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A Kingdom Defeated (Rape rp)
Mai regained her composure and looked at the four Saxon, keeping herself calm, she answered, "I threw her out hours ago. Too much work. She ran off down the hall. If you go to catch her you may get her. That or someone else will. Its a shame." "She was kinda cute," she added.


Neko moaned as she was kissed and hugged and kissed her Master back. "Neko loves her Papa!" she cooed, and kissed and licked the Champion, wanting her Master to be happy. Still though, she was worried about him. "Papa is everything okay?"


"Always? No. Lately? Yes," Hunter said. The wolfman couldn't resist chuckling a bit at how this man seemed so confused by Grace. "She has been this way for some time. As for me being controlled.... I am not. It is strange, though. I suppose, I am being controlled, but it is not Grace's fault. What I do, I do because I have chosen it," he assured. He then looked at the warrior. "So...may I ask what you will do? If you do attempt to take my wife's life, I will defend her."
"I dont believe it." One of them said, kicking a chair over. "She would not just let the cat slut go! Dont trust this bitch!" the "leader" of the four sighed and sat down on a chest, the very chest Elva was hiding in. "Come on now, cant you just be a good whore and tell us? We know all you do all day is play with that little slut, so we are not going to buy you just suddenly throwing her out. How about you tell us and we leave Hmm?" Elva had to stifle a whimper and then began to fear for her life even more as her air supply began to go a little stale, he was sitting on the air holes.


Alexander frowned and pinched her nose. "It is not the place of a slave to worry about these things. Now stop killing Papa's good mood." He said as he his hands slid under her pretty white dress and pulled it over her head, trying it expertly behind her back to hold her arms as he kissed her tummy and belly button, going up her naked body slowly.


"Take her life?" The assassin scoffed. "What life is there to take?" He asked as he got up. In a flash his blade was to her throat, and still, not so much as flinch or flicker in her eyes. With another sigh he sheathed his weapon. "By the gods, what have you done to this woman? I know that Angelo are being treated like dirt but...Have you truly broken her so thoroughly?" He shook his head and bowed. "Let me introduced myself lord. I am Mickal Saginos, Angela trainer, warlock and assassin on the side. I was tasked with freeing you from this witch's control...but truly she nearly lacks the will to make her own heart beat, much less control your own. My loyalty has always been to you."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"How you four be good troopers and leave?" Mai shouted. "Do you know I am close to Lord Hunter? I can talk to him, describe your appearances to him. I'm pretty sure you know what will come next. Your deaths," she growled.


Neko cried and she slowly nodded, allowing him to undress her. "I'm sorry Papa....Punish me for being so stupid," she cried. She moaned slightly from the kisses and allowed her master to do what ever pleased him whether she was in pain or not.


By the time Mickal was Grace's throat, Hunter on his, ready to kill him for hurting his Queen. When he saw he mean no threat, Hunter dropped his guard a bit. "It is not I, rather our people. The death of so many Angelos hurt Grace, turning her into this. Until her people gain a better life as slaves, she will be like this. A lifeless doll," he explained. "Heh...Your loyalty is with me? Surprising. Are there any others you know of who are so loyal for me?"
"Hahah! You close to the lord Hunter? Since when? When you where his towel maid four years ago? Please. And Besides, the "lord" Hunter had better things to worry about then what some dumb ass Bimbo thinks. Now tells us where the slut is!" One of them yelled, grabbing her arms painfully. Meanwhile, Elva was running out of air and her eyes were watering, her guilt reaching new heights as she heard them yelling at her mistress.


"Now now, when do I ever hurt you?" Alexander said, sounding rather hurt. Neko had been very easy to train and had required almost no punishment, and those she did earn where never worse then a pinch on the nose or a spanking at best. He continued to kiss his way up to her breasts, and when he reached there he kissed them both and teased them with his tongue.


"Well, a good chunk of us still think that Grace is a witch. I mean look at her! Even now, as lifeless as she seems she does not resemble a dead person but rather a gorgeous doll, and she fails to age, yet she is supposed to be a human. She is a walking paradox. I took it upon myself to free you, and it was plenty easy to get past your guards, they had planned on doing this later, though I suspect for less honorable reasons." He looked back at grace and took a seat in a nearby chair. "Are you sure she has not been cursed by some wizard or warlock? I mean, this far exceeds depression."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Sorry, Silver, but I need to get some sleep. Goodnight!))

Mai was running out of ideas, and she bit her lip to prevent her from making any response to the pain. Luckily, some help came, though in a way in might have just caused more trouble. Four Pro-Hunter Saxon walked by and had been overhearing the Anti-Hunters for a while. "Hey! Lord Hunter said that there were to be no Angelo executions unless absolutely necessary!" the leader yelled as he and his gang walked in.


"I'm sure. My friend, Axel, would know. Then again, he has been working away greatly...Never the less, Grace is not a witch. Her beauty, and age is exactly why I chose her as my slave, and wife. She is not a single bit of sadness, but a sadness made by the death of her mother, father, and close friends. I cannot explain it really..." Hunter sighed. "So...Mickal, what will you do now? If you could, tell those who are still loyal to me that we may be going to war soon...Though who is unknown. Also tell them to keep an eye on the remaining Angelos. No more killing them. I have enough problems. I made that same announcement a while ago, but I wonder if anyone listened?"


"Nya," Neko moaned as she was kissed. "Neko bad girl....Papa should punish her," she moaned. "Oh...Papa," she moaned wishing she could please him back. "Too good to Neko."

"Haha, you still fallow that traitor? He thinks more of his slave than he thinks of his people! His people! Aside form that, he has no authority, we are not in war, he has no right to lead!" The leader of the gang stayed quiet and still. Elva was breathing shallow now, she was tempted to suck on the holes the man now sat on as more and more of her air supply was consumed. The argument would last to long at this rate, they would either discover Elva, or she would die.


"I hold no sway on anyone but the slaves I train. Ah, but Business is slow. It appears that your favoring of this slave has made your people jealous my lord, they want there wants and needs to be far above hers." He stood up then and walked towards the door. "You will never be able to turn the remaining Angelo slaves into respectable anythings. The harder you try, the more shall die." He reached the door and began to leave. "Oh and remember to replace your guards men...unless you would like a dead queen instead of a doll queen." And then he was gone. meanwhile, Grace had finally made a reaction, a reaction to his words. It was not a huge reaction, but it was enough to show that she was still alive. A single tear dropped from her right eye and she seemed to look down further into the ground.


Alexander laughed and kissed her neck and then nibbled her ears. "Dont worry Neko, I like being good to you." He said softly as he worked his way back down to her nipples, licking and kissing them.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Take that back you bastard! Lord Hunter was defeated hundreds of foes, and if he wants us to be a bit nicer to our slaves, then we should pay our respects!" the leader countered as he and his friends got angry at this man's comment. "He's a hero to our people! Show your respects, damn it!" he growled.


Hunter sighed and walked over to Grace, and kissed her tear away, expecting her not to show a response. He hugged her, feeling her body, which only seemed to have become even more beautiful. His hands rubbed her breasts a bit, wishing to just hear a soft moan of pleasure from his lover. Perhaps Alexander is right...If we go to war with the Brits, it will help calm the people? Hunter thought.


Neko moaned once more as she was licked and mewed for her larger Master. "Papa...too good to Neko. Neko naughty," she moaned as she was licked. "Nya! Papa....more, please?"
"Ignorant fools! The true hero of our people is the great champion Alexander! How many enemies of the Kingdom has he slain over the years!? How many kings and queens has he, by his very own hand, brought to there knees to kneel before your Hunter?! He is the true symbol of our people might and leadership! If there was any justice in the world then it would be Alexander who sit upon the skull throne! Alexander who commands the armies of Saxon! Alexander who brings the Angelo witch Queen to her knees!" Still the leader did not move from his perch. "You are all morons." He said, his voice thick with venom. "It is obvious that the cat slut is not here, so we will take our leave for now, but if we find her, see her, smell her, then she is ours!" With that the men departed, perhaps to argue more with the other outside, but the important thing is that they left the room and the air holes in the chest were open once more...if it was not to late.


A soft sigh drifted through the air as Grace's majestic body was felt by hunter, the sigh replaced what would have been a moan years ago. She weakly reached around and hugged Hunter softly, and more tears began to flow from her crystal clear eyes. It was that time again, with night setting upon them, it was time once more. Every night, regardless of Hunter's plans or actions, the Queen Grace cried for her people, and so it began once more, her tears would wet her face for a full ten minutes, but nothing more would come of it. Despite her unaging body and pristine health, Grace was dying, rotting from the inside out, her soul withering and dying like a burning branch.


Alexander did not need any more prompting as he kissed down her stomach to her belly button, kissing and tickling it with his tongue before moving lower to her hairless mound. He kissed just above her slit and breathed over it with his warm breath. One of his favorite pass times was teasing his cute little Neko.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Our War Leader deserves praise! Hundreds have fallen by his hands, and even more by his mind! He deserves our respects! Even the Champion who you hail so greatly thinks of his as a Master!" the Pro-Hunters replied and left after the Anti-Hunters. It was a good thing two, because they were on the verge of starting a fight. As soon as they left, Mai closed and locked the door and ran over to the chest and opened it, throwing the clothes out and looking at Elva. "Are you okay?"


Hunter cursed himself, Saxon, Angelo, love, Grace, and everything else he knew. To see his beautiful wife, rot away like an apple was disgusting to him. It made him feel rotten to the core, and he knew she would forever be like this as long her people were treated as such. "This settles it...I MUST speak with the King," he whispered, wiping some of Grace's tears away.

((You want to play the Saxon King or me, if we ever add him in?))


Neko, though enjoying the pleasure, wanted more, and begged for her Papa to stop teasing her. She let out a cute meow and looked at him with begging eyes. "Papa...No more teasing for Neko...Neko loves Master, and wants more," she moaned as she felt him kiss just above her slit, his warm breath touching it.
Elva was laying quite limply within the chest, gasping silently for air. "Mis...tress..." She groaned as fresh air poured in. She reached up weakly with her hand to see if Mai would help her out of the box, though of she did not then she would try to breath enough to stand once more and do it herself.


(Well...Hunter is going to be asking him right? So I suppose it should be me, otherwise its you talking to yourself.)

Grace leaned her head into Hunter's hand and nuzzled it lightly, one of the few signs of affection she could still produce. The baby began to stir in her sleep and Grace's hand slowly drifted to the edge of the crib where she started to rock the baby back and forth once more. " many are left?" She whispered dully, the sound more akin to the sound an inanimate object would make rather than on a human made. As far as the count went, the remaining Angelo had dropped from the original twenty thousand to only about three thousand, the losses were disgustingly high as innocent Angelo slaves were hanged, burned at the stake or stoned to death by angry Saxons. The nation had grown restless now under its own killing and now slaves were lacking, they needed more! Again, the Franks were weak from the Brittanian struggle, and it seemed dutiful as a Saxon war leader, to liberate them of their freedoms and place them under the "care" of better masters. Hopefully they would last longer than the poor peaceful Angelo.


Alexander's hands moved forward and began to thumb and play with Neko's breasts as he continued to kiss and lick her body, avoiding her pussy purposely, but just barely. "But Neko was naughty, that means I have to punish you." He said teasingly as he kissed both sides of her thighs, just barely tickling her pussy.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)