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What if Digimon had been an adult anime?
Yes, that is true.

Man, if that is really the same Ryo like the one in the Games, he must hit his head really hard.
Yeah. They say it's the same but it might just be a different Ryo. Slightly different.
Wouldn't be the only character. Several Movies and also Games don't really fit in.
but if you really pay attention, you all would notice how skimpy some of the female digimons' outfits are when they digivolve, so in a way it's already kind of adult
Sort of. But japanese standards are a bit different.

Thinking of it, the TV Version would probably be censored then. In Japan.
Yeah, just look at Angewomon! She's like, the definition of skimpy outfits! :P And thus why I love her! xD
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Skimpy, yet not pervert.

Going by Anime like Rosario+Vampire, we would probably get a lot panty shots. And Tsukaimon flying aroundthem in the TV Version.
But of course, we'd say the manga is much better.
I think that if the show was in an adulterized version then the show wouldnt do that great (well atleast not in america cause digimon isn very popular in america) because adults having digimon sounds so weird cause in the show the children bond with there digimon with freindship but with an adult it would be like a fater-son bond and i see that as weird
[Image: banner.jpg?t=1240148204]
You gotta love that little guy!
Veemon's Followers
Well if that's all said and done as an adult anime they'd most likely have the digimon and kids curse since that happens alot in an adulterized anime. Kids cursing reminds me so much of south park it's kinda funny.
[Image: Code-Geass-25.jpg]

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