival if we get everyone together and organized."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"Fellow shinigami," Shadow whispered, "A captain and her vice," he told him before looking back towards Rina and Kazan, "Yeah, we're just fine. Wasn't too difficult of a journey. Did we miss anything while we were gone?" he asked.


"I'm fine, you should leave," Mindy said as she stood up, following quickly behind her superior into the fight.


"Huh? Where?" Katt asked, her ability to sense spiritual presence not as adept as others.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Rei squeecked in fear a the sight ofthe other shinigami and stumbled off to hide, "T-thanks again for saving me!" the quincy called as she hid, though something kept telling her to stay near to arrancar and vizards.

Salem sighed as he felt for the pressure "Somewhere that way, it's Naibu...we should hurry back before he nottices us, last thing we need now is to be notticed..."
Lady Devimon's Minions