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Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge)
(Dream Lunatio)

"Well, I only know about three of the seven, unfortunately," Rose admitted. "They are the first three--Shadow, Dream, and Machina. The first alchemic dimension--Shadow--is a world of shadows and dark feelings. Beasts made of those dark feelings come from there with manifested bodies of shadows and darkness. The second alchemic dimension--Dream--is a world of all the people's dreams concentrated into a single thought. That's where we are right now. And the third alchemic dimension--Machina--is a dimension of lost and forbidden technology. It is a dimension of machines that can be called forth and controlled easily."

"So, we're in Dream right now, huh?" Ariadne said gently and looked around in amazement.

"That's right," Rose answered. "Anything in this world could be summoned to the real world at any moment, but there is only one person who can do that. He is the Grand Summoner of Dream. Each alchemic dimension has it's own Grand Summoner in the real world. That person can summon anything from his or her respective dimension and make it do whatever he or she pleases. The Grand Summoner of Shadow died recently, but it is rumored that someone else has taken over."

(Lunatio Castle)

"The Thought Clearing spell isn't anything too fantastic, but it is quite interesting," Masquerade said. "Well, you're about to see it for yourself, so let's go." Masquerade took Faiz's hand in his own and led him down the passageway to the infirmary.

(Solia's Mind)

Solia was surrounded by darkness. Directly in front of her sat Erisvorch, and to the left of him, was the dark queen herself, Nara.

"What do you two want from me!" Solia shouted. "Just let me wake up."

"There is something important that you must know," Erisvorch said. "Both of us have something we need to tell you, for it will help you carve your way to victory."

"Why would you help me though?" Solia asked. "You're both evil."

"Are we?" Nara questioned. "Who defines evil as evil? Did you ever take the time to learn of our reasons for doing what we do?"

Solia looked down in shame.

"Don't worry," Erisvorch spoke up gently. "We're going to help you now regardless."

"I'm listening...," Solia said.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Dream Lunatio)

Mika chuckles softly. "I'm somewhat being fooled by this amazement. I thought the Lunatio is should be like this before it being transform into a ghost town." The dragoness paused for a moment.

"We stumble to one mysterious man who possess a shadow magic during our mission to cleared up the area from the Queens soldier. He able to summon a shadow beasts and anything that relates to shadow magic. He also almost took away one of our precious friend..." She sigh softly before continued. "And now, we're on mission to hunt him down...but after hearing this 7 Alchemic Dimensions, I'm in doubt whether we should kill that man...I presume that man kill the previous Grand Summoner of Shadow..."

(Lunatio Castle)

At least I can gather the basic info and instruction of how to perform such spell, in case Solia facing the same thing by near future..." The wolf said while lowered his ears a little bit as walking with Masquerade to the infirmary.
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(Dream Lunatio)

"Well, only the Grand Summoner of Shadow can summon inorganic shadow beasts from the first dimension, so I think you've found him," Rose said. "If you have any doubts as whether to kill him or not, you should. Eliminate him. As long as an evil person is a Grand Summoner, they will continue to summon inorganic creatures to do their dark bidding."

"We fought and slaughtered a whole army of shadow beasts," Ariadne said in despair.

"They had no control over themselves," Rose continued. "They weren't created to have control, except for when they are in their respective dimension. It's quite sad really. The fate of all inorganic creatures is destruction."


When Masquerade and Faiz entered the infirmary, the spellcaster was already performing the spell. A glyph was carved into the floor under Solia's bed and was glowing a bright white light. The Lucid Crab's shell was laying on top of Solia's stomach. It reflected the light from the glyph into a single ray of light that shot at Solia's forehead.

"Good," Masquerade commented. "They already started. It's great to have such efficient soldiers."

(Solia's Mind)

There was a sudden burst of light in the darkness and the image of Nara faded.

"Solia...we...," Erisvorch started. " control...hunt...Summoner...dimensions..."

"I can't understand," Solia said. "What's happening? What do you mean?"

" running out. Shadow...Dream...Machina...Magicka...Astra...Natura...and...Ferria...most dangerous...." As he spoke his final words, Erisvorch was eliminated by the light--he was gone for good.


Solia began to regain consciousness and eventually was able to open her eyes slightly.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Dream Lunatio)

"I see...Among 7, one of them are the bad guys..." Mika nodded. "I could say those shadow armies acting like control or whatsoever, as long as they follows the summoner's command.." She added before continued." ..Rose, you said that Ariadne is one of 7 Alchemic I right...?


Faiz watches the spellcaster performing a Thought Clearing on Solia, hoping something positive. "Yeah...They don't want anyone leaving the patients just like that without proper treatment..." After a while, the wolf spotted Solia's eyes moving until it opens completely. He won't approaches Solia too soon until the process are done.
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(Dream Lunatio)

"Me?" Ariadne said startled.

"Don't be afraid, dear," Rose said. "I sense nothing of the sort from you." She turned her attention to Mika. "And I don't sense anything from you, either. When you enter an alchemic dimension, you lose sense of reality. Just look around you. And when you meet up with a Grand Summoner, you'll know it. They emit a dream-like energy. It's very powerful. You can't miss it. I don't sense that energy in either of you, so you're both normal."

The wind picked up slightly throughout the town. A few leaves danced lazily down the floating cobblestone path. The spirits floating around were now decreasing in number.

"It seems our time is drawing to a close," Rose said. "Please take out the man who killed the Grand Summoner of Shadow. That's all I ask. If you decide to investigate alchemy on your own, I wish you luck." With that, Rose disappeared from sight.

"We must kill that shadow man now, Mika," Ariadne said, her voice fearless and tinted with slight anger. "Forcing those shadows to do his dark dirty work..."


The spellcaster finished his spell and the glyph stopped glowing. As Solia sat up, the Lucid Shell shattered into nothingness.

"Go ahead," Masquerade said gently to Faiz. "Go see her."

Solia looked around the room slowly, her eyes still adjusting to her surroundings. Then, her eyes rested on Faiz. She smiled.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Dream Lunatio)

"We will, Rose..." Mika bows her head respectively once Rose and the surroundings vanished, leaving Ariadne and herself in the pitch-dark Lunatio.

I know, but we need to search that mysterious man's hidden place..." Mika said, gently lifts Ariadne on her arms. "Firstly, we need to take a good night sleep so we have enough energy to run this mission..." The dragoness wink as bringing Ariadne back in the inn and to the room.

Once inside the room, Mika gently place Ariadne on the bed before she strip her tanktop and unwrap the towel, leaving her completely naked, blushing slightly. "I prefer to sleep in naked..." Then, she lay besides Ariadne, pulling the blanket up and covers their body.


The wolf nodded and began to approach Solia, gently place his soft paw on her cheek. "Are you feeling better...Solia..?" He said softly with a slight smile appear on his face.
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(Lunatio Inn)

Ariadne blushed as Mika got into the bed. "T-that's okay with me," she said, the nervousness returning to her voice. She snuggled up closer to Mika. "H-have a g-good sleep," she said as she closed her eyes.


"I think I'm alright," Solia replied, her voice was barely a whisper. "Getting close to that shadow beast really messed my mind up. I was having a crazy dream until I woke up. A spell was used on me, right? I'm sorry for making you go through all the trouble."

Masquerade smiled as Solia talked to Faiz. 'Seeing those two really reminds me of the good old days,' he thought. 'Aurona...'
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Lunatio Inn)

Mika murrs as Ariadne snuggle against her naked body, and she embrace the girl. "Good night, princess..." The dragoness whispers and plant a kiss on Ariadne's forehead before slowly fell asleep.


"Thank goodness...You make us feel worried all this while..." Faiz let out a soft sigh of relief before kissing her cheek, near her lips. "Yes, the spell they're perform just now to clear up or manage back your thoughts...Next time, make sure you have enough strength to control your thoughts from being messed up again...okay..?"
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(Lunatio Inn)

Dusk awoke when the dim sunlight shined on his eyelids. He opened them drowsily and got out of the bed. He went over to the window and looked outside. The same gray clouds hung over the village, making the sunlight barely noticeable. The streets were still empty and the houses looked lifeless. He scratched his head.

"Did Masquerade ever mention this town being abandoned?" he asked himself out loud. "He knows more about geography than I do."


Solia pouted. "Hey, I didn't know that thing was going to mess with my mind," Solia retorted. "But you're right. I think I'll start doing some meditation, just like Quarry does."

"Did someone mention me?" a voice asked from the doorway to the infirmary. It was Quarry. He was sweating pretty heavily and he looked tired. "Sorry that I don't look so good right now. I just got out of training." He walked up next to Faiz. "So, she's feeling better, right?" he asked the wolf.

"Hey, you could've just asked me," Solia said, slight anger in her voice which made Quarry laugh because he thought it was more cute than threatening.

"Sorry, I couldn't trust you answer," Quarry replied. "You might still be crazy." He laughed.

"Jerk...," Solia replied.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Lunatio Inn)

Meanwhile, Mika still sleeping peacefully while cuddling Ariadne, seeming she's really tired from all day's work. All her senses, especially hearings are 'turned off' so no sound would able to went through her hearing.


The wolf smiles, looking to sweaty Quarry. "Oh, hello there, Quarry....Based from what you've seen, she looks fine..." A small chuckles let out, trigger a cheerful environment in the infirmary. "...Okay, please calm down, you two..."
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds