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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
"There's a thin line between doing your best, and beating a dead horse. You're the second one," Naruto sighed. He suddenly smiled though and reached his forward and pushed Hinata down. "But you are kinda cute! At least you'll be able to grow up up to be some prostitute on the street!" he laughed, before suddenly taking a kunai out and leaning forward, his eyes showing dark intent.
"N-Naruto...please stop..." Hinata said as she sat there on the floor, her eyes full of tears. "I...I always looked up to you, I...l-lo..loved you...please dont...dont be so cruel to me." She broke down into tears at that point, Naruto's words hurting her far more than anything had ever done before. She was so taken up by his insults that she hardly realized that he was getting closer and closer with a Kunai.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Well maybe you fell in love with the wrong guy," Naruto smiled before suddenly being stopped. He looked at his shoulder to see Alex holding him back. The Naruto form of Alex had a jumpsuit similar to older Naruto, except it had a black and blue color, and on his back was a symbol of a red dragon wrapped around a katana. "What?" Naruto asked. "Leave. Now," Alex ordered. Noticing that this man meant business, and he was still hurt from the fight, the blond nodded and walked off, muttering something about tapping Sakura.

Alex looked at Hinata and crouched down and held his hand out for her. "Are you okay, Miss? Did he hurt you?" he asked, kindly, his hand reached forward to wipe her tears.
Hinata could not speak and only cried some more as Naruto's words tormented her. In real life, Hinata was tossing and turning in her bed, her eyes flowing with tears as she whimpered in her sleep. She would wake up soon at this rate.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex, in awake world, noticed this and quickly jumped out the window and up on to the roof, doing his best to keep hidden in case of any guards. He kept his control on Hinata's dream though, and made his dream self, slowly hug Hinata. "There, there, Miss Hyuuga. You do not need to say anything...I am sorry for your lost...But I need to tell you something. Something of great importance."
Hinata looked up at Alex slowly and innocently asked "W-What do you need to tell me?" She was trembling from her sobs and was completely defeated in her mind, what little self esteem she had was shattered.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"That this is what is meant to be. This is your subconscious, your soul, your spirit, YOU, telling yourself, Naruto is not the one you love. It is forcing this upon you before it is too late. He is not your soul mate, not the one meant for you. There is another. A man who will love you, protect you, and guide you, but he will ask for something in return. He will ask for you. Your body, your heart, everything you heave, he will ask for, and in return, he will love you and protect you for eternity," Alex explained. "Do you hear me, Hinata? Accept him when he asks for your everything, and you will be forever happy."
"I..I-I dont...I-" Suddenly the dream came to an end as the stronger male Huga came in and awoke his cousin. "Hinata! Hinata wake up!" the frightened and disturbed ninja awoke and hugged Negi tightly, crying into his shoulder. By now Negi was over his hatred of the main branch family and held his charge until she was soothed. When Negi finally left her once more, Hinata did not return to sleep, but instead lay awake for hours until day.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex grinned as he stood on the house rooftop, wondering what to do next, before deciding to fuck with Hinata's mind some more. Moving his hands in a complex series of signs, the boy was suddenly turned invisible, becoming naked to the eyes of many ninja. Waiting for a moment to strike, he silently jumped back into the room, and looking at Hinata, wondering if she noticed his stealthy entrance.

((Did you see my last post on page 16?))
Hinata noted a noise but could not see anything. She was already distraught and thus thought it was her imagination and tried to go back to sleep, which she would fail at.

(03-29-2009 04:19 PM)MasterZero Wrote: The three moved faster, and Kiba's dog sniffed the air, feeling something a miss. "Huh? What's wrong?" he asked, before suddenly falling into Mike's trap, his body tangling him up. Shino and Hinata, who were behind him quickly stopped. "Don't worry! We'll get you out!" Hinata yelled.

Suddenly there was a rain of Kunai falling on the immobilized Ninja and his dog, as well as some flying for Shino. From the left and right, above and bellow, eight ninja blades flew at the bug wielder.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)