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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
Alex licked his lips as he looked at her. Like a lion beholding a sheep, he stalked, circling her. He then began to devour his prey, moving forward from behind the girl, and moved a hand to pet her shoulder, and if she reamined calm so far, massaged it a put, to help her relax.


Kiba did not even get a chance to scream as he was hit by the kunai, stabbing him and drawing blood as he let out a gargled noise. "Kiba!" Hinata cried, tears appearing on her eyes as she her a yell of pain. She turned to see Shino, injured by some of the kunai, but alive. "Byakuga!" she yelled, and her eyes turned white, as she looked around for the sourse of the kunai.
Hinata was startled, to say the least, and let out a small scream. Immidiatly Negi was coming through the door again, her Byakugan mercifully not active.


Suddenly Mike was exposed by Hinata's technique, but only to Hinata, and it was to late for Shino. "Lightning blade!" Mike yelled triumphantly as he held eight wires, all of them metal, and all of them having ends tied to the Kunai he threw at Shino. Now the immense electricity in his palm blasted through the wires and into Shino's body. Even if he was not directly touching the wires he would still get hit. Mike knew that two things had happened now at the very least. One, Shino's main and only weapon, all the bugs that lives in his body were dead as he entrapped Shino in a huge chakra bug zapper. And two, with this much voltage and with Shino being this young and inexperienced, he would either be killed or knocked out. this left only Hinata, and she was all his!
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Shina screamed in pain as his flesh was fried, and he fell from the tree branch he stood on, landing on the ground below. "Shino! Kiba!" Hinata cried, and looked at Mike and as her eyes cried, she charged forward, her chakra flowing into her hands as she tried to hit him.


Deciding that this was more trouble then it was worth, Alex became visible and grabbed Hinata from behind, one hand wrapping around her waist as the other felt her nice ass. "Do you mind?" he asked, and Hinata might have recognized his voice. "I'm trying to bond with my future love slave here!"
Mike smiled as Hinata charged and made another hand sign. "Byakugan!" He said as his eyes changed and began completely white. As she charged he adapted future Negi's gentle fist for his own purposes and attacked back, easily avoiding her blows and hitting her chakra points.


"Byakugan!" Negi yelled as Alex became visible. The Huga were probably the most dangerous clan for Mike and Alex to take on, due to their ability to numb out Chakra points. If either of them were hit then they would lose the use of that Chakra point, and even though every jutsu was theirs to command, it hardly did them any good if they could not produce chakra. Whats worse, Alex had just grabbed Hinata and not restrained her arms. "Byakugan!" In an instant, Alex was being attacked by both Huga, and despite his power, he had no time for hand signs and with Hinata at zero range he would have to suffer some blows. Alex had made one large tactical mistake, although young Hinata would have fallen for this, older Hinata was better trained and much more confident, and whats worse, her muscle memory made her every move instinctual, meaning she was acting almost faster than she was thinking.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex let out a cry of pain as he was attacked by Hinata, and hit the wall, sighing angrily as he quickly defended himself from the two, careful to not let them touch his chakra points with their fingers. Alright! I'm man enough to know I made a mistake! God, I can feel Mike laughing at me right now! he thought as he nearly dodged Hinata's attack.

Knowing he needed to create some distance between the two and him, he jumped out the window and began moving fast to get some good distance from one another. If he was successful, he made a quick few hand motions and created a small army of shadow clones. "Shadow Clone Jutsu!"


Hinata held her deference for some time before being hit by Mike's attack, and flew into the air, only to fall and plummet down to the earth, and if Mike did nothing, crash upon the soil, near Shino's body. She groaned and coughed up some blood, and fought to get up, but failed.
The two Huga did not give chase, but already there was an alarm sounding and the village was rising, being called into battle positions since a royal huga had been attacked.


Mike smiled as he watched her try to get up and stepped on her head, forcing her to fall back down. "Remember this place, remember this position because this is as it will be from now on, you, beneath my foot, licking the crust off my heal. Remember and respect your new position!" And with that he would lift up his foot and stomp once, knocking her out, caring little for her wounds. If she passed then he would lift her and take her away to the tower in the center of the forest. He had a hidden room there, a room he would use to suit his purposes. There he had minions, created by his coding, all of them based after Kabuto, so when he arrived there with the injured ninja they healed her right away.

When Hinata awoke, she would find herself blindfolded with a special blindfold that would neutralize her vision, and make her blind completely, even with her powers, unless it was removed. The blindfold would be locked around her head and she would be unable to remove it. She would also find that she was wearing only some white panties and matching bra, on a soft bed in a cold room.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
With his own clone army with him, he ordered them to go and hold off the army. With his own little changes to the world, these clones were like true flesh and blood creatures, like himself, meaning they would not die so easily in puffs of smoke like Naruto's. Another bonus was the Alexs ability to copy some famous techniques, such as Chonji's ball rolling technique, Chonji's father's technique of growing in size, and others used fire, water, or other elemental attacks.

With both his own clone army, and their various techniques, Alex knew the village would be going to at least a small short war. Using it as a distraction, and leaving a couple of clones with him as protectors, he began working on a summoning jutsu.
The village began to defend itself slowly, and though at first it seemed to fall easily to his attack, it soon became easy to see that Konoha was far from weak. In fact, it was disturbing how quickly his clones were dying, the chaos combined with the fact that Alex was not actually trained to fight coupling up to bring down many clones. Still, he himself had little to worry about, and had plenty of time to summon.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex concentrated and took deep breathes, making signs and using any fallen clothes blood to create the symbol on the ground. Finally it was done. "Summoning Jutsu! Iron Goldem Giant!" he ordered and the ground ripped open to reveal a colossal giant of metal and fire.

The giant was huge, even compared to the biggest of summoned beasts. Alex stood on top of its, head, hanging on fro dear life. "Damn! Didn't think it be this big!" he commented as he mentally ordered the giant to lay siege on the village. The metal monster obeyed and opened it armor to unleash a flood of lava and fire from it. As the giant charged into the battle, he made a mental note of the creature to be careful not to harm Hinata, or any other possible female slaves.


Hinata groaned as she awoke and shook a bit in fear, and due to the cold as she tried to break through her bonds, letting out screams of fear and asking for freedom.

((Sorry for the crappy post...Like I said, I'm in a shit storm))
Mike watched her as she struggled against the blindfold (She is not tied up) and cried out. He smiled and stood up, smacking her ass hard once. with no way to see, she should be completely helpless, and he planned on playing with his slave before continuing.


The village fought hard and fought bravely, but was being beaten back, though in time, Alex ran the risk of angering naruto and releasing the fox, it was best if he grabbed Hinata and left for now. Already the casualties were wracking up on both sides.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)