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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
Hinata moaned softly as she was cleaned but did not wake up. She would often try to weakly embrace or huddle next to any of the Alex clones that came by, clearly cold from her lack of clothing and exhausted from her time with Alex. By the end of it, Hinata was curled up on the floor, clean but shivering, hugging herself weakly muttering "C-Cold..." She was more asleep than awake but if given the chance she would cutely cuddle up to the closes warm body or bodies.


Sakura was busy helping repair the village and mulling over what she had just seen. Someone had kidnapped, raped and broken Hinata, probably because she was a Huga, and they had been unable to stop any of it from happening. She wiped a tear away continued her work, they all would be ready for him next time, she swore it!


Mike laughed and grabbed Hinata's legs, bringing them up so that her pussy and ass were completely exposed. "Now it is time." He said with a grin as his cock gently rubbed up and down on Hinata's sex. "This is great, Im about to take your virginity, you will never marry or see Naruto again!" He proclaimed, not entering just yet, waiting and savoring the moment.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The clones soon arrived in the village, and spied on the pink haired woman. "We all know the plan?" the real Alex said. The others nodded and two of them suddenly transformed in puffs of smoke. "Go," he whispered, and one of the clones disappear, reappearing down a nearby dark alley. "Sakura!" a voice cried out. IF Sakura followed it, she would see an injured Hinata, naked and bleeding. "Help!"


"Awww! How cute," one clone said. "I'll stay here to warm her up, you guys go get to work!" he said. Th others reluctantly agreed, and left to set the base up. As they did, the clone laid down next to Hinata smiled. He made a few handmotions, and the girl was soon wearing a black collar, with a leash, and a copy of her normal outfit, but alterted to show off her clevage, and was now wearing a pink thong, which was easily seen. "Perfect," the clone said, hugging the girl. "And all mine....ours.....Alexs'....whatever."


"Please! Just....just get it over with!" Hinata cried. "Just do it? Take away my virginity please!" she begged. "Master, please....Just do it."
It took Sakura only a moment to grasp the situation and she was soon racing towards Hinata. "Are you OK?" She asked kneeling next to her and taking her arm to help her walk. "We need to get you to the Hokage." She said urgently as she placed a hand on "Hinata's" Breast and began to heal her.


Hinata cutely hugged back and cuddled into him, her head against his chest, as much of her touching him as she could manage. She trembled in his arms, cold and probably afraid, even in her dreams, and tightened her grip.


"Alright, one, two, Three!" Mike thrust in, his dick entering her hard and fast....but he stopped just short of her hymen. "On second thought...I think I will save you for later." He mocked, pulling away and untying Hinata, tethering her to the bed by her leash.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"No! That man...He-he has other prisoners! S-Sakura we have to go back! I-I left them in the forest! They're safe for now, but I don't know how long!" 'Hinata' cried, instead trying to pull Sakura to the forest.


"No!" Hinata cried. "Please! Don't torture me! Why? What did I ever do to you!?" the Hyuuga girl screamed. "You killed my teamates! You rape me! Please! Why are you doing this!?"


As the two cuddled, the clone placed one hand on her ass, rubbing and squeezing it, and even giving a slap every now and again. The other hand was squeezing and rubbing her left tit. "Big, firm, yet soft....Such a lovely slave."
Sakura forced her still with her superior skill. "Wait Hinata! We need to tell the others! Im not going in without backup and you need to see a Doctor!" She tugged Hinata hard and would pick her up if she needed to.


"Because I can, Because sluts like you deserve it." He patted her head and began to dress. "Dont worry, one day I will take you, but you have to patient my little Huuga whore." With a smirk he turned around and began to leave. It was time to get another pet, this one with pink hair and blue eyes.


Hinata moaned and whimpered softly in the clones grasp as he smacked and rubbed her. She awoke slowly and looked up at him cutely with large eyes. "Master?" She asked timidly, looking small and weak in his embrace.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Yes, my dear slave?" the clone asked. "Oh, and I'm not Master, merely a clone of him. Still, I can help you with anything you need? Whether its a warm body to hold...or a body to fuck you," he whispered, feeling her ass.


"No! No! Sakura, I promised I would return to them! Please! There are dozens, maybe even hundreds of those poor girls!" Hinata cried. "I can't leave them to die! Some of them are even younger than me!"
Sakura was not shaken. "Im sorry Hinata but we cant go back without backup! Naruto and Kakashi are around here somewhere, dont worry, we will be back very soon." She said lifting her up and carrying her.


Hinata looked down and into his chest and blushed cutely as she often did. "Can I have...some water" She asked in a small voice, as timid and shy as she was around Naruto.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Of course!" the clone smiled. "Would you like food two?" he asked as he called another clone over. This clone had juicy fruit with him, and knew the Original would be happy if they took care of his slave. He dropped the fruit at before Hinata, and held one to her mouth. "Eat, we'll fetch water soon...Tell me, have you looked at your ass recently? It has something on it."


Hinata looked at sakura for a few second, before moving with amazing speed. Earlier, during the battle, the clones were able to copy the jutsus of many ninjas here in the village. This one was no different. (S)He quickly tried to attack as many of Sakura's chakra points as (s)he could.
"Wha-" Sakura said in surprise before slumping to the ground, completely paralyzed. "H-Hinata, what are you...doing..." She asked in a strained voice.


Hinata ate shyly and blushed when they mentioned her butt. "N-No, I havent...I dont know what that could be." She said, speaking in a timid voice. "Is it bad" She asked even more silently.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Oh no! Its beautiful! And it describes you so well," the clone said and rubbed Hinata's ass. "You truly are a beautiful girl. Tell, how do you like being a slave to the Original? To your Master? Who's better, Master or Naruto?"


"Quiet!" Hinata ordered, and suddenly began devliering powerful punches with the intent on knocking Sakura out. If she was knocked out, the other clones and Alex would appear and carry the girl off, deeper to the forest.


"I didn't do anything to deserve this!" Hinata cried as she heard him walk away. "I don't...I'm not a slut," she whimpered.


Sakura sighed as she and Sasuka waited for Naruto. The blond idiot, had ran off to go take a leak, and the two were now patiently waiting there for his return. "That idiot!" she mumbled.