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A Kingdom Defeated (Rape rp)
((...Damn! That's a lot! Good job, bro))

As the years went by, Hunter grew colder by his personality, and his body stronger. His fur had grown longer, and he now had a few grey hairs on him from all the stress, but his more muscular, and larger body kept him intimidating. With the death of his one armed slave, he became colder to his people, resorting to threats and swearing he would find the murders and make them pay. He did the same when Amy, Grace's mother perished, his rage growing for his people for dare doubting him.

He did what he could to help his people, but was careful ,realizing that he was already in danger of losing his position. He wondered if Alexander would truly replace him, and if not him, then who would? He became fearful of Grace, and made sure he got the point along that none were allowed near her or Amy, his daughter. He still wore his vest and tenchcoat, but now carried dual swords on his back, just in case.

As the years went by, Hunter realized that if he was to bring life back to his wife, he needed to at least make the remaining Angelos a respected group in the Saxon Society. There was only one way to do so....Talk to the King of Saxons.

Before this though, Hunter walked off to Alexander, to discuss the events that were taking place.


Mai was outraged at the death of Silvia, and blamed Hunter, but mostly put blame on the entire Saxon civilization. She was fiercely protective of Elva, keeping a weapon on her person in case anyone even thought of harming either of them. She knew a Civil War was nearing, and if she and Elva were forced to choose sides, it was obvious Mai would pick Lord Hunter.

Mai was currently in her and Elva's room, the door locked and the older girl gently petting her slave's body, thinking about many things. The lost of Silvia, the coming War, and what the future had in store for them.


Neko had grown up a bit, though she still had her child demeanor. She understood when she was to behave, and acted like a perfect woman when Papa ordered her to. Though, when she and Papa were alone, she would return to her catgirl nature, doing whatever pleased her Papa.

She was not stupid though, she knew what was happening. Bad things. Many bad things. Very bad bad things. So when Neko had the chance, she whispered to Alexander. "Papa? Are you and Hunter in trouble?"


Axel kept Serenity under his watchful eye, always protecting her and never letting her out of his sight. With the coming war, he would ally himself with his old friend, Hunter, knowing his magic would help him. Using Serenity to boost his own power, he worked on special 'projects' when in his free time, as to help with the Civil War. It was obvious that a majority of Saxon would join against their War Leader, and he wanted to ensure his old friend stayed in power.

He was currently hard at work on one of his 'projects.' The same project he had been working on for days and nights. His eyes had bags, but he was still sharp as a knife, and whenever he felt tired, he simply fucked his lover, Serenity, until he was strong once more. "Serenity, hand me some Tail of Frog," he ordered as he mixed a potion in a large bowl.
Alexander was in his room, dressed in only his chain mail as he disrobed, sweating from his training. He sat down on the bed and scratched his pets ear and nodded "Yes, papa and Hunter are in some trouble. But do not fear, we are both strong men...and logical ones I would hope."

As if to answer his words, Hunter stepped in. As was formal, and oh so necessary in these uncertain times, Alex greeted him as a commanding officer and not as a friend. Quickly Alexander stood and bowed stiffly, before standing up straight and place his hands behind his back. "My liege, what may I do for you." He would hold the stance until Hunter put him at ease or until he left. His eyes darted for a moment to Neko, who was dressed in a pretty white gown, but only that. He knew she would remember to behave as she should, but could not help but feel nervous since in these times, one failed task from a slave could get him or her hanged or burned alive.


Elva purred gently as she lay next to Mai, ever loyal and by her side. The delicate cat girl looked up and cuddled a little closer to her mistress. "Is mistress thinking about Silvia again?" She asked innocently. Even though Silvia had done nothing but torture the poor cat slave, her death had weighed heavily on her, and still did despite the fact that it had been over a year since.

But most of all, Elva felt sad that Mai was still sad, and new that she could never fill the hole that Silvia left. "Would mistress like to tie Elva up again? Maybe it will sooth the pain." She asked, wanting to help her mistress in anyway she could. even if that meant pain to her.


Serenity nodded and handed Axel the tail of frog with a shaking hand. She had been put to work more often than usual lately and the frail fairy was having trouble keeping up with the demand for her magic. She was currently running on almost empty, but she never complained. She could take it, for her master. "Master, may I sit?" She asked smally as she swayed a little, feeling light headed, her thighs still wet from their last love making, or rather milking of her powers. In truth the real hurt that the fair felt was in that she was becoming less of a lover and more of a slave, or rather, less of a slave and more of a tool. IT hurt her heart to think such things but she could not help it, it was a truth that was fucked into her every few hours.
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Realization dawned on him and Axel nodded, pointing at a stool in the corner. He continued to work, never letting him rest for a moment. As he worked he sighed and began to speak. "Serenity...A war is coming. I can feel it. A terrible storm is coming, and unless I work hard, my friend, and higher up, Hunter, will die," he said sadly. "I am overworking you, I know, and I apologize," he said, before stopping completely and looked at Serenity. "I do still love you, my dear. I have, and forever will, but I do not wish to lose my old friend. I hope you can forgive me, my love," he sighed, and turned around to get back to work.


"Yes...Yes, I am," Mai sighed. She smiled and kissed Elva's forehead, and slowly shook her head. "No...No, I'm alright, Elva. Elva, can I ask you a question? Silvia. She did horrible things to use. Beat, hit, insult, and torture...Can you honestly say you miss her?"


"At ease, Champion," Hunter replied, and closed the doors. He took a deep breath and sighed, as Neko stood like a good slave, quiet, obedient, not speaking unless spoken to, and near her Master, Alexander. "Champion...We have both known the other for quite some time, and we both know what's going on. We are on the brink of war. Civil war, to be precise. I need to ask you a question, as Alexander, not the Champion, would you stand by my side, if I were to fully stand against the Saxon Tradition?"
"Yes...Of course master." Serenity said with a small yawn as she shrunk down to her natural size and laid down on the stool. "I never doubted you." She said sleepily as her small body demanded sleep.


Elva paused for a moment before answering, taking and processing the question. "I do not miss the beatings and the torture...but I knew Silvia before all this...she was not like she was...I do not mean to sound....insolent, but perhaps it is the effect of something that was given to her or cast upon her. I have seen the effects of love potions before mistress...I have long suspected that she was...enchanted to your side by such a means...I regret the loss of life mistress, all Angelo do from birth, that is why our warfare was so weak, why we were rightly enslaved by the superior saxons. Now our peaceful nature can be put to true use, at the side of our it in life...or death."

A smart slave answer, Elva was not dumb by any means, simply sheltered. Her mind was quite sharp, but timid, she would have made an excellent scholar had her destiny not been to serve Mai. "I do not miss the beatings, but I do regret the loss of her life...and the loss of your happiness...and most of all, my failure to cure you of it."


Alexander sat back down and slumped as he heard the question. He thought for a moment and then looked back. "Do not make me answer this old friend. I have fought and killed in you name for eons beyond human life, we have both seen ages rise and fall, and yet only now do you decide to age and perhaps fall. Before you would have me choose between my friend and my legion, I would have you decide if a slave, or a race of a slave, a million slaves, come before the entirety of your people." The champion of the saxons shook his head, how complicated things had become. "How is Grace...has she yet smiled? Or lifted her head above eye level once in the past month?"
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Axel merely nodded and thanked her before silently going back to work. "OF course...Rest, my love."


Mai smiled and kissed her slave, and hugged her. "My dear Elva...I'm sorry about my fellow people. They...they have become barbaric and disgusting. I pray that they pay for what they have done..." Mai said, before her hands moved to rub Elva's smaller breasts. "Dark times are coming, Elva. Let's enjoy ourselves before it comes."


Hunter sighed and looked away, leaning against the wall. "Alexander...." he mumbled. "Grace has been...the same. Lifeless...cold....empty...Its rather dull, to be honest. More Angelos die each day, and that is obviously what is affecting her. Dark times are coming Alexander. A civil war."
"Do not say such things. War is coming but it does not need to be civil war." Alexander said sternly. "You of all people should know this my friend. Our people are not a kind people, and out slaves do not last long enough to keep us content. I do admit that the Angelo have taken a rather horrid blow from us, but in the end we always need to go find new wars and new slaves. Look, the franks have set down a new kingdom west of our own borders. Their trade is lousy, their army is in shambles from the Britannians, becoming our slaves would be a blessing in disguise. Aside from that, the four royal daughters are said to be quite pleasing to the eyes. Not a match for your current queen, but they well make do to service your need for a mate."

Alexander may not have been a barbarian, but he was a Saxon, and he was simply speaking like one. He was old, despite his youthful looks, older perhaps then even Hunter and had lived many lives. In all this time he had learned how the Saxons functioned and if they did not make war and slaves of others, then they would make wars and slaves with themselves. "Come WAR Leader. You must show the impudent masses why you are needed once more. A war leader with no war to lead is easy to rebel against, but a war leader on a crusade for the Saxons is an unstoppable force. Come, let me be the head of your spear once more, so we can put all this nasty angelo business behind us."


Elva purred softly and flipped onto her back cutely to allow Mai access to all of her body. "Mmm, thank you mistress." She purred as she was stimulated through her breasts. Little did they know that they would not be alone for long.
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Mai smiled and hugged her, kissing and petting her lover, the older woman's hands playing with her slave.


Hunter couldn't help, but smile. This age of peace left him bored, and he would enjoy the feel of battle. "Yes...Battle. Perhaps a war would help me regain myself, and reassure the people I am still their superior," the wolfman grinned. "Thank you Alexander," the War Leader said. He then stopped though and looked at the Champion. "This does not solve all our problems. Grace will not live until her people are treated better, and if the seeds of doubts still lay about, I may have to bring this up to the King himself," he sighed. "Let us pray it does not come to that..."
Elva moaned sweetly and purred with pleasure, being the proper slave and allowing her mistress to do as she pleased. Suddenly there was a series of hard knocks at the door. "Whore! Whore! Come out your filthy bitch! And bring your Angelo car slut!" the voices were all to familiar, and Elva immediately looked scared, here eyes filled with fright. "M-Mistress." She said in a small distressed whine, not know what to do.


Alexander sighed, this Grace had become a problem, she was to much, and she had affected Hunter like no one ever had. Such a shame what was happening to her now, and what the effect was on Hunter. He watched his war leader leave and sighed once more. "Come her Neko, papa wants to pet you a bit before bed." He said tiredly.


Grace was were Hunter had left her, sitting on a chair next to the crib that held their child. Her eyes were down cast, her stature slumped. One hand rested on the edge of the crib, rocking it gently back and forth, soothing her sleeping child, while her other hand rested on her knee. Her tray of food was nearby, only half of its contents eaten.

Everything was as Hunter had left it...well not everything. A man sat on their bed, looking at Grace. When Hunter entered he said nothing, though a slight incline of his head told Hunter that he knew he was there. Grace did not seem disturbed by his presence, in fact she did not seem to notice him at all.
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Mai ordered her slut to be silent and ran over to a chest that was given to her by Hunter. She motioned Elva over and opened the chest, revealing clothes, which, when moved revealed that part of the chest was hidden into the wall, making it actually twice the size it seemed to be. Ordering Elva into it, she ordered her to remain quiet, before she closed the chest and ran to the doors, opening them for the men. "Yes?"

For Elva, there was no light, but small air holes so she could breath at ease. There were many clothes in the chest, and she would have to hold still as to not nudge them.


"Yes, Papa," Neko obeyed, moving closer. "Papa?" she asked as she moved closer, waiting to be petted by her Master. "Are you mad at Mr. Hunter?"


"Grace," Hunter greeted and looked at the man. "Do I know you? If not, why are you here?" the wolf man asked.
In came four Saxons, shoving Mai out of the way and onto the bed. "Shut up whore! Now where is the little princess? Everyone knows that you have some kind of Angelo Royalty in here, and the Saxon nation has decided that the Angelo have no Royalty, so for her to exist is a blasphemy against the crown." They began to search and looked under the bed and closet, but not the chest. "Where is she whore?!"


Alexander stroked her head and picked her up, placing her on his knees as he scratched behind her ears and stroked her soft fur. "No, not really." He said with a sigh as he laid back with her and kissed her lightly on the lips. "Come on, I know you like you like cuddling." He said in a rare moment of playfulness, hugging his dear little Neko.


The man sighed and looked back at Hunter. He picked up a sword he had laid down on the bed and pointed at Grace. "I was supposed to kill her." He said listlessly. "You know, cease her vile she always like this?" He asked setting toe sword back down, failing to elect a response from her yet again. "I she really using some magic on you? Controlling you, while she is like this." Grace continued to sit there, to exist, but she did little else, she did not even look up at Hunter, her glazed over eyes dull and lifeless as she rocked the cripb gently.
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