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Xeno panic!
"Silvia. Get off," he ordered. "Stand up," he added, and stood up with her. He then leaned forward, and whispered into her ear. "You are making this boring. I suppose I'll have to punish you. Or would you prefer I let those people behind the mirror punish you again?" he asked, whispering quietly.
Silvia did not stir did not even whimper. "" she mumbled. Silvia was buried deep inside this new shell, it was probably thrown up to defend herself against the horrors she had been forced to face, and now it would not be so easy to drop. She had managed a message and it was clear enough, though if she would remain sane throughout it was anyone's guess.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"What was that, Silvia?" Alex asked, starting to be annoyed by her. "I'll take that as, you want Master to punish you," he said and smiled as he moved behind Silvia and rubbed his cock against her ass. "Now...Let's begin," he said, as he pushed his cock into her asshole.
She cringed a little and braced herself as the cock entered her very very tight ass, and had she been able to, she would have been grateful to lubrication she obtained from her pussy. But as it was it could have all been the same to Silvia, who merely mumbled under her breath as her ass was penetrated. Apparently the people behind the mirror were also seeing the problem in the new Silvia and a voice from the speaker spoke. "Forgive us for the improper training. We focused on making her behave, but it has made her unresponsive, the trainer will be punished accordingly. Is there another female you wish? We have a large selection, a description would work, if not then we can pick one at Random. Simply return this damaged one to us and we will save her in storage if you still want her or put her down." Silvia showed no sign of fear or anything at all as they talked about sealing her away or killing her, the real Silvia having retreated to far into herself to hear any of it.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Can I keep Silvia and have you bring in a girl? Two for one sound nice," Alex stated. If they agreed, Alex would describe the girl he wanted to play with. "Big breasts, long hair, don't care much for species, beautiful face, submissive, stuff like that," he stated.
"Very well, but before we give her to you, you must do something for us. Its not much for the favor I assure you. Simply answer these questions in order. Have you impregnated Silvia with your own alien seed or does your transformation actually make you human, or is she pregnant at all? Is there a particular reason you choose the women you want to have large breasts, long hair and attractive features? And lastly, why do you not wish to dispose of Silvia, she is damaged goods and we can replace her easily, we could even clone her for you and make you a submissive Silvia clone and dispose of this one. Would you not like that better?" Still Silvia did not respond to their words and remained mostly unaware of what was happening around her. One had to wonder if they had not done this to her on purpose in order to see Alex's response.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex raised his brow and pulled himself away from Silvia and ordered her to stand. He looked at the mirror and thought about for a second. To answers one and three, he did not know what to say. The first one because it seemed too complicated, and three because...he wasn't sure himself. "To the first one, I was not actually human, just made to look like one, and I do not believe my seed is in her any more. The second one, I chose that because I perfer working with sexually arousing women, and the last one...Dunno. Also, when you deliver the girl, make her submissive! Not like Silvia, make her with emotions!"
"We understand that, but please clarify questions two and three. Why do you see women as sexually arousing in the same manner we do? Does your species look similar to our own in its natural state? Or are you simply drawn to healthy females? As for Number three, you have not answered it. Why do you keep Silvia? And would you like us to clone you a perfect, submissive, yet emotion enabled Silvia?"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Well to two, no, our species does not look like yours in our natural state. It's jsut....natural, I suppose, so yes, we are drawn to healthy females. For number three...If I did get a clone, what would she be like? I mean, I've seen a few human films, and whenever clones are made, they are either, sick, get old real fast, or go crazy. And if I did get a clone, what would you do to the original?"
"Well our clones are top of the line thanks to some Xeno DNA, and wont age or have any mental sickness. As for the original, we would not need her anymore, seeing as her exact replica would be filling her spot better than her. We would simply jettison her into space, she would die within seconds, and no remains would be left." A slight shiver went through silvia's fur but her face reamined as it was.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)