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Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge)
(Border Forest)

"How dare you, foolish mortal!" the boy screamed and held up his hand causing the water arrows to disappear, although it seemed one had broken through, damaging his leg. The wound healed instantly. "It is only because of us Restocasians that you're even able to use that magic in the first place.

Dusk was able to get over his light-headedness and sneak around behind the boy, his sword drawn.

As the boy finished his statement and prepared another attack, he felt a sword at his throat. "You are a sneaky one, Man of Shadows," the boy commented. "But not even stealth can stop me! Earthen power, rise! Terra Dragon Ascent!" The boy somehow escaped from Dusk's sword blade and created more distance between them. The ground below Dusk's feet trembled and a spiral of rock shot out of it hitting Dusk square in the jaw and sending him flying into the air. Luckily, he had a fair tolerance to magic, so he wasn't knocked unconscious, but he did soon find himself tangled up in a tree.

"That position is much more fitting for scum like you, Man of Shadows," the boy laughed defiantly. "Of course, there's more for you, Dragon Lady! O admonishing melody, arise at the name of the Necromancer! Mystic Cage!" Many bars of light burst forth out of the ground instantly leaving barely any reaction time.

Ariadne had been expecting something from the sky, so she soon found herself being continuously pummeled by the bars of light coming out of the ground, mainly because Dusk had knocked her even closer to Mika, of whom the attack was directed towards. She, too, had a good tolerance for magic, but the continuous beating was starting to get to her.

(Castle Courtyard)

"Oh...that is quite sad," Solia said. "Faiz must be affected by all of this, too. That means most of his tribe was wiped as well, not just the village of where he originated..."

Ardeal put his arm around his sister's shoulder. "No worries, now, Solia," he said gently. "Well, if you don't want to come inside the castle, then we won't report anything to Masquerade. For now, we'll just let you be on your way. Of course, I do hope that we can meet again sometime."
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Border Forest)

Mika smirked and at the same time, rushing towards Dusk and grab him before return to Ariadne, the water barrier still circling them which also able to reflect the bars of light coming from underground. But she have to increase her spell level to make it last longer.

"I'm quite impressed with your guts, little kid, but unfortunately, I'm kinda amused...seeing you get tangled at the Unicorn Wolf's back leg..." The dragoness chuckles softly. "Why you don't use this kind of method to instantly kill the wolf and grab it's precious horn...?" She asked, the barrier slowly spit into another two to protect Ariadne and Dusk, while she went closer to the young boy. The barrier continuously reflect and absorb the energy of bar of light .

"What do you want to say now, young boy...? Should I tied you up..?" She said.

(Castle Courtyard)

"It's okay, Solia...At least he had someone to take care and befriend of him..." Michiru smiles warmly before bowing her head. "...Thank you, Ardeal...And yes, we might seeing each other someday in the future..." She said as turned around and wave to the two, before disappeared in the dead forest.
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(Border Forest)

The boy growled and leapt back some more feet. "If you had in skill in monsterology, then you would know that the Unicorn Wolf is impervious to magic. Otherwise, it would be dead by now." He glared at the barrier, and it seemed to start to waver. "Ah yes, you plan to tie me up?" he asked in a very confident tone of voice.

Both Dusk and Ariadne were starting to recover from the boy's onslaught.

"It was my mistake for not removing that thing in the first place," he continued. He waved his hand through the air and all of Mika's barriers disappeared. His own spells also ended. "I told you before, mortal scum, that it is only thanks to us that you are able to use magic. You better be glad that I'm feeling quite merciful today, or otherwise, you would be on the ground--a feast for the maggots." He turned around sharply and began to walk away. "May we ever encounter each other again, I will have to kill you," he added without stopping.

(Castle Courtyard)

"Well, what an interesting character we have met today, sister," Ardeal said.

Solia nodded in agreement. "Yeah. I hope we meet her again. She was soooo nice. You hardly find nice people around anymore."

"Hey! What are you two doing down there?!" a guard called out from the guardpost above. "Get in here, quick!" He raised the gate so they could enter.

"Thank you!" Solia called back to him cutely. She took hold of her brother's hand and together they entered back into the actual courtyard.

The guard blushed from his post. "U-uh, n-no problem, ma'am," he stuttered his reply and lowered the gate once again.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Border Forest)

"I know, I just pretend I don't know nothing. That's actually good, right?" Mika then stopped at a good distance between herself and the young boy, the barrier disappeared. "Yes...I want to tie you up, but first...I need to take back what I give to you a moment ago..." With the packs still carrying on her back, she approaches the young boy and get ready for any movements, so she can reacts and grab him nicely.
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(Border Forest)

Damn, these people won't just leave me alone, he thought. "Sorry, Dragon Lady, but you'll have to catch me if you want to tie me up!" He put on a burst of speed and started running away.

Dusk just sighed as he managed to get out of the tree and land safely on the ground. "Damn Restocasians--why do they have to be so good in magic?"

(Castle Courtyard)

"What should we do now, brother?" Solia asked. "I'd figure that this place would be full of life in preparation for the attack, but it's as dead as always."

Masquerade came strolling up to them from the castle. "That's because I sent most of them to confront the approaching force. Others have already been evacuated, while the remaining ones will stay here with me to make the final stand. My sources have told me that the Queen is advancing at a terribly quick pace, so we must hurry."

Ardeal sighed. "I hate it when you use the words 'last stand'," he said. "It makes it sound like you're gonna die no matter what. Have some confidence."

"I only say 'last stand' because either we are walking away victorious, or she is," Masquerade explained.

Solia frowned. She didn't like any of this. She didn't even quite understand the situation.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Border Forest)

"...Coward..." With that, the dragoness let out a soft sigh once the young boy disappeared from her vision, turned around and went closer to Dusk and Ariadne. "I guess they like to show off what they have." She said. "Should we go now? It seems the sky slowly turns dark."

(Castle - Unoccupied Turret)

In the meantime, Faiz still sleeping peacefully like a normal wolf, his energy slowly recovered through his blood veins and his senses, to enable each body parts received an equal amount of energy. He lost his own sweet dream, which makes his sleep even better.
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(Border Forest)

Dusk frowned and rubbed where the light arrow had pierced through his arm. "I don't know much about the Restocasians, but I think we should count ourselves lucky that he decided to flee. No matter how bratty or arrogant he may have been, he could have easily wiped us out. We were lucky because he was a kid. He just didn't have it in him to kill us." Dusk turned away and started to walk north hoping to get out of the forest very soon.

Ariadne said nothing as she turned and walked away with Dusk. Her back was killing her from the barrage of the bars of light that had continuously struck her back.

(Castle Courtyard)

"Well, just don't lose sight of your goal, Masquerade," Ardeal warned. "Your goal is to win, so don't think you're gonna lose--strive to win."

"Wise words, young Ardeal," Masquerade replied and smiled. "Although, I suppose you're older than me."

"That's not possible," Ardeal said confidently. "I'm only 17."

"I'm 16."

Ardeal was awestruck. "What?! You're only 16 years old and you're that powerful?! That's...insane."

Masquerade smiled at his reaction. "Well, I've had all my life to train and I put a lot of devotion into it."

Solia started to laugh. "Wow, Ardeal. I think you need to get training."

Ardeal saluted her and dropped to the ground and started to do push-ups.

Masquerade joined the laughter and turned to walk away. "Do not fear, Ardeal. One day, you will become stronger than your mind can even comprehend. Just keep at it." He waved as he left and entered the castle again.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Border Forest)

"Probably you're right...I also don't have enough knowledge about them..." Mika stucks out tongue playfully. "If the young boy bring in the backup, it might be bad for us." She added as spotted Ariadne not feeling very well. She approaches Ariadne, gently place her claw on the back. "Are you okay, Ariadne...? Do I need to heal you..?"
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(Border Forest)

Ariadne shook her head. "I-I appreciate it, but I need to get used to pain or I won't be able to fight efficiently through it."

Dusk sighed as he picked up the pace, the exit to the forest in view along with the sky which was quickly darkening in preparation for the nighttime. "Just ignore Ariadne, Mika. She's just trying to be tough, but after a good night's sleep, she should be fine."

In a matter of minutes, they all found themselves out of the forest, but now, there was an enormous mountain in front of them. It was Shimmering Mountain, called so because of the sparkling manatite rock of which the mountain was made of. It was truly a magic mountain. The stars were already making an appearance, but the brightness of the mountain provided plenty of light.

Ariadne sighed as she stepped out of the dark forest and caught sight of the enormous mountain that had suddenly appeared before them. "Ahh, it's so beautiful..."
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Border Forest)

"O-okay, if you say so..." Mika smiled, gently plant a kiss on her cheek. "If I see anyone injured or not feel very well, I'll treat them quickly so they wouldn't feel pain all the way."

(Shimmering Mountain)

Once Mika passed the last tree of Border Forest, she take a long deep breath and let out a sigh of relief, before stunning to the beautiful view of Shimmering Mountain. "Yeah, you're right Ariadne...It's really beautiful...I thought this mountain only existed in fairy tales...but it's true..."

The dragoness take a look at the sky, seeing a bright stars glittering with no limit before realize it's already turns dark. "So, we should keep on moving...or take a night stay at the edge of the mountain..?" She asked.
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds