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A Kingdom Defeated (Rape rp)
"Just being careful," Axel replied, ripping the few remaining ones off of him. "Hate these things sometimes!" he yelled, stepping on hopefully the last one.
No more movement meant they were all dead, or at least had left. Mickal sighed and smiled. "Well, thats the last of them. I better get back to guarding Grace." He said turning around and heading for the door again.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Ahem," Axel interrupted. "Serenity," he said, holding his hand out. "Also, who do you think summoned all those Tooth Fairies? It would take someone with some knowledge in the mystical arts."
"Indeed." Mickal said with a sigh as he handed Axel the small sleeping Fairy. "Im guessing it was to much excitement for her." He said as he laid her down in Axle palm. "Maybe a rebel wizard or something like that. I will set up more wards to guard against summoned creatures." He said as he began to walk back into Grace's room. "Just to make sure though, I will set a scouring spell in a few minutes and lock Grace's door until then, it should be to tight for any fairies to squeeze through."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Axel didn't know how he felt leaving this man with Hunter's wife, but decided if Hunter trusted him he might as well two. Still...better safe than sorry. "Perhaps I should come in two?" he suggested, walking in as well. "You never know when someone else may attack. You may need help," he said as he gently placed his lover in his pocket.
"Hmm, Well its not smart to have both guards in one place." Mickal said. "If your going to stay in here and guard Grace and Amy then I should patrol the halls and get the scourging spell up and running. If that is OK of course." Mickal waited to see if Axel agreed.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Go ahead. I'll stay here and protect the Queen," Axel agreed. "I wonder how the conquest is going? I had wished I was able to join the War Leader and Champion in it, but..." he stopped and placed his hand on the pocket which Serenity laid. "Priorities," he mumbled as he waited for Mickal to leave.
Mickal left and walked casually straight to his lab, where he stored all his magical ingredients and spells. But his mind was far from the scourging. He reached into his pocket and pulled out Serenity, struggling and whimpering against the twine ropes that held and gagged her. He smiled, the clone had done its job perfectly, an exact replica of Serenity asleep. She breathed and sighed and even reacted to touch, she just would not wake up. but that hardly mattered to Mickal, it would still serve to fool Alxle for a day or maybe two, and by then it would be to late.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
As Axel sat there, waiting for something to happen, he soon became very bored. Sighing, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his sleeping lover, and wondered if he should wake her. "I should make sure she is okay...Then again, I should also let her rest," he thought aloud as he held her. And for some strange reason...he had this bad feeling in his heart...Odd.
Serenity's screams went unheard as Mickal completed his design and by the next morning he was knocking on Axel's door, the small fairy exhausted and dozing in his hand.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)